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A definition is a statement which explains

what a thing is. It is a statement that
answers the question What is this thing?
In giving the definition of the term, it is
presupposed that the comprehension of the
term is understood, because the definition
is based on its comprehension.
A real definition is one which explains and
reveals the complete nature of a thing or
object. However, this is quite impossible
since, we do not usually have a full grasp of
the nature of things. It therefore explains
the normal acceptance of a simple
description as definition of an object.

The term DEFINITION came from the Latin
to lay down

Thus, etymologically, to define means:

to lay down the markers or limits

Real Definition
Definition is a conceptual manifestation
either of the meaning of the term or of the
formal features of an object.


a. Synonym

b. Etymology

2. Real
a. Essential

b. Descriptive

3. Popular
4. Scientific
5. Medical
6. Lexical

1. Nominal

a. Synonym

A definition that simply explains the

meaning of a term or word.
It may be the root word or an
equivalent term
An equivalent term or word, e.g., joy
means happiness; President means the

b. Etymology The origin or root of the word, e.g.

Biology came from the words bio
meaning life and logos meaning
study, thus biology means study
of life.

2. Real


A definition that explains what

a thing or subject is.
It explains the nature of the
object by giving its essential
features or by simply
describing the object.
Explains the very nature of the
object by giving its proximate
genus and specific difference.
The proximate genus consists
of the essential elements w/c
makes the object or individual
similar to others.
The specific difference is the
distinctive elements w/c
distinguishes it from others.

Explains what a thing or object
Descriptive is by giving the positive but
non-essential features of the
Sometimes it is difficult to give
the essential features of
objects or things, this explains
the general acceptance of a
simple description of its
definition is further subdivided
into three:

Distinctive - w/c explains an object or thing by

giving the set of distinctive characteristics of an
object or external features
Genetic - w/c explains an object by giving its
origin or process of production
Causal - w/c explains a thing or object by giving

3. Popular

A definition that is based on

the common knowledge or
idea of people about a thing or
Example: An airplane is a
flying machine used for

4. Scientific

Definitions that are usually

technical descriptions of the
In the field of of medicine and
physical science, terms and
objects or instruments, body
parts and diseases are given
scientific definitions.


1. The definition must be clearer than the term

that is being defined.
The purpose of the definition is to explain and must,
therefore be easy to understand. It must not contain
terms which will only make it less intelligible.
2. The definition must not contain the term being
The definition must use other terms in defining. It is
supposed to explain a particular term and is not
supposed to use the same term in the explanation.
3. The definition must be convertible with the term
being defined.
The purpose of this rule is to make sure that the
definition is equal in extension with the term being
defined. The definition must not be too narrow nor too
broad. If the term and the definition are equal in
extension, then, they are convertible.

4. The definition must not be negative but positive

The definition
whenever supposed to explain what a term or
object is, and not, what it is not. Only when a tern is
negative should the definition be negative.

EXERCISE: Determine the type of the following

1. The term telephone came from two terms, tele
which means distant or afar and phonere which means
A substance is any being which exists in itself so that
it does not need a subject in which to inhere.
3. A thermometer is an instrument designed to measure
the temperature.
4. Table salt is a chemical compound produced through
the combination of sodium and chlorine.
5. Love in Philosophy is the inclination or movement of
an appetite towards what is apprehended as good for an
6. Justice nature.
is a cardinal virtue which inclines the will to
render unto each person whatever is his due.
7. Man is a talking being.
8. A plant is a non-sensible organism.
9. Maternal means motherly
10. Corazon Aquino is the former President of the
Republic of the Philippines and the widow of the late
former senator Benigno Aquino, Jr.

Determine which rules of definition are violated by the

1. A calculator is an instrument that calculates.
2. An ornament is something not necessary for practical
3. A telescope is an optical instrument which makes far
objects look near.
4. Satisfaction is the state of not having an unfulfilled
5. Confession is the act of confessing to a priest.
6. A law is a legal enactment.
7. A genuine democracy is the opposite of
8. Honesty is the habitual absence of the intent to
A test is what a student answers to test his intellectual
10. Typhoid fever is a bacterial disease marked by fever,
diarrhea, prostration and intestinal inflammation.
11. A movie director is one who directs a movie.
12. Jeopardy means danger.
13. A shoe is a leather covering for the human foot.
14. A communist is a person who does not believe in the
principles of democracy.
15. A liar is a person whose sinuosity of speech is due to
a superficial succedaneum for veracious reality.

5. Confession is the act of confessing to a priest.

6. A law is a legal enactment.
7. A genuine democracy is the opposite of communism.
8. Honesty is the habitual absence of the intent to decieve.
9. A test is what a student answers to test his intellectual capacity.
10. Typhoid fever is a bacterial disease marked by fever, diarrhea,
prostration and intestinal inflammation.
11. A movie director is one who directs a movie.
12. Jeopardy means danger.
13. A shoe is a leather covering for the human foot.
14. A communist is a person who does not believe in the principles of
15. A liar is a person whose sinuosity of speech is due to a superficial
succedaneum for veracious reality.

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