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Weather and Climate


What is weather?
Weather is the state of atmosphere at a particular place
and at a particular time
It means i.e. weather can tell you about the present
condition of your surrounding atmosphere for example it
can tell you about the wind pressure of your surrounding
atmosphere, it can tell you whether your surrounding
atmosphere has a cloud cover or not, whether it is raining
or not, what is the temperature of your atmosphere at
present? Etc.

Weather and climate

Weather reflects short-term conditions of the atmosphere
while climate is the average daily weather for an extended
period of time at a certain location
Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.
Weather is what you see outside on any particular day. So,
for example, it may be 75 degrees and sunny or it could
be 20 degrees with heavy snow. Thats the weather.
Climate is the average of that weather. For example, you
can expect snow in the North in January or for it to be hot
and humid in the Lahore in July. This is climate.

Weather and Climate

Weather and climate also change your lifestyle in one way or another i.e.
the way you wear cloths, the things you eat.
Weather and climate also effect your economic conditions also i.e. with
the increase in temperature of your atmosphere you are forced to use AC
and coolers to cool down your surrounding atmosphere and as with
decrease in temperature of your atmosphere you are forced to use
Change in weather also effect your environmental conditions also i.e.
excessive use of ACs and fridges results in the excessive production of
CFCs, which are harmful for your environment and destroy ozone layer
With cold weather come the use of fossil fuels and heaters which in return
deplete your natural resources of natural gas plus also effect your
environmental conditions.

Composition of the atmosphere

The atmosphere is composed of
A) Gases
i.e. 78% nitrogen
21% oxygen
1% other gases such as CO2
B) Water vapours
C) Dust particles

Atmospheric layers
Earth's atmosphere is divided into four
main layers, the exosphere, the
ionosphere, the stratosphere and the
troposphere. The atmosphere thins out
in each higher layer until the gases
dissipate in space. There is no distinct
boundary between the atmosphere and
The troposphere is the layer closest to
Earth's surface. It is 4 to 12 miles (7 to
20 km) thick and contains half of Earth's
atmosphere. Air is warmer near the
ground and gets colder higher up.
Nearly all of the water vapour and dust
in the atmosphere are in this layer and
that is why clouds are found here.

Atmospheric layers
The stratosphere is the second
layer. It starts above the
troposphere and ends about 31
miles (50 km) above ground.
Ozone is abundant here and it
heats the atmosphere while
also absorbing harmful
radiation from the sun. The air
here is very dry, and it is about
a thousand times thinner here
than it is at sea level. Because
of that, this is where jet aircraft
and weather balloons fly.

Atmospheric layers
The ionosphere is a name
often given to the
combination of the
mesosphere and the
thermosphere. Both these
layers contains chemicals
which absorb energy from
the sun.

Atmospheric layers
The exosphere is the
outermost atmospheric
layer. It has no definite
outer limit, as it merges
with space.
Many satellites orbit the
Earth within the exosphere,
usually at altitudes of from
300 to 600 miles above sea

Elements of weather
Condition of weather depends on certain elements, change
in those elements directly or indirectly affects your
weather, the four main elements which can affects your
weather are:
1) Temperature
2) Air pressure
3) Air density
4) Humidity

Temperature is how hot or cold the atmosphere is, how
many degrees Celsius (centigrade) it is above or below
freezing (0C). Temperature is a very important factor in
determining the weather, because it influences or control
other elements of the weather, such as precipitation,
humidity, clouds and atmospheric pressure.
Temperature is further affected by the solar radiation
reaching the earth.

How temperature influence or control

other elements of weather?
We already studied that troposphere has the highest
quantity of air particles i.e. 50%, now these particles are
very close to each other as earth is pulling them towards
Keep that in mind gas particles are always in motion and
keep on bumping on each other, why they are always in
motion because they have heat energy stored in them so
because of that energy they move from here to there.

How temperature influence or

control other elements of weather?
Now when temperature increases or decreases the motion
of these particles are also affected.
For an instant when temperature is increases i.e. heat
energy is provided to an area by the sun, these particles
will absorb that heat energy resulting in the speed of their
motion is increased. That further results in the more
forceful and more regular bumping of particles into each
other and because of this more forceful bumping distance
between particles is increased.
Now what is density?
Mass per unit volume or how tightly a matter is crammed

How temperature influence or

control other elements of weather?
So if air particles are tightly packed you can say the density
of air in this area is high and if they are loosely pack you
can say density of air in this area is low.

How temperature influence or

control other elements of weather?
So now because of increase in temperature which resulted
in the increased bumping and increased distance between
particles you can say air density of an area is decreased
with increase in temperature.
What is pressure?
Force exerted by gas over a given area i.e.

How temperature influence or

control other elements of weather?
So you can say more air particles in a given area will result in
high pressure and less air particles in given area result in low
And you can also say air density is directly proportional to air
pressure i.e. with increase in air density you will see an
obvious increase in air pressure too.
So now again because of high temperature which leads to
increase in bumping of air particles, distance between
particles is increased which result in prominent decrease in
the air density, now by decrease in the air density there are
less particles to exert force on a given area which eventually
results in the decrease of air pressure too.

How temperature influence or

control other elements of weather?
So here we studied that how increase in temperature
affected or controlled air density and air pressure.
And you can also say air density and air pressure are
directly proportional it means when there is an increase in
air pressure there will be increase in air density.
And you can also say air pressure and air density are
inversely proportional to air temperature it means increase
in temperature will result in decrease in air density and air

Temperature is further dependant on following factors
A) Latitude: higher the latitude lower the temperature.
B) Altitude: higher the altitude lower the temperature
C) Distance from sea: Near sea or ocean temperature
always remain moderate as there is always cool breeze
from ocean to cool down the hot air of the coastal region
D) Cloud cover: More cloud leads to less sunlight which
results in less heat energy from sun so low temperature.

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