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By Anita Gatto

Nelson Mandela was born July 18th 1918 in South Africa

and died December 5th 2013 in South Africa.

Life of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela helped bring an end to apartheid and has

contributed to the advocate for human rights. Mandela

was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed
resistance against the white minority in a divided South
Africa. His actions brought him to prison, making him
famously known for his antiapartheid movement. After
being released he became the first black president in
South Africa.

Challenges he faced
Nelson Mandela's whole life was an occurrence of a

series of challenges, he was faced with challenges such

as being put into prison for almost 27 years. Although, the
main challenge was trying to gain equal rights for all
people in South Africa, this was his toughest challenge of

How he challenged authority

Nelson Mandela challenged authority by sticking up for

what he believed in which was equal human rights in

South Africa. He was not discouraged, especially after
being put in jail, he was instead inspired to do better and
do whatever it took to gain these rights for South Africa,
so they could build a stronger economy and community.

Consequences of challenging authority

The main consequence of challenging his authority was

mainly being put into jail for 27 years. This was for his
opposition to apartheid.

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