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Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Chapter 6:
Internal Recruitment

Staffing Organizations Model

Goals and Objectives

Organization Strategy

HR and
and Staffing
Staffing Strategy

Staffing Policies and Programs

Support Activities
Core Staffing Activities
Legal compliance

Recruitment: External, intern



Job analysis


Measurement, external, internal

Decision making, final match

Staffing System and Retention Management



Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Objectives of Internal Recruitment

The objective of internal recruitment

process is to identify and attract
applicants from among individuals
already holding jobs in the organization.
Mostly, internal recruitment occurs as a
result of promotion exercise.
A talent pool is a database specifically for
searching within the organization for
talent to fill up higher posts within the

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Mobility Path
A mobility path consists of
possible employee movement
within the internal labor market
structure. There are two types of
mobility path:

Hierarchal Mobility Path

Alternative Mobility Path

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HUMB 313

Hierarchal Mobility Path

Examples of this path is shown in figure

6.1. As shown, the emphasis is primarily
on upward mobility in the organization
or better known as career path or
promotion ladder.
The result of this career upgrading will
be higher salaries and benefits as well
as authority levels increased.
The source would be employees from
one grade below the vacancies.

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Hierarchical Mobility Paths

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Alternative Mobility Path

Examples are as shown in exhibit 6.2. The

emphasis here is no longer upward mobility,
instead movement in the organization
maybe in any direction.

Focus more on employees learning

capabilities. There are mainly two reasons
for this:


There is a need to be flexible given global

environment nowadays
Slower organizational growth has made it
necessary to find alternative ways to utilize
employees talents.


Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Alternative Mobility Path

There are three types of alternative mobility


Parallel track: Allow employees to specialize

in technical work or management work.
Lattice Track: it has upward, lateral and
downward movement. Example: In a
university setting, the Dean and all the
academic posts are rotational. One moment
the dean, the next moment just normal
lecturer when somebody else assumes the
job of the dean.
Lateral Track: There is no upward
movement. Example HR executive may be
required to be transferred between all the
departments within the HR department.

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HUMB 313

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage is that employees

learn new knowledge as well as acquire
new skills when are moved as per
alternative mobility path.
The main disadvantage is that this
mobility is very hard to administer. In
terms of basic package of remunerations.
The issue is whether to remain or change
the existing remunerations.

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Alternative Mobility Paths

Characteristics of a Mobility Path Policy

Mobility plans show the relationship among jobs but they do not
show the rules by which people move between jobs. Therefore
specific criteria must be in a form of written policy so that
employees understand the eligibility to get this nobilities within
the organization.
A well defined mobility path policy statement is needed for both
types and should have these characteristics:

Intent of policy is clearly communicated

Policy is consistent with philosophy and values of top
Scope of policy is clearly articulated
Employees responsibilities and opportunities for development
are clearly defined
Supervisors responsibilities for employee development are
clearly stated
Procedures are clearly described
Rules regarding compensation and advancement are included
Rules regarding benefits and benefit changes
are included
Selection: HUMB 313

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Eligibility Criteria

An important component of an effective

mobility policy is a listing of the criteria by
which the organization will decide who is
eligible to be considered for an open vacancy
in a mobility path.
Criteria are mostly based on KSAO for that
Another criteria would be based on
experience as well
Seniority is also a consideration in eligibility.

Strategy Development: Closed Recruitment

Definition: Employees are

not informed of job

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Strategy Development: Open Recruitment

Employees are made aware of job vacancies Job posting and
bidding system
Recruitment &
Selection: HUMB 313

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Strategy Development: Open


Jobs are posted, and the HR department
conducts a search outside the job posting
Both systems are used to cast as wide a
net as possible
Thorough search is conducted
People have equal opportunity to apply for
Hidden talent is uncovered
Very time-consuming and costly process

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HUMB 313

Criteria for Choice of System

A closed system is the least expensive, but may lead to high

legal costs if minorities and women do not have equal access to
Managers want a person to start work immediately when they
have a vacancy; a closed system offers the quickest response
An open system is more likely than a closed system to identify
more candidates, and hidden talent is likely to be overlooked
Some openings may require a narrow and specialized KSAO set
A closed system may be able to identify these people quickly
An open system may be cumbersome
An open system may motivate migration of employees from
critical and difficult to fill jobs
Whatever system is specified in a labor contract must be followed
since a contract is a legally binding agreement
An open system enhances perceptions of fairness

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Strategy Development: Recruitment Sources

Job posting
Talent management system
In-house temporary pools
Replacement and succession plans
Career development centers

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313

Talent Management System

Comprehensive method for monitoring and tracking

employee skills and abilities
Identify the KSAOs required for all jobs
The complete set of KSAOs is compiled into a master
The current workforce will need to be assessed for its
competence in this set of KSAOs
When positions come open, managers make a query
to the talent management system to determine which
employees are ready to come into open positions.

Often coupled with specific human resources information

systems (HRIS) to facilitate tracking KSAOs in the

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HUMB 313

Metrics for Evaluating Recruiting


Impact on HR Outcomes
Employee satisfaction
Job performance

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HUMB 313

Ethical Issues

Issue 1
Lets say a company called MDN Inc. is
considering two employees for the job of
senior manager. An internal candidate, Julie,
has been with MDN for 12 years and received
very good performance evaluations. The
other candidate, Raoul, works for a
competitor, and has valuable experience in
the product market into which MDN wishes to
expand. Do you think MDN has an obligation
to hire Julie? Why or why not?
Issue 2
Do organizations have an ethical obligation to
have a succession plan in place? If no, why
not? If so, what is the ethical obligation and to
whom is it owed?

Recruitment & Selection:

HUMB 313


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