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Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Topic 7: External Selection 1

Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss Selection
2. Explain the concepts of
3. Develop Selection Plan (IAM)

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

External Selection I

Normally, selection is associated

with interview.
However in todays recruitment
process selection is more than just
interviewing candidates.
The principles is go get the best
knowledge of the abilities possess
by the candidates.
Therefore there are other issues
needed to be sorted out first before
the interview takes place

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

The Logic of Prediction

A persons knowledge, skills,

abilities and other characteristics
are the product of past
These experiences is then used as
the predictor of the persons
adaptability to the new job.
The main issue is what past
experience could be used as a
good predictor of adaptability?
What are experiences needed for
e.g. a policemens job?

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

The Nature of Predictors

Different types of predictor can be

used in external selection such as
interviews and screening.
To choose which to use is the issue.
Therefore all the external selection
must be carefully chosen based on
the content.
What the HR executive seek to
know from the candidate will
determine which predictor to use.

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313


Behavior Use Interview

Intelligence Use test
Knowledge Based on qualification
and interview of knowledge
Skills - used practical testing.

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Development of Selection Plan

To translate the results of a job

analysis into actual predictors to be
used for selection, a selection plan
must be develop.
A selection plan will describe which
recommended format for a

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Steps in developing selection plan




KSAO are written in the left hand

column (the list of KSAO are
obtained from JRM)
For each KSAO, a yes or no is
written to show whether this
KSAO needs to be assessed in
the selection process.
Possible method of assessment
are listed for the required KSAO
Specific Method is the chosen.

Refer to exhibit 8.2 pp 375

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Initial Assessment Methods

IAM also referred to as pre-employment
inquiries are used to minimize the costs
associated with substantive assessment
methods by reducing the number of people

Predictors used includes;

1. Application Forms
2. Biographical Information
3. Reference Report
4. Resumes
5. Cover Letter

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Resumes and Cover Letters

Information provided is controlled

by applicant
Information needs to be verified
by other predictors to ensure
accuracy and completeness
Major issues
Large number received by
Falsification and
misrepresentation of

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Genetic screening

Done to screen out people who are

susceptible to certain diseases
(e.g., sickle cell anemia) due to
exposure to toxic substances at
Genetic screening is not
widespread, companies such as Du
Pont and Dow Chemical
experimented with it to protect
their employees

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Initial Interview

Begins process of necessary
differentiation between
Purpose -- Screen out most
obvious cases of person / job
Limitation -- Most expensive
of initial assessment
Video and computer interviews
Offers cost savings

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313

Evaluation of Initial Interview

Minimal evidence exists regarding

Guidelines to enhance usefulness
Ask questions assessing most
basic KSAOs
Stick to basic, fundamental
questions suitable for making
rough cuts rather than
subjective questions
Keep interviews brief
Ask same questions of all

Recruitment & Selection: HUMB 313


1. Think of one particular job

2. Discuss the Job Specification & Job
description as well as the work
3. Discuss and decide on what
predictors are appropriate during
4. Develop a selection plan for that
particular job.
5. You can use the template provided
Time allocated: 1 Hour

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