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Asset Impairment

Feature in 8.9


Terminologies For Asset Impairment

Rule for Impairment Loss
Rule for Impairment Reversal
CGU definition
On-Line Impairment
CGU Impairment (Batch Process)
On-Line Report
Crystal Report

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Terminologies For Asset Impairment

An asset is impaired when its carrying amount

exceeds its recoverable amount.
Net Selling Price (NSP): The amount obtainable from the sale of an asset in
a bargained transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties less the
costs of disposal.
Value in use (VIU): Is the present value of estimated future cash flows
expected to arise from the continuing use of an asset, and from its disposal
at the end of its useful life
Recoverable amount: Is the higher value of an asset's Net Selling Price and
its Value In Use.
Allocated Impairment Loss = NBV Recoverable cost
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Terminologies For Asset Impairment (Continue)

Cash Generating Units (CGU)

If an organization cannot determine
recoverable value for an individual asset, it
must identify the lowest aggregation of assets
that generate largely independent cash flows.
These aggregations of assets are called Cash
Generating Units.

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Rule for Impairment Loss

If Revaluation NBV for each asset >= Allocated Impair Loss for each asset Then
Revaluation Reversal for each asset = Allocated Impair Loss for each asset;
Impairment Loss for each asset = 0;

Revaluation Reversal for each asset

= Revaluation NBV for each asset;

Impairment Loss for each asset =

Allocated Impair Loss for each asset - Revaluation NBV for each asset;

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Rule for Impairment Reversal

If |Prior Impair Loss| >= |Allocated Impair Loss for each asset| Then
Impairment Loss (I) for Asset = Allocated Impair Loss for each asset;
Impairment Reversal (X) For Asset = 0;
Impairment Loss (I) for Asset = Allocated Impair Loss for each asset;
Impairment Reversal (X) For Asset =
Allocated Impair Loss for each asset - Impairment Loss (I) for Asset;
/* Revalue Reversal for each asset should reverse only prior Impairment Carrying Cost
(NBV). It should also reverse any revaluation reversals associated with the original
If | Impairment Reversal (X) For Asset | > | Prior Reval Reversal for asset | Then
Impairment Reversal (X) For Asset = Prior Reval Reversal for asset;

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Impair Process Flag Setup

Installation Level

Impairment Process & Copy Zero impairment Rows are new for impairment.

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Setup (Cont)

Impairment Process and Copy Zero impairment

Rows flags will be used in Asset Impairment.
When Impairment Process is turned on in installation
level, the same field will be shown on in Business Unit
definition page, Profile page, Asseand other pages.
When Copy Zero impairment Rows is turned on, after
asset impairment is done for the specified book, zero
impairment will automatically copy to other book to
keep book in sync.
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Setup (Cont)
Define Cost Types
Two new cost types will be introduced for Asset Impairment. One is for
Impairment Loss, and another is for Impairment Reversal. You can pick any
letter, which make sense to you, as you new cost type. In the demo, I is
chosen for Impairment Loss and X is chosen for Revaluation

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Setup (Cont)
Create new Accounting Template ID

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Setup (Cont)

Define Accounting Entry Templates for new cost types.

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Setup (Cont)
Business Unit Level

Cost Type For Impairment Loss must be selected if either Impairment

Process or Impairment Reversal is checked.
Cost Type For Reval Reversal must be selected if Account Entry Template ID
has Revaluation_SW turned on.
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Setup (Cont)
Profile Level Create a new profile

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Setup (Cont)
Auto Run AMIF1000 Flag Setup
The flag Run Transaction Loader Automatically indicates if the transaction
loader AMIF1000 should be automatically invoked after an impairment loss
process or an impairment reversal process is done.

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CGU Definition

Pick Range of Values

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CGU Definition (Cont)

Pick Select Detail Values

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CGU Definition (Cont)

Check Impair All Assets In This CGU

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Create Assets for Demo

Created 4 assets:
BU = IMP01, Profile = IMPAIR, Cost = 20,000,
Impair_Flag = Y
BU = IMP01, Profile = IMPAIR, Cost = 10,000,
Impair_Flag = Y, DeptID = 10000
BU = IMP01, Profile = IMPAIR, Cost = 25,000,
Impair_Flag = Y, DeptID = 12000
BU = IMP01, Profile = IMPAIR, Cost = 50,000,
Impair_Flag = N, DeptID = 13000
They will be used through the demo.
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On-Line Impairment Worksheet

Impairment Reversal CheckBox showing or not depends on the same flag defined
on BU level.
New Search will cleared out all fields.
Click Retrieve, will bring impairment applied search result;
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On-Line Impairment Worksheet (Cont)

Retrieve Assets For Impairment
All selected assets for impairment must have status complete for both
depreciation and depreciation reporting.

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On-Line Impairment Worksheet (Cont)

Get search results: IMP_01, IMP_02, and IMP_03 all have
IMPAIR_FLG = Y, they are all selected.

Look at IMP_01, NSP = 20158.50, VIU = 17667;

Recoverable = Max(NSP, VIU) = 20158.50;
Total Impairment Loss = NBV Recoverable
= 22650 20158.50= 2491.50;
Since Revaluation (2950) > Total Impairment Loss (2491.50)
So Revaluation Reversal = -(Total Impairment Loss) = - 2491.50;
Impairment Loss = 0
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On-Line Impairment Worksheet (Cont)

Look at IMP_02, NSP = 8781.34, VIU = 7696;
Recoverable = Max(NSP, VIU) = 8781.34;
Total Impairment Loss = NBV Recoverable
= 9866.67 8781.34 = 1085.33;
Since Revaluation (0) < Total Impairment Loss (1085.33)
So Revaluation Reversal = Revaluation = 0;
Impairment Loss = Total Impairment Loss - Revaluation Reversal
= 1085.33 0 = 1085.33

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On-Line Impairment Worksheet (Cont)

Save Impaired Assets
Select Assets to save their impaired data by checking CheckBox in Mark
column or clicking Select All button.

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On-Line Impairment Worksheet (Cont)

Click Mark to Impair button
Click Save, Asset Impairment data with status Impair will be saved
into PS_INTFC_FIN table, and impairment audit tables.

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On-Line Impairment Worksheet (Cont)

Impair BU = Imp01, Book = Corp, CGUID = USCGU_03, Imp_01 isnt
selected because it doesnt belong to USCGU_03; Imp_04 is selected
even though its impair flag is turned off because Impair All Falg is
turned on in this CGU.

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CGU Impairment (Batch Process)

CGU Impairment (Batch Process)
Impairment Loss

Enter search criteria and impairment information;

Click Calculate button to compute Net Book Value;
Click Calculate Impairment Loss button to compute Total Impairment Loss.

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CGU Impairment (Batch Process) (Cont)

Click Run;
The batch process will allocate CGU impairment data into each assets, and
store them into PS_INTFC_FIN table. If the Auto Run AMIF1000 is flag
turned on, batch process AMIF1000 will invoke automatically, and store
AM data into AM tables.

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On-Line Report For Impairment Values

If Impairment Process is checked, it only report Impairment
Loss and impairment reversal.

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On-Line Report For Impairment Values (Cont)

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Crystal Reports For Imapirment Values

There are two report process available, one groups by Category,
and another groups by CGU_ID.
Here shows a report group by Category.

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Crystal Reports For Imapirment Values(Cont)

Crystal Reports For Impairment Values

The report data are picked from Impairment Audit tables.

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