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Bill Receivables

There are four methods in Oracle Receivables for exchanging

transactions for bills receivable:
Manually, using the Bills Receivable window and the Assignments
Directly, by exchanging a transaction in the Transactions window
for a bill receivable.
Automatically, by creating a bills receivable batch using the Bills
Receivable Transaction Batches window.
Automatically, by submitting the Bills Receivable Batch Creation
concurrent program in the Submit Request window.

Bills Receivable Accounting

The transaction is reduced by the exchanged amount. Accounting for the bill
receivable occurs
Dr: Bill Receivable
Cr: Receivable

Manually Creating a Bill Receivable

You can designate a maximum amount for the bill
The values for the Signed and Issued by Drawee boxes are derived
from the bills receivable transaction and are displayed for reference
Acceptance Date and Acceptance GL Date => bill accepted
Remittance Date and Remittance Batch => bill remitted
After you enter general information => Enter drawee and remittance
bank => Assign transactions to the bill => complete bill => accept

Create a new bill receivable manually


Navigate to the Bills Receivable window

2. Enter or update the bills receivable transaction Type

3. Transaction Number
4. Bill receivable Maturity Date

Currency for the bill.

6. Maximum amount
7. Issue date
8. GL date
9. Number sequence (enter or Receivable assign)
10. Open the Main tabbed region => enter drawee informations
11. Select a legal entity
12. Open the More tabbed region=> enter internal comment (not appear in print
13. Special Instruction => appear in print bill => enter reference informations

Entering Bills Receivable Bank Account Information

Use the Bank Accounts tabbed region => enter drawee and
remitted bank informations
The drawee bank defaults from the drawee's primary bank
account for the bill receivable currency, if a primary bank
account is defined that is in the currency of the bill

Manually Assigning Transactions to a Bill Receivable

Use the Assignments window
You can assign and unassign transactions to a bill until the
bill is completed or, for bills that require acceptance, until
the bill is accepted. (all class transaction except guarantees).
You can only assign transactions that have the same currency
as the bill receivable. Transactions assigned to the bill must
share the same functional exchange rate

Using Selection Criteria to Assign Transactions to a Bill

Use the Quick Assign
Inquery Bill => Quick assign button => create Criteria (customer,
To automatically assign all transactions that match your selection
criteria, choose the Assign button. To review the results of your selection
criteria before assignment, choose the Preview button
Can uncheck transaction or can assign amount of transaction

Batching Transactions Using the Bills Receivable Batch

Creation Concurrent Program
Create batch => run request
Batch Statuses
Creation Started: The Bills Receivable Batch Creation
concurrent program is running.
Creation Completed: The batch was successfully submitted and
the Automatic Transactions Batch report was printed.
Draft: Only the Automatic Transactions Batch report was printed.
You can query Draft batches to modify selection criteria, submit the
batch, or delete the batch

Exchanging a Transaction for a Bill

Move transaction (completed) to BR (action =>

Exchanging a Bill Receivable for a

New Bill Receivable
Use Tools menu of the Bills Receivable or Bills
Receivable Portfolio Management (Bill Receivable must
unpaid and exchange full amount)

Completing a Bill Receivable

Use the Complete Bill button
You can return a completed bill receivable to the status
Incomplete by using the Incomplete Bill button.

Accepting a Bill Receivable

Use the Acceptance windown
Accept => status: pending remtittance

Remittance Bill

Bill receivable status



Pending Acceptance

The bill was completed, but requires

acceptance by the customer drawee.

Pending Remittance

The bill was completed, and, if necessary,

accepted, and is ready for remittance.


The bill was remitted to the bank for collection

on the maturity date.


The bill was remitted to the bank for collection

and an advance given for the bill amount.

Matured Pending Risk Elimination

A bill factored with recourse has reached the

maturity date but is still open to risk of default.


Payment for the bill was not received on the

maturity date.


The customer drawee protests a bill in the

status Unpaid.


The bill is canceled and the open debits

returned to the original transactions.


A standard bill was paid, or a factored bill had

its risk eliminated.

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Factored Bills Receivable with

When you Factor a bill receivable with recourse, Receivables
creates this journal entry:
DR Factored Bills Receivable
CR Bills Receivable
DR Remittance
CR Short Term Debt
When you Clear the receipt, Receivables creates this journal
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance
DR Short Term Debt
CR Factored Bills Receivable

Factored Bills Receivable without

When you Factor a bill receivable without recourse, Receivables
creates this journal entry:
DR Remittance
CR Bills Receivable
When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates this journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance

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Bills Receivable Maturity and Risk


BR report

Billing History Report

Bills Receivable By Status Report
Bills Receivable Format Report Program
Bills Receivable Reminder Letters
Bills Receivable Remittance Batch Management Report
Bills Receivable Summary Report

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