Pre Colonialism

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The Americas Pre-1491

- The first migrants to the Americas arrived over the land bridge which
existed in the Bering Strait, between modern day Russia and Alaska.
- As the Earth moved out of the Ice Age, glacial melting covered the land
- A second and third wave of immigrants arrived by approx. 5000
years ago.
- After this wave of migration North America was largely cut off for
over three hundred generations.

- Large empires sprung up in Central and South America

- The Aztecs controlled a powerful and wealthy empire stretching
across most of Central America.
- Their power was sustained by fertile agriculture and gold mining.
Both were found in abundance in modern day Mexico.
- The Inca Empire stretched over most of South America with their power
base in Cuzco, nestled high in the Andes mountains.

- What do you notice first about this image?

- Does this image challenge any preconceived notions about natives?

Key Points

Natives were numerous and had a variety of distinct cultures that varied
depending on their geographic location.
South and Central America contained advanced societies with large cities.
North America contained widely scattered small tribes who developed
distinct culture.

Key Points 2
- Ultimately native societies will be seceptible
to European subjugations for many reasons.
Most notably:
- A lack of resistance to European disease.
- A lack of a cohesive society that could resist
European technological advantages.
- A belief that Europeans could be appeased.

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