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What is Four Point Probing

How the system works

Pro 4 Set Up
Simple Calculations behind Four Point
Procedure for using Pro4

Four Point Probing is a method for

measuring the resistivity of a

Impurity concentrations can be

estimated from the resistivity

Bulk or volume
resistivity is
measured in ohmscm
Independent of
sample size or

Sheet resistance is
measured in ohmsper-square

Used for measuring

resistivity of thin

The 4 point probing setup consists of 3 key


Pro-4 probing station from LUCAS


LABS with 4 point probe head

KEITHLEY 2400 power/source


Computer with Pro4 software and


The 4 point probing setup can measure resistivity or the

thickness of a film. But, either one has to be known.


Contact Lever
Probe head electrical

Probe Head
Mounting Chuck
(Aluminum base
with Teflon surface

Current is passed through

the two outer probes

Voltage is measured
between the two inner

Resistance is measured
using ohms law

The thickness of the film

must be known

If the spacing between the probe

points is constant, and the conducting
film thickness is less than 40%, and
the edges of the film are more than 4
times the spacing distance from the
measurement point, the average
resistance of the substance is given

Rs= k x V/I

For bulk resistivity, the sample is

much larger than the spacing of the
probes, the sheet resistance is defined
as the resistance equal to the bulk
resistivity divided by the sample
thickness. The equation is given by

Rs= P/t

Rs = Resistivity of
the substance
K = constant for the
average resistivity
that is equal to 4.53
P = Resistance
t = thickness of the

The Pro-4 can be used to measure resistivity or the

thickness. But, either one has to be known.

The # of points to be tested and the shape of the

sample can be selected.

A single point or multiple points on the sample can

be tested to obtain the average resistivity


Click on the Auto Test tab for multiple

measurements or Single Test tab for
a single reading.


Select size and shape of the sample

using the tabs at the bottom of the
page. Type in the required information.


Place the sample on the mounting

table and then move the sample to
position it at the required location


Turn down the lever so that all the

needles on the probe head are in
contact with the wafer.

After the measurement is

completed, the resistivity at
each location will be
displayed on the left hand
side of the screen.

When all the points are

tested, the data can be
saved and read using excel

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