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The Eastern Hemisphere


Identify the characteristics of the Eastern Hemisphere as geography, climate, and the
places that are part of it to analyze different important aspects of the world.

Learning Objective: Recognizes vocabulary related to the Eastern Hemisphere and the main
characteristics of the places found there.

Biblical Principle: God created the beauties we see today.

Psalms 24:1-2
The earth and everything on it belong to the LORD.
The world and all its people belong to him.
He built the earth on the water.
He built it over the rivers.

Important facts...
The equator is an imaginary line drawn on maps and globes. The equator runs
east to west, it divides the world into two hemispheres:
- The Northern Hemisphere - it is the half that is north of the equator.
- The Southern Hemisphere - it is the half south of the equator.
The prime meridian also divides the world into two hemispheres:
- The Eastern Hemisphere - it is half of the world east of the prime meridian.
- The Western Hemisphere is the half of the world west of the prime

Western Hemisphere - Eastern Hemisphere

Latitude and Longitude

Parallels--- lines of latitude --- run east and west
Meridians --- lines of longitude --- run north and south.
When parallels and meridians are drawn on the map or globe, they form a grid.
A grid is a pattern that looks like a net.
You can find any place if you know its parallel and its meridian. The parallel is
always named first.
Let's practice

Europe is one of the smallest continents in the world. (Only Australia is
Europe has more people than any other continent except Asia.
It has some of the best farmland in the world.
The most famous mountains in Europe are the Alps, they are known for
their snowy beauty. Many rivers in Europe begin in the Alps.
Europe rivers are major routes of transportation.
The ocean is another major route of transportation for the nations of
Europe is a peninsula, which means it is surrounded on three sides by

The Atlantic Ocean has a great effect on Europes climate. Many places in
northern Europe are mild, even though they are far north. This is because
they are kept warm by breezes from a mild ocean current called the Gulf
Stream. Currents are like rivers that flow through oceans. The Gulf Stream
is a warm current because it starts at the equator.


It is the largest country in the world. It stretches across Europe and Asia.
The capital and the largest city of Russia is Moscow.
Part of Russia is called European Russia, and part is called Asian Russia.
There are no rivers that connect European Russia and Asian Russia. So
railroads became a popular form of transportation. Today, you can take a
trip by train across Russia.
The Ural Mountains divide Europe from Asia.
The landscape and climate of Russia change across the country. In
russias far north, where it is bitterly cold, only tiny plants can grow. This
area is called the tundra.
Russia has the worlds largest area of forest.

South Asia

It is a term used to represent the southern region of the Asian continent,

which comprises the sub Himalayan countries, and adjoining countries to
the west and east.
One of South Asias largest mountain ranges is called the Himalayas.
These mountains rise along Chinas southwest border with India, Nepal,
and Bhutan.
The highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, is part of the
Farther south is a great peninsula that makes up the country of India. Much
of this peninsula is covered with short grasses.
The climate of South Asia changes with the seasons. These changes are
very important for the farmers.

The climate depends on special winds that are called monsoons. These
winds blow from different directions at different times of the year.


The Nile River valley is part of North Africa.

Every continent except Europe has deserts. However, North Africa is
unusual because so much of it is covered by desert. The largest desert in
the world is found in North Africa. It is called the Sahara.
A desert is a place that has very little rainfall and the soil is very dry.

The climate of North Africa is one of the hottest and driest in the world.
Very few animals and plants can live there because the soil is dry.
Much of the Sahara is covered by sand dunes, which are hills of sand. But
other parts are made up of rocky plateaus.

Indicador 2
Distinguish important facts of the Soviet Union
and Europe to understand how Soviet power

People in the Eastern Hemisphere

On May 1945, in the city of San Francisco, California, a group of diplomats
from 50 nations made a plan for a new world group: the United Nations.
* A diplomat is a person who works to handle business between his or her
nation and other nations.*
World War II had ended in Europe in May. The leaders of many nations wanted
to find a way to stop future wars. They thought that if the nations of the world
could talk and work together, peace might be possible.

The spread of Communism

At the end of the World War II, the Soviet Union was the
strongest nation in Europe. Joseph Stalin was the Soviet
leader. He wanted to spread communism.
*Communism is a form of government in wich everything
is owned by the government. The people can not choose
their leaders*.

Before the United Nations meeting in San

Francisco, Stalin agreed to let the people of
Eastern Europe choose their leaders.
However, Stalin did not keep the agreement.
He wanted the Eastern European nations to
become communist.

By 1947, U.S. President Harry Truman said the

United States would help the nations of the
Western Europe to stopped the Soviets.

The Cold War

A cold war is not a war that people fight with weapon. The
nations involved in a cold war do not trust each other.
After Germany lost the World War II,
the United States, France, Great Britain, and the Soviet
Union divided Germany into four zones.
The United States, France, and Great Britain decided
to rejoin their three zones into one country West
Germany Democracy

The Soviet Union formed a separate country with its part of

Germany East Germany Communist government
The city of Berlin was in East Germany it was split into two
halves one half Communist , other half was a Western
People were crossing from East Berlin to West Berlin to escape
communism the East German government built a wall dividing
East and West to stop this Any person trying to cross the Berlin
Wall was shot by guards.

Protesting Communism
Throughout the 1940s and 1950s the nations of East Europe
remained poor when people protested against communism, they
were put in jail.
In 1956, people in Hungary protested for more freedom Soviet
tanks moved to stop it.
In 1968 people in Czechoslovakia wanted to change their
government Once again the Soviets moved in and stayed in
In 1981 Polands workers formed a union called Solidarity. A union
is a group of workers who get together for a special reason. They
wanted higher pay and free elections in Poland.

A man named Lech Walesa was the leader of Solidarity he led

the workers of the city on a strike. In a strike, people refuse to
work until they get what they want In 1989, Poland had a new
government. The communists were no longer in control.
In 1989, parts of the Berlin Wall were taken down, communism had
ended in East Europe the Cold War was almost over.

The fall of Communism

Why, after 40 years, did the Soviet Union suddenly allow
noncommunist governments in Eastern Europe?
Many people think Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was
When Gorbachev became the Soviet leader in 1985, the
Soviet Union faced many problems:
The economy was in trouble.
People wanted more freedom.

He thought that the Cold War was one of the biggest

problems. The Soviet Union spent huge amounts of money
on soldiers and weapons and the people were poor.
So he decided to spend less money on weapons. At the
same time he announced a new plan called glasnost.
Glasnost means openness or more freedom.
But by 1992, people voted Gorbachev and the communists
out of power. The Cold War was over.

Russia today
Following the fall of communism Russia had many
Boris Yeltsin replaced Gorbachev and became the
president of Russia.
Instead of just one political party (the Communist Party),
there were many political parties.
The Russian government sold government-owned
businesses to private citizen. The Russian government
hoped that these changes would help the Russian
economy get stronger.

At the end of 1999, Boris Yeltsin resigned. Vladimir

Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000.
Russian economy began to recover.

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