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Lesson 5

Sarah Nasution, S.S.,M.Hum

Text 1
Try to find out the nouns in this text!
The outlook of the environment is bleak, but we must not give up. We
must broaden the target of environmental issues into our daily
conversation, just like economical or political issues.
We should start with education. Ecology must be taught and practiced
from elementary school. Religious preachers must also include
environmental messages as part of their religious teaching. Finally,
environmental laws must be strictly enforced.
We have only one earth to live on. It provides us with natural resources
we need to survive. But its capacity to supply resources is not without
The environmental disasters we experience every year indicate that we
have exceeded the capacity of the earth. Unless we take care of our
environment our future will be in jeopardy.
lets make a resolution to do our best to help save our planet. Just
follow the simple principles: reduce, reuse, and recycle. It has little if we
do it alone, so ask your friends to do the same. Together we can save
the earth.

Text 2
Try to find out the pronouns in this text!
Dec. 14, Online
There are many ways to elevate the value of human resources in Indonesia
here are some ideas.
English should be the instruction language in the best universities in
Indonesia. I met some Indonesian professors of medicine who have very poor
English skills where do they get their updated medical knowledge from?
High school students should have a TOEFL- level English exam to pass their
matriculation tests and to be accepted by any government sponsored
Indonesia should grant a free KITAS and other benefits for any qualified
English teacher around the world, if he/she has an employer in Indonesia.
Currently, one has to pay around Rp. 1.000.000 per month just for the visa.
Indonesia should encourage its skilled citizen who are currently living in
advanced countries to come back to Indonesia. One of the steps should be
the recognition of dual citizenship.
The current policy almost forces any skilled Indonesia who lives abroad to
abandon his/her homeland citizenship. Many Asian nations get their push in
modernization by returned skilled citizens. This will never happen in Indonesia
as long as dual citizenship is not recognized here.

Text 3
Try to find out the verbs in this text!
Weather is the physical condition of the
atmosphere at a particular time. It includes
temperature and water content.
Weather is produced when air moves from place to
place. This moving air is known as wind. Winds are
formed when the cooler air moves in to replace the
rising warm air. Warm air is usually less dense than
cool air; therefore, it creates low air pressure. Cool
air is more dense and creates high air pressure.
Usually we have fine weather when the air
pressure is high and there are clouds, rain, and
snow when the air pressure drops.

Text 4
Try to find out the adjectives in this text!
Do you want to buy a mobile phone? Dont be hasty.
There are many things to consider. Be reasonable
before making decision.
First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of
the equipment. The question might be, do I want it for
prestige or its usefulness?
Then you should make a choice be the type of the
mobile phone. There are various choices in the market,
so you should decide the one that meets your needs
and whether you can afford it or not.
The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high
operational costs. You have to pay for a mobile phone
compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore you should
only use the mobile phone only for important talks.

Group Tasks
Please analyze the text belongs to parts of
speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective)!
1st Group : physics text
2nd Group : sport text
3rd Group : art text
4th Group : political text
5th Group : Economic text
6th Group : invitation text
7th Group : speech text
8th Group : short story text

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