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Probe Type
ER probe
Sand probe

(ER) Introduction
The electrical resistance (ER) technique is an on-line method of monitoring the rate of
corrosion and the extent of total metal loss for any metallic equipment or structure.
The ER technique measures the effects of both the electrochemical and the mechanical
components of corrosion such as erosion or cavitation.
Although universally applicable, the ER method is uniquely suited to corrosive
environments having either poor or non-continuous electrolytes such as vapors, gases,
soils, wet hydro-carbons, and nonaqueous liquids.
Examples of situations where the ER approach is useful are:
Oil/gas production and transmission systems
Refinery/petrochemical process streams
External surfaces of buried pipelines
Feedwater systems
Flue gas stacks
Architectural structures

ER: The Ratiometric Principle



The ratio of sample & reference elements resistance is a measure of the

corrosion affecting the exposed sample element by a reduction in its
surface area and therefore increase in its resistance.
The ratio Rs/Rr is converted to metal loss in the measuring instrument. The
slope of the metal loss curve is the corrosion rate

Principles of Operation
The electrical resistance of a
metal or alloy element is given
L = Element length
A = Cross sectional area
r = Specific resistance

Reduction (metal loss) in the

elements cross section due to
corrosion will be accompanied by a
proportionate increase in the
elements electrical resistance.



Principles of Operation
Practical measurement is achieved using ER probes equipped with an element
that is freely
exposed to the corrosive fluid, and a reference element sealed within the
probe body. Measurement of the resistance ratio of the exposed to reference
element is made as shown in Figure.
Measurement of the ER probe may
either be taken periodically using a
portable instrument, or on a
continuous basis using a permanently
installed unit.

ER Probes
Can be used in all systems
(Gas, Water, Oil)
Can measure erosion
Low sensitivity -- Thinner elements
improve sensitivity at the cost of
probe life.

Typical Flush Probe (High Pressure

System) showing F20 (0.5mm
thick element) Lifetime
element thickness

ER Sensing Elements
Sensing elements are available in a
variety of geometric configurations,
thicknesses, and alloy materials.

Probe type
Wire loop elements

The most common element available . high sensitivity and low

susceptibility to system noise. Alloys commonly glass sealed are
Carbon Steel, AISI 304 and 316 stainless steels. normally equipped
with a velocity shield to protect the element from floating debris in
the piping system

Tube loop elements

Recommended where high sensitivity is required to rapidly

detect low corrosion rates. Carbon Steel is the alloy most
commonly used.

Strip loop elements

a flat element formed in a loop geometry. The strip loop may be

glass or epoxy sealed into the endcap depending on the required
application. very sensitive element. very fragile and should only be
considered for very low flow applications.

Cylindrical elements

manufactured by welding a reference tube inside of a tube element.

suited to harsh environments including high velocity and high
temperature systems, or anywhere a glass-sealed element is not an

Spiral loop elements

consist of a thin strip of metal formed on an inert base. The element

is particularly rugged and ideal for high-flow regimens. Its
comparatively high resistance produces a high signal-to-noise ratio,
which makes the element very sensitive.

Flush mount

Designed to be mounted flush with the vessel wall. very effective at

simulating the true corrosion condition along the interior surfaces of
the vessel wall. Being flush, this element is not prone to damage in
high velocity systems and can be used in pipeline systems that are
subject to pigging operations.

Corrosion Rate Calculation

When measuring the ER probe, the instrument produces a linearized signal (S)
that is proportional to the exposed elements total metal loss (M). The true
numerical value being a function of the element thickness and geometry. In
calculating metal loss (M), these geometric and dimensional factors are
incorporated into the probe life (P), and the metal loss is given by:
Metal loss is conventionally
expressed in mils (0.001 inches), as
is element thickness.

Corrosion rate (C) is derived by:

T being the lapse time in days between instrument

readings S1 and S2.

How to select element type?

Key parameter: response time and

probe life
Response time, defined as the
minimum time in which a
measurable change takes place,
governs the speed with which useful
results can be obtained.
Probe life, or the time required for
the effective thickness of the
exposed element to be consumed,
governs the probe replacement
Since probe life and response time
are directly proportional, element
selection is a compromise between
data frequency and probe
replacement frequency.

Approximate Probe Life


The graphical relationship between corrosion rate, probe life, and response
time for all elements normally available from Metal Samples Corrosion
Monitoring Systems is shown in Figure 4.


Wire Loop Probe 1.0mm (40 thou)

element Lifetime of probe

ER Wire loop probe

with velocity shield in
2 HP access fitting

Tubular ER Probe
(left) in
assembly. Max
pressure 1000 psi

Linear Polarisation Resistance (LPR)

The electrochemical technique, commonly referred to as Linear
Polarization Resistance, is the only corrosion monitoring method
that allows corrosion rates to be measured directly, in real
time. Although limited to electrolytically conducting liquids,
the response time and data quality of this technique make it
clearly superior, where applicable, to all other forms of corrosion
Theory of Operation: a potential (typically of the order of 1020 mV) is applied to a freely corroding sensor element and the
resulting ("linear") current response is measured. The current
measured in a conductive solution ie., a continuous phase of
water is proportional to the corrosion current and is
converted to corrosion rate by multiplying the measured value
by a conversion factor depending on electrode size and
electrode material

Linear Polarisation Resistance (LPR)

Instant corrosion rates
Used in conductive systems
Cant be used where oil is present
Cant be used in gas systems

Typical flush mounted 3-electrode probe

Principle of Measurement

When a metal/alloy electrode is

immersed in an electrolytically
conducting liquid of sufficient
oxidizing power, it will corrode by an
electrochemical mechanism. This
process involves two simultaneous
complementary reactions.
At anodic sites, metal will pass
from the solid surface into the
adjacent solution and, in so doing,
leave a surplus of electrons at the
metal surface. The excess electrons
will flow to nearby sites, designated
cathodic sites, at which they will be
consumed by oxidizing species from
the corrosive liquid.


Flanged LPR assembly with protruding electrodes



Cormon - ER & LPR Monitoring Systems

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