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BING4321 (BING3312)

English for Translation

3rd Class : September 4, 2016

Siti Marina (Irin)

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan


Several things to keep in mind when translating:

Meanings are not restricted by the source language patterns
Meaning should be conveyed accurately with no misinterpretation
or misleading language
Be aware of the notion register!
Ensure to not losing certainty of meaning in the source text
No free translation
Do not use everyday language
Do not look at the model answer unless you have completed each
Consult your dictionaries when you find problems



Translating Examination
Report -1
Learning Activity 1

Task 1 & 2

Lets read together!

Paragraph 1 & 2

Take a close look at Examination Report Components

page 4.4

Task 3

Lets read together!

Paragraph 3


examination workpapers as outlined in the table below,
form the basis of the examination report. Additional
workpapers, checklist, and/or examiner-developed
documents may be included, at the discretion of the
examiner. This auxiliary information should provide indepth information concerning problem areas or evaluate
specific problems, provide support for examination
findings and assist in the resolution of the identified

Language Point : May/Might

May and might (+ perhaps) are both ways of
expressing possibility.
may (present tense) when talking about a current
might (past tense) when talking about an event that
happened in the past.
I may go home early if Im tired. (present tense)
He might have visited Italy before settling in Nuremberg.
(past tense)

In practice, this distinction is rarely made today and the

two words are generally interchangeable:

Language Point : May/Might

But there is a distinction between may have and might
have in certain contexts.
If the truth of a situation is still not known at the time of
speaking or writing, either of the two is acceptable:
By the time you read this, he may have made his decision.

If the event or situation referred to did not in fact occur,

it's better to use might have:
The draw against Italy might have been a turning point, but
it didn't turn out like that.

Language Point (Preposition):

Between & Among
The preposition among
means in the company of, by the joint action of, or each with
the other
applies to collective arrangements (with all members

The preposition between

means by the common action of, in point of comparison to,
from one to another, or by the combined effort of.
applies to reciprocal arrangements (one member to another
may apply to more than two members (Oxford English

Translating Examination
Report -2
Learning Activity 2

Lets read together!

Task 1

Paragraph 2
This document will also be used as the DOR, as a followup tool for the examiner at the next contact or
examination. During the next contact or examination, the
examiner will review all of the findings cited at the
previous examination and determine if they were
corrected. Examiners should list exceptions noted during
previous examinations but not yet corrected under a
heading similar to: Findings Noted at Previous
Examination That Are Not Yet Corrected.

Languange Point :
1. for

Language Point :for

For+ object
For + V-ing remember only V(1) can be added with ing
Meaning : untuk, demi, bagi, karena
We need water for drinking and washing.
Kita membutuhkan air untuk minum dan mencuci
I will go a thousand miles for you.
Saya rela melakukan apapun demi kamu.
I will review the price limits for all water companies.
Saya akan meninjau batas harga bagi/terhadap semua
perusahaan air minum
My mother didnt punish me for coming home late yesterday.
Ibu tidak menghukum saya karena terlambat pulang

Language Point :
Preposition + -ing form
Preposition : after, by, about, for, at, before + V (I) ing
Lets practice page 4.41
She immediately brought to the hospital after got hit by a car
She will not feel thirsty after drinking her milk
I will be able to get a vacation after finishing all exam.
I will be able to get a vacation after exam period has

Language Point : Defining

relative clauses
Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That
The girl WHO is wearing red dress is my girlfriend
Translation : Gadis yang mengenakan baju merah adalah
pacar saya.

The girl WHOSE dress is red is my girlfriend

Translation : Gadis yang bajunya berwarna merah adalah
pacar saya.

The girl WHOM Im having a date today, is wearing red

Translation : Gadis yang berkencan dengan saya hari ini,
mengenakan baju merah

Task 3

Lets read together!

Paragraph 8 page 4.53

Examination Workpapers.
. The workpapers serve as the basis of the work
performed and support the results of the examination and
the opinions of the examiner.
The workpapers should provide sufficient information so
that the reviewer does not have to obtain any additional
information from the credit union to support the
conclusions, once the examination has been completed.

Language Point :

as : sebagai
obtain : meminta, memperoleh, mendapatkan



Translating Process
Report -1
Learning Activity 1

Task 1

Paragraph 1
DEFENSE (p 5.3)
SUBJECT : Final Report Summary of the Defense Science
Board Task Force on Smallpox Vaccine Down Select Process
I am pleased smallpox vaccine candidates
Language Point : Passive form
Object + to be/ has-have been + VIII
1. He apologized to a policeman he is accused of shooting
2. The social security reforms were aimed at producing less
dependency and less fraud
3. The group has been forced to make savings in its labor cost
4. The Kiedler reservoir is already used to top up the Tyne,

Wear and Tees

Task 2

Lets read together!

Paragraph 2

The Task Force developed a set of.smallpox vaccine

The result of this evaluation. DoD vaccine programs

Language Point : Adjective + Infinitive

Adjective + to + Verb 1
1. Im so glad to find you
2. I love to fish on weekend
3. I love fishing on weekend
4. They felt tired to go any further

Lets read together!

Task 3

Paragraph 8
Although these innovations were milestones in the smallpox
campaign, the program would not have succeeded without the
ingenuity and creativity of the field staff, which surmounted a
host of local problems. Important innovations such as smallpox
recognition cards, watchguards, rewards, rumor registers and
containment books all came from fieldworkers.
Language Point : Past Future Perfect Tense
Would + has/have + VIII
1. Most people would have considered the ethics of the
decision quite indefensible
2. He would have been unavailable in June in any case

because of the one-day international triangular series.

Task 4

Lets read together!

Paragraph 9

The smallpox eradication program of 1967 was guided by

a plan that embraced the two complementary
approaches of mass vaccination campaigns and
surveillance systems. The WHO program functioned in a
collegial structure of many independent national
programs. As a result, programs differed greatly from one
country to another, as well as from one time period to

Language Point : one another

One another VS each other
1. We are moving from one country to another.
2. She changed partners from one man to another

Translating Process
Report -2
Learning Activity 2

Task 1
Lets read together!
Paragraph 1. Current US Military Smallpox Vaccination
Paragraph2. Current Smallpox Vaccine Initiatives
Language Point :
Past Perfect : Had + Verb III
1. I had been there last time
Past Perfect Continuous : Had + been + V1-ing
1. She had been watching TV when he came yesterday
2. I had been working in the factory before he finally showed up
last year.
Phrasal verb to stand
Stand up (berdiri)
Stand down Step Down (mundur)
Stand back (mundur)
Stand for (untuk)
Stand by (bersiaga, mendukung, menyokong)
Stand out (tampil menonjol, jauh lebih baik)

Task 2

Lets read together!

P 5.33

The task force.. each of the candidate vaccines

Language Point : Link words

: tetapi konteks berlawanan atau kontras
nevertheless : namun
whereas (while) : sedangkan
since (because of, due to) :karena, sejak
therefore (hence)
: oleh karena itu
accordingly : oleh sebab itu

Lets read together!

Candidate overall assessment


DoD vaccine expertise

Language Point :
-ing form GERUND
Defining phrase :
Armed service
Burned houses
Broken glasses
Healing camp

Thank you

See you next

Please prepare for Module 6

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