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Speak for Success!

What makes a Presentation Great?

What makes a Presentation Great?

A succesful talk is al little miracle people see

the world
differently afterward
Chris Anderson
TED Talk

What makes a Presentation Great?

In Anderson's words:
Presentations rise or fall on the quality of the idea, the
narrativa, and the passion of the speaker.
It's about
substance, not speaking style or
The presenter has to have the raw material. If you have
something to
say you can build a great talk. But if the central theme isn't
there, you're
better off not speaking.

What makes a Presentation Great?

Frame your story

Plan to delivery. Tailor your presentation.
The audience decide what to present and how to present.
Be concrete, specific, practical and relevant.
Be clear about your objetive and share it with audiences.
Know what are going to say at every moment. Research your topic
You neednt memorize your talk, because then you lose spontaneity .

What makes a Presentation Great?

Plan the multimedia

You need to help the audience refocus periodiacally.
Mantein control of the session.

What makes a Presentation Great?

Dont go wide, go deep

A talk is a finite window. Limit the scope of what youre talking about, and
deep there.
Begin by placing your topic in context; you might want pot provide an outline
or a road map.
Give your listeners details and exemples that bring your talk to life.
Present a problem a describe the search for a solution.
The audience might interpret the information in different ways based on your
organization and presentation.
Some speakers project too much ego. Maintain credibility.

What makes a Presentation Great?

Develop stage presece

People tend to overestimate the importance of the physical act of
being onstage. Use gestures naturally. Some gestures are wrong.
Eye contact is your primary tool for establishing audience
Develop stage presence, or the art of being you.
Pay attention to your body language.
Your audience will mirror your attitude.
Nerves are not a disaster. The audience expects you to be
nervous .It gives you energy to perform and keeps your mind
Use humour appropiately make it in good taste.

What makes a Presentation Great?

What makes a Presentation Great?

What makes a Presentation Great?

Putting it together
Start preparing early; dont wait until last few days to prepare.
Think about your audience.
Be clear about your purpose.
Use an effective introduction.
Organize your presentation clearly and simply.
Using supporting material to support your point.
Create an effective conclusion.
Sound spontaneous, conversational and enthusiastic.
Use body language effectively.
Use visiual aids to enhance the message.
Check the physical environment in advance.

What makes a Presentation Great?

What makes a Presentation Great?

The final tip:

Make your idea worth sharing. By that I mean, ask yourself the question:
Who does this idea benefit? And I need you to be honest with the answer.
If the idea only serves you or your organization, then, I'm sorry to say, it's
probably not worth sharing. The audience will see right through you.
But if you believe that the idea has the potential to brighten up someone else's
day or change someone else's perspective for the better or inspire someone
to do something differently, then you have the core ingredient to a truly great
talk, one that can be a gift to them an to all of us.

Speak for Success!

What makes a Presentation Great?

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