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Danielle Conneely


Group Members & Roles

Danielle Conneely: Director
Danielle chose to be the director as she feels confident to adopt this particular role
and she wants to develop her skills and adapt them to the director role.
Joshua Hurst: Cinematographer
Joshua felt he would be suited to the role of cinematographer as he wants more
experience of being in this role to make help his skills develop more.
Ashamae Swyer: Editor
Ashamae will be responsible for the editing rough cuts of the project and finalising the
project as she has experience editing at her AS and wants to become more condifent
in this role.

Henna Jolapara
Christine Sandford
Danisha Mahandru
Soraya Arghandawi
Danielle Conneely
Joshua Hurst
Emre Misri
Our interviewees are a mix of people who could play the role of a dead boyfriend
and a mourning girlfriend along with passer-by's and members of the boys family.
We looked at these different people as they fitted the personality and the looks of
the characters we wanted in our film.

Project Name: Tell Me You Love

5 Minutes
Our production will be a 5 minute short romantic drama film about a girl who is
grieving for the loss of her boyfriend.

Our short story Tell Me You Love me looks at the mental and emotional
aftermath of death and the grieving that people go through. Throughout the film,
our protagonist, 16 year old Karina, plans to and eventually goes on a romantic
date with her 17 year old boyfriend Hayden. Despite the strange looks they
receive from people and that Hayden isnt responding to Karina they still have
fun being together. You then see both Hayden and Karina go to a flower stall but
then Hayden disappears the audience then realise that Hayden has passed
away due to now seeing the funeral card in Karina hands and that she has gone
to buy him flowers for his grave and she goes to the grave upset and mourning
for him.

Target Audience
The target audience for our production is 12a, both male and female as there is
various uses of mature themes e.g. death and bereavement and seeing and
speaking to the people close to you who have passed this may upset audiences
below the age of 12.
We chose our production to be at 12a as people over this age may want to
watch a production that has real life events in it and can show experiences that
has happened to people or could what happen if you lose someone close to

The rationale behind our product is to show the audience that this can happen
in reality, we want people to be aware that it is ok to mourn over the loss of
someone close to you and that it can get better. We want the audience to get a
sense of reality as this has happened to many couples who are together and
then unfortunately lose each other to death also we want to show that it can
have effects on you but that you can still cope and see them at their grave and
still be able to continue with your life. The impact of our film is to show that
mourning and grieving for your loss is not a bad thing and that life does get
easier and the pain for them will get easier to cope with.

How Will You Test Whether The Product

Is Successful? How Will You Check It Is
In order to assess the success of our production we will make a pre
and post questionnaire along with graphs surveying different sections
of our target audience. The questions within this survey will help us to
understand what specific aspects of the product they enjoyed and
what they felt could use improvement.
We will screen our production to as many people as we can to have
open discussions on our piece to see what is good about it and also to
see what can he improved.
Finally we will use social media e.g Twitter and YouTube in order to
assess a more general sense and to post up many different pieces to
do with our production so our audience can give their response.

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