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SI, Units

You have to use units!

A measurement is a way to describe
the world using numbers.
Suppose the label on a ball of string
indicates a length of the string as 68.
68 what? Feet? Meters? Centimeters?
For a measurement to make sense, it
must include the number and the UNIT!

A standard is an exact quantity that people
agree to use to compare measurements.
In the U.S we commonly use units like
inches, feet, miles, gallons, and pounds.
This is the English system of measurement.
Most other nations AND the scientific
community use the metric system.
A system of measurement based on

International System of Units

In 1960, an improvement was made to
the metric system. This improvement is
known as the International System of
This system is abbreviated SI from the
French Le Systeme Internationale

International System of Units

The standard kilogram is kept in Sevres,

All kilograms used throughout the world

must be exactly the same as the kilogram
kept in France because it is the standard.

Each type of SI
has a base unit.
The meter is
the base unit of
All have
All other SI
units are
obtained from
these seven

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Dimensional Analysis
Whenever you have to convert a physical
measurement from one dimensional unit to
another, dimensional analysis is the method
Dimensional Analysis is the converting of
one unit system to another.
Why such a fuss?
Wrong units lead to wrong answers!
Scientists have thus evolved an entire

Dimensional Analysis
It involves some easy math (multiplication and
In order to perform any conversion, you need a
conversion factor.
Conversion factors are made from any two terms
that describe the same or equivalent amounts of
what we are interested in.
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

Conversion Factors
Conversion factors
are nothing more
than equalities or
ratios that equal to
each other.
In mathematics,
the expression to
the left is equal to
the expression to

12 inches = 1
Written as a

= 1

Conversion Factors
Conversion Factors look
a lot a like fraction, but
they are NOT!
The units behave like
numbers do when you
multiply fractions. That
is, the inches (or foot)
on top and the inches
(or foot) on the bottom
can cancel out. Just
like in algebra.

= 1

Example Problem #1

How many feet are in 60 inches? Solve using

dimensional analysis.

All dimensional analysis problems are set up

the same way.
= What units you want

Example Problem #1 (continued)

60 inches x = 5 feet
(mathematically all you do is : 60 x 1 12

Example Problem #1 (continued)

The problem can also be written like
60 inches

1 foot


12 inches
- In this format, the horizontal bar means
divide, and the vertical bars mean

Example Problem #2
You have a twenty dollar bill and you
need to get gas for your car. If gas is
3.35 a gallon and your car gets 24
miles per gallon, how many miles will
you be able to drive your car on twenty
How would you set this up?


1 Gallon

24 Miles

$ 3.35

1 Gallon

Mathematically this is what you do: 20 X 1 / 3.35

X 24/1

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