Cause S of The American Revolution

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Cause(s) of the American

Ms. Corbett

Essential Question:
Identify and explain the political,
economic and social causes of the
American Revolution.

Although a part of England, the colonies had been functioning
independently for over a 100 years
Each region had its own culture that included lifestyle,
economy, political system and religion due to the fact that the
Atlantic Ocean separated the Colonies from England
In the majority of the colonies male landowners had been
voting and taken part in the political process.
The colonies were mainly connected to England by means of
the economy; in other words, they paid taxes to the
This created a sense of autonomy/independence amongst
The French and Indian War unit the colonies to work together.

America was occupied by 3 European countries that

had been fighting for centuries for expansion and natural resources,
eventually a conflict arises between England and France that results in
the French and Indian War

French and Indian War

English colonist help fight for the Motherland
This relationship exposes the differences between the two
cultures: Englishmen and English Colonist.
Colonial militias( unprofessional military units) are treated
poorly by English counterparts
( professional military)
French lost, and signed the Treaty of Paris
This loss will inspire the French to aid the colonist
against Britain in the American Revolution; thus
resulting in our independence ( the treaty for the
American Revolution will also be called the Treaty of
British American Colonial Tensions is the second reason
why the British will lose the American Revolution

British Economics
The French and Indian War was very costly
to England
Parliament discussed how to raise revenue,
and the only way was through taxation.
Problem- Political environment was
unstable in England and the government
did not want to upset the masses, therefore
Parliament decided to only tax the Colonist
figuring the government would not have to
deal with a backlash

English Taxation Debate

English reasoning: Taxes are to pay
for the military protection of colonies
English Colonial perspective: We are
Englishmen and deserve the
protection since we are citizens of
England and supply natural resources
Taxes that are passed affect a
minority group in order to benefit a
majority group.

Video on Causes of American


British Response to Debt from

French and Indian War
Stamp Act: Tax on anything that is mailed
Tea Tax: Tax on any tea product that is not from the
British East India Trading Co. Limits/eliminates the
ability for Colonists to compete in this market.
Intolerable Acts: a set of acts that were put in place
to punish Massachusetts- Motherland takes political
control over colonies
Quartering of Solders: Solders were living in Colonists
All of these acts/taxes were against the law according
to the English Bill of Rights, a contract that protects
the English citizens from government abuse

Colonist Response to English

Protest Stamp Act; eventually England repeals it.
Sons of Liberty: a group of radical colonist, led by Samuel
Adams (Mass. Rep) , cousin of John Adams(Mass. Rep). Led the
Boston Tea Party, Members such as Thomas Paine, wrote
propaganda pamphlets (Common Sense) that argued
independence from a common mans perspective. Tar and
Feathering of tax collectors, or any Loyalist
Massachusetts was viewed by English as in a state of rebellion.
Creation of the Continental Congress, elected representatives
from each colony were sent to debate independence
Terms/labels : Patriot vs Loyalist
1 out of every three individuals were Loyalist; 1 out of three
were Patriots; 1 out of three did not care- just wanted to make it
economically. Patriots will need to convince this group to fight.

Continental Congress
Elected representatives from each colony
meet in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to discuss
English political, economic and social abuses
Notable Representatives
Thomas Jefferson-Virginia
George Washington- Virginia
Ben Franklin Pennsylvania
John Adams- Massachusetts
Sam Adams- Massachusetts

Continental Congress
First, group needs to compromise
Decide to send out an Olive Branch
Petition, asking Motherland to stop
King and Parliaments response is
harsh and labels representatives as
traitors. Equating to a death
This response is the catalyst to
uniting representatives.

Art of Compromise: John

HBO mini-series
Starring Paul Giamatti

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