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 Navratna
A type of Indian jewel decorated with nine different
varieties of gemstones, sometimes in the form of necklace,
pendent, bracelet, or armlet. Such pieces were formerly regarded
as amulets. There are total 84 types and number of gemstone in
the whole study of gemology these are as follows. The 9 precious
gemstones include:

stone of pinkish red color, it generally occurs in crystal of six
sided prism. Ruby is a gemstone, used to enhance the powers of
the sun. An individual whose sun is well placed in the birth chart
can never be unsuccessful.

If on the other hand the stone lacks lustre, is brittle, has cracks, or is
spotted, it
is regarded as flawed. on wearing a ruby one becomes proof against the effect of
Its use leads to generate mental and spiritual powers and special divine thoughts
rise in
mind. Manik or ruby balances surya(sun). Surya represent the king of solar system
jyotish. It also represents authority, power, self, father, body and health.
Depending on the placement of surya in your birth chart, wearing of ruby
May be very auspicious in strengthening the positive influences of surya.

Planet sun properties of
Cosmic red

Number 1

Signs of well placed Creative, vital, resistant, authority, royalty, high
Venus position in administration, cheerful outlook, good
fortune, brilliance, success in worldly affairs.

Prevention of Heart diseases, eye inflammation, low or high

following diseases blood pressure,

Element fire
Sign Leo

A quite, gentle shine and softness of the pearl has endeared it alike to men and women
Over the ages. Pearls comes in white, black and with tinges of yellow, blue,
Salmon pink, red, brown, and green.. The pearl is often called the “queen of
the sea”. The pearl harmonizes Chandra, the moon which directly influence
mind, affluence and public. Wearing a pearl can bring harmony and stability
to these influences. Chandra influences the seasonal, monthly and daily
cycles and rhythms in the physiology and our emotions. Chandra, the moon,
occupies a central role in the solar system and in our physiology
Astrological-healing properties of pearl

Planet Moon
Cosmic color Orange
Number 2
Sign Cancer
Time Evening
Day Monday
Element Water
Signs of well-placed Venus The native will have good affluence,
good fortune, recognition and fame.
Emotions under control.
Good memory.
Balanced emotional life.
Success, happiness and comfortable
life can be rather difficult to achieve.
Red coral
Moonga, red and sindoori (vermilion) in color. a good
one is opaque red, is perfectly round or oval and regular,
Through the use of coral, in gold several diseases can be warded off,
fevers, chicken pox, jaundice, anemia, weakness, body pains, allergies,
and cold, pneumonia etc. coral helps to improve marital life. Children
from malnutrition or inadequate development may also improve. It
protects the
wearers from lightening and thunder and traffic accidents. It will give
Planet Mars
and willingness to meet challenges and critical situations.. Red coral
should color Yellow
be preferable worn on Tuesday with in hour of the sun rise.
Number properties of red
Element earth
Sign Aries and Scorpio
Prevention of the following Eruptions of the face and body, cuts,
diseases burns, general diseases of the blood,
muscular system.
Emerald is velvety green in color, the most coveted emerald is that which is
radiant and smooth and has neither cracks nor dots. Emerald harmonizes and
strengthens the positive influences of Buddha or mercury. these influence
Include intelligence, education, speech, teaching, learning, communication,
confidence, writing, trade, diplomacy, intellect and commerce.

Astrological-healing properties of emerald

Planet Mercury
Cosmic color Green
Day Wednesday
Time Sunrise
Number 5

Element Earth

Sign Gemini and Virgo

Yellow sapphire

Yellow sapphire harmonizes and benefits guru or Jupiter, the largest graha
(planet) in
the solar system. yellow sapphire signifies knowledge, wisdom, virtue, fortune,
justice, education, future, religion, prosperity and charity. Guru is the major
or teacher and influences action with the highest order and balance. Its use brings
about affection and harmonious relations amongst family members, the reputation
of the
person increases day by day and one is respected everywhere.

Planet Jupiter
Astrological-healing properties of yellow
Cosmic color Light blue
Signs of well placed Jupiter Happiness, good children and grand
children, wealth, name, fame ,wisdom
Prevention of following diseases Liver complaints, jaundice, disorders of
pancreas, skin troubles, circulation of
blood in the arteries and fat in the body.
Element Ether
Sign Sagittarius and Pisces

The American diamond which reflects the colors of the rainbow, is light and
But exhibits all its eight facets and is without lines or dots is the best diamond.
A defective or blemished diamond is set to cause great harm. Sukra or venues is
Harmonized by diamond. Sukra represents luxuries, romance, partnership
wealth, beauty,
arts, comforts, jewelry, happiness and vehicles. It helps us to the essence of
things and
Grants us the courage to look with in ourselves without illusion. American
diamond inspires
us to take better care of our health and strengthen our will power.
Planet Venus
Cosmic color Deep blue
Astrological-healing properties of diamond
Number 6
Venus mantra “aum shum shukraya namah”
repeated 16 times at the time of
wearing a Venus.
Signs Taurus and Libra
Element Water
Day Friday
Time Sunrise

Blue sapphire
Shani or Saturn represents longevity, discipline, authority, ambition, leadership,
Honesty, perfection, humility, elders and conversation. Its influence may be
harmonized by the blue sapphire, the stone is an expensive gem and give
Tremendous benefits to the wearer. Blue sapphire can be worn with a great
advantage by heart patients, it can cause sudden upturn in business and change the
Pattern of the wearer for good.

Astrological-healing properties of blue

Planet Saturn
cosmic color Violet
Number 8
Day Saturday
Time Sunset
Signs of a well- placed Jupiter Wisdom, integrity, discipline, spiritual
achievement, trough humility, patience.

Prevention of following Paralysis, asthma, teeth problems,

bones problems.
Element Air
Signs Capricorn
Gomedh represents Rahu, the ascending node of moon. It is by nature
Unpredictable and creates sudden changes and influences, rigidity and
It is similar to sani or Saturn in its nature and influence. Traditionally, rahu is
Known as “head of the dragon”. It is used to counter the ill effect of rahu
which causes
Students to disinterested in studies.

Astrological-healing properties of
Planet gomedh
Cosmic color Ultraviolet
Number 4
Day Saturday
Time Sunset
Prevention of the following Cancer, fears, undiagnosable illness,
diseases poisons.

Element Ether
Sign Aquarius

Cat’s eye
Cat’s eye harmonizes ketu which is traditionally known as the “tail of the
Dragon”. Its influence is over learning and emotions. It’s wearing removes
Physical Weakness. Mental worries are removed. If cat’s eye acts favorably,
It makes one a wealthy person.

Astrological-healing properties of cat’s

Planet Ketu
Cosmic color Infra-red
Number 7
Day Thursday
Time After sunset
Element Water
Sign Pisces

The piece showing that how

navaratna is to be arrange
in one piece.

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