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Southeastern Domestic Violence Center

Cecilia Nwosu

Agency Mission

To increase safety in families, empower victims of

domestic violence and displaced homemakers in
rural Robeson County.

Core Values and Ethics

Each individual is the expert in her/his own situation

All people, including, survivors of domestic/sexual
violence must be offered a safe, respectful, nonjudgmental environment to identify their own needs
and make their own decisions.
Believe that personal and societal violence is rooted
in oppression and in the fundamental power
imbalances in our society.
Believe in each person's right to self-determination,
safety, and a life free from violence


Southeastern Family Violence Center was incorporated as Robeson

County Committee on Domestic Violence, INC in 1981.

SFVC founded by a group of 5 concerned Robeson County citizens.

Early day, services were provided by volunteers.

First SFVC was located on 15th Street in the old Church and
Community Building.
The office then is now renovated into what is now the shelter for
victims and families to stay.
Mid-90's SFVC purchase SFVC purchased 108 West 9th Street for
offices and kept the shelter.
Today, SFVC has paid staff of 10, an annual operating budget of over
$450,000 and growing & is going on 26 years serving over 15,000
individuals and families.

Need & Future Direction for this



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