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BING4321 (BING3312)

English for Translation

4th Class : September 11, 2016

Siti Marina (Irin)

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan


Several things to keep in mind when translating:

Meanings are not restricted by the source language patterns
Meaning should be conveyed accurately with no misinterpretation
or misleading language
Be aware of the notion register!
Ensure to not losing certainty of meaning in the source text
No free translation
Do not use everyday language
Do not look at the model answer unless you have completed each
Consult your dictionaries when you find problems



Translating Guides
Language points:
Infinitive of purpose
Phrasal verbs to call
Verb + -ing form
The imperative
Future perfect tense

Translating Students
Learning Activity 1

Lets read together!

Task 1

Paragraph 1 (p 6.4)
All new students should provide themselves .. the
Registers Office and the Union Society (students union)
require one each; your Department may require two or

Language Point : One (satu, sebuah)

This is my loved one.
The banking ones are met with almost universal derision.

Lets read together!

Task 2

Paragraph 2
If you are an undergraduate you must attend for interview with
a number of academic staff from your Department. Please
use the map of the University to find your way about.
Language Point :
Must (harus, mesti, wajib) Task 2b (p 6.7)
Most (paling, dominan kebanyakan, sebagian besar) Task
Infinitive of purpose : Verb (1,2) + to + Verb (1)
1. Failed to agree
: gagal untuk bersepakat
2. Intended to agree : bermaksud untuk setuju
3. Continue to argue : terus berdebat
4. Committed to do
: berkomitmen untuk melakukan
5. Determined to avoid: bertekad untuk mencegah

Task 3

Lets read together!

Paragraph 6

Note that it is essential for you to apply to your LEA for a

grant each year even if you suspect that none will be
awarded or you are going abroad as part of your studies.
If you do this and are eligible for any award, your Tuition
Fees will be paid by your LEA.

Language point :
even (meskipun, walaupun, bahkan)
Conditional clause : if (present tense) --- will (future
If you refuse to obey, I will punish you (O)
If you refuse then I will punish you (O)

Translating Recipes
Learning Activity 2

Task 1
Lets read together!
Paragraph 1 (p 6.30)
If you are using yoghurt, why not try making your own? ......., and a
simplified method that calls for warm water and powdered skimmed milk.
Language Point :
own VS reflexive
1. I buy my own book : saya membeli buku saya saja (buku untuk orang
lain saya tidak beli)
2. I buy this book by myself : saya sendiri yang membeli buku saya (saya
melakukannya sendiri, bukan orang lain)
3. He used his own people as hostages dreadfully :Dia (laki-laki) dengan
kejam memanfaatkan orangnya sendiri sebagai sandera.
Phrasal verbs : -to call
Called for (menuntut, meminta) ;
Called upon (mengunjungi,
Called on (menghimbau, singgah) ; Called out (memanggil,

Task 2
Lets read together!
Paragraph 2
I prefer using goats milk to cows because

Languange Point : Verb + ing

1. Gerund : fishing, swimming
2. Prefer + V(1) + ing

I prefer swimming than running

I prefer using coconut than milk
I prefer chocolate over chips

Task 3
Lets read together!
Paragraph 3
Warm the milk in a saucepan to just above blood heat.
Pour into a flask or crock and add 2 heaped tablespoons
of plain natural yoghurt.. Read the label to be sure
that it contains a real yoghurt culture which is needed to
transform the milk (lots of so-called yoghurt dont)

Languange Point :
1. Imperative (still remember?)

Lets read together!

Task 4

Paragraph 4
Stir the starter in well and replace the lid of the thermos
flask or crock After 6-8 hours you will have cultured

Languange Point :
1. Future perfect tense

She would have been here if that accident didnt happen.

(Dia seharusnya berada di sini jika kecelakaan tersebut
tidak terjadi)
By next week she will have been here for a year. (Per
minggu depan, keberadaan dia di sini terhitung sudah 1

Lets read together!

Task 5

Paragraph 5
Transfer the yoghurt to the fridge and use it for museli,
drinks, soups, dressings, frozen desserts etc. If your
yoghurt goes sour, youll have to buy another starter and
begin fresh

Languange Point : Conditional Task 5.b (page 6.37)

Thank you

See you next


Please prepare for Module 7 and


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