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Internal Control

Management 122
Michael Williams

Large organizations cannot be directly overseen
by a single person.
People are inherently selfish, so if not directly
controlled, they will maximize their utility, not
the organizations objectives.
To combat this, firms establish numerous
responsibility centers.
Someone is put in charge of each center and held
responsible for its achievements.

Each responsibility center is controlled by top
management through incentivization, not direct
The manager of the division is evaluated on
certain accounting metrics.
Incentives for the manager must be aligned with
the best interests of the firm.
Ideally, responsibility should match control.
Penalizing a person for someone elses mistake is
inefficient and bad for morale.



Reduces burden on top


Top management includes

better decision makers

People lower in the hierarchy

will serve their own interests

People lower in the hierarchy

will serve their own interests

Improve reaction time

Responsibility centers
Standard cost center

Efficiency variances

Discretionary cost center

Non-financial output measures

Revenue center

Sales volume and price variances

Profit center

Actual - budgeted profit

Investment center

Return on investment (ROI)

or residual income (RI)

ROI = Profit / Investment

RI = Profit Investment x cost of capital

Problems with ROI and RI

ROI can discourage positive NPV investments if ROI > cost of
The new ROI will be a weighted average of the old ROI and the
new projects ROI.
Even a good project could water down ROI in a highly profitable

Both ROI and RI can discourage positive NPV investments if

the manager has a short horizon.
This is a problem when the manager expects to move to a new
position in the near future.
Investments are typically costly in the early years and pay off
later. By then, the manager will be gone.

Problems with ROI and RI

Both ROI and RI can encourage negative NPV
investments if the manager has a long horizon.
This occurs when a new manager takes over.
Early performance doesnt matter. You can blame
bad results on your predecessor.

Both ROI and RI are based on profit and

investment measures that are potentially
inaccurate and manipulable.

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