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A constant temperature process.

What is Isothermal Process?

It is the process in which other physical quantities
might change but the temperature of the system
remains or is forced to remain constant.

What are the factors in

general, during an isothermal
process there is a :
Change in internal energy U
Since the internal energy of an ideal gas, depends on the temperature, so the
change in internal energy during an isothermal process for an ideal gas is also 0.
U = T = 0
Heat energy - Q
Work W
Ideal Gas - A hypothetical gas whose molecules exhibit no interaction and
undergo elastic collision with each other and with the walls of the container.

Ideal Gas in an Isothermal


temperature, the volume of a gas system is inversely proportional to the
pressure applied, the phenomena being called Boyle's Law, written in symbols as


PV = k , where k is a contant quantity.

This means whatever be the values of volume and pressure, their product will be constant.
P V = K

P V = K
since : K = K
P V = P V



The value of constant, k is nRT . the ideal gas law PV = nRT applies. This means that:
P = nRT = constant

n = number of moles of gas present (mol)
R = ideal gas constant =

8.31 J

T = Temperature (K)
V = Volume of the gas (m)
P = Pressure applied on the gas (Pa)

, 8.31 LkPa , 0.0821 Latm , 62.4 LmmHg




The requirements for an

isothermal process are as
process should be carried very slowly so that there is an ample time for
compensation of heat in case of any loss or addition.
2. The boundaries of the system should be highly conducting so that there is a
path for heat to flow into or flow away from a closed space in case of any
energy loss or oversupply.
3. The boundaries should be made very thin because the resistance of the
substance for heat conduction will be less for thin boundaries.

Since in an isothermal process, the temperature is constant, the internal energy

is also constant. So if Q amount of heat is given to a system which undergoes
isothermal process, the relation for the first law of thermodynamics would be
U = Q - W
Q = U + W
This means any energy entering the system as heat, Q , must leave it again
as work done by the system.

PV Graph for Isothermal expansion

A curve on a diagram
joining points representing


states or conditions of equal

temperature is known as

The area under the curve shows the work done

in an isothermal process.

Work done during Isothermal

expansion of ideal gas.

If the container is brought close to a heat source and the

piston is allowed to move slowly, energy will flow from
heat source into the gas. Since temperature of gas is
constant, all the energy will be transformed as the work
done by the gas to push the piston.

Key points

an ideal gas, the product of pressure and volume (PV) is a

constant if the gas is kept at isothermal conditions.

For an ideal gas, the work involved when a gas changes from state A
to state B through an isothermal process is given as
W = nRT


For many systems, if the temperature is held constant, the internal

energy of the system also is constant. It follows that Q =W.

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