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Thursday, September 8, 2016

1. Please sit in your assigned seat

2. Write the agenda in your planner

Christopher Columbus and the

Discovery of the New World
Italian explorer
Wanted to get to Asia by going WEST
instead of going around Africa
King and Queen of Spain funded his
God, Glory, Gold - spread
Christianity, become rich, and become

1492 Columbus sets sail

August 3, 1492 Columbus sails the ocean blue
3 ships the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria
Columbus kept a log while on his voyage

Columbus lands
Columbus landed on a Caribbean island
Names the island San Salvador
Columbus mistakenly believed he was in the Indies
(the East)
Called the Taino natives Indians
Claimed the land for Spain
Then went on to the island of Hispaniola

The Importance of Columbus

Columbus voyage changed Europeans view of the
The Atlantic ocean was no longer a barrier- it was a
bridge that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas
Columbus voyage led to an era of European exploration
and discovery

Columbus: Friend or Foe?

I could conquer the whole of them
fifty men and govern them as I
Christopher Columbus

Explorer Project
Your group will make a poster about one European explorer
Things to include on your poster:
- The explorers name
- A brief biography of the explorer
-What the explorer accomplished in his lifetime
- What voyages did he go on? What did he discover?
- Include a motto or slogan for the explorer
- WHY is the explorer significant?
- Your poster must have pictures, & must use markers make it pretty!
- Your group will present your posters tomorrow in class.
EVERY group member must contribute to the poster and must talk during the

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