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Support Activities HRM & Firm Infrastructure - P&G

Human Resource Management

Recruiting - From top institutes, Psychometric test and analysis to get best job fit and interview
Training - Intranet learning portals , Learn with experts previous experiments, case studies etc.
Compensation One of the best in industry,
Ranked in top 10 for Best companies for Leaders, company to work, Company for female executive

Firm Infrastructure - General Management

M-form (multi-divisional) organizational structure of management
Provide monitoring ( by BOD) and bonding ( by Senior executives, division gen. managers )
4 Global Business Units (GBUs), 10 product categories and 65 leading brands.
Selling & Market Operations (180 countries divided in 6 regions)

Firm Infrastructure - Strategy Planning

Full portfolio of innovation, including commercial programs and product improvements
Efficient value creation measurement using Operating Total Shareholder Return (O-TSR) model
O-TSR include 3 primary drivers : sales growth, profit margin and efficient asset utilization

Firm Infrastructure Finance and accounting

Generating huge sales revenue ($76.3 B)
Effective cash flow management with operating CF $14.6 B
Effective management of currency foreign exchange fluctuation
Timely dividends with annual compound rate 9%

Support Activities HRM & Firm Infrastructure - ITC

Human Resource Management
Recruiting - From top institutes, No Psychometric test, multiple interviews
Training - Intranet learning portals dedicated learning centers for hotel and few businesses
Compensation One of the best in industry,
One of 8 companies from India to figure in Forbes A- List, India's Most Admired Company

Firm Infrastructure - General Management

3 Tier organizational structure of management
Strategic supervision by the Board of Directors
Strategic management by the Corporate Management Committee
Executive management by the Divisional / Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Chief Executive

Firm Infrastructure - Strategy Planning

Triple Bottom Line approach to build and enrich the countrys economic, environmental and societal capita
Creation of world-class Indian brands that create, capture and retain larger value in the country
Making societal value creation

Firm Infrastructure Finance and accounting

Generating sales revenue worth $ 8 B
Cash flow management with operating CF $2 B
Timely dividends with annual compound rate 10%

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