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The Book of Revelation


The book of Revelation, represents the genre of apocalyptic writings.

apokalypsis (Greek) unveiling thus, revelation

genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework, in
which a revelation is mediated by an other-worldly being to a human recipient

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that
must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who bore
witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all he saw.

Author and Context

The beginning part of the book names the author as John.


The exact identity of this writer is puzzling to modern readers since

book gives no further information about him.

Perhaps the writer thought it not important to identify himself in

specific details, although the intended readers possibly knew him well.

DOMITIAN (81-96 C.E.)


Christians were a minority, but not oppressed nor persecuted.


Christians represented all social classes


Emperor worship was widely established in the empire, and strong in Asia Minor;
they participated in Hellenistic and Roman social engagements


There were tensions between their beliefs and practices and those of the larger
world. The non-Christians view their Christian neighbors as anti-social and


Christians were accused of atheism, incest and immorality, and cannibalism.


It is not absolutely clear why John addressed this writing to the 7 named churches. John
clearly did not think of these as representing seven periods of church history, nor do they
necessarily represent the whole church universal. Some have argued that they were beset
especially by the crises that John perceives

Seven messages were sent to these churches in the Asia Minor. A letter of several
paragraphs is addressed to each of the seven churches. Each message praises the church
community for its strengths and urges community members to correct their weaknesses

Literary Context

Thee book is enclosed with a prologue

An epilogue

Chapters 1-3 set the stage of the drama, containing the imagery of the Savior and
exhortations and warnings to seven churches.

Chapters 4-11 cover the first part of Johns revelatory experience. There are visions of
the heavenly court, the seven seals, and the seven trumpets, which as a whole
anticipate Gods victory in what will soon take place as a conflict between good and evil
(led by Satan.

Rev 12:1-22:5, is the second part of Johns revelatory experience. It presents the enemy
(the Dragon and the Beasts) who rises and does terrible damage on earth and atrocities
to churches, but who also falls in the end.

Rev 18:1-4 comes as a climactic part of such revelatory experience.

Rev 18:1-4

1 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was
made bright with his glory. 2 And he called out with a mighty voice,
Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!
She has become a dwelling place for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.

3 For all nations have drunk

the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,
and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.
4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying,
Come out of her, my people,
lest you take part in her sins,
lest you share in her plagues;

The Literary Character and Structure of Revelation

Purposes: John writes to assure and to comfort struggling communities but also to
challenge them to repentance and to call for their disengagement from the evil system
that surrounds them

Main Themes:

the persecution of Gods people

the degradation of society and nature as the universe crumbles under the weight of evil,
though still under Gods sovereign purpose

the perseverance, preservation, and vindication of Gods people the triumph of Gods
justice and reign

the judgment on evil and oppressors, especially the earth-dwellers, the Beast, and

Revelations Chief Cast of

The main Protagonists

Messiah Jesus and God

The role of messiah through three major visions (chaps. 1, 5, 19)

The Dragon
Uses a final means to win the world, by incarnating himself as a Beast that rises from
the Sea. Previewed as emerging ultimately from the abyss, its grand entrance is as
a ferocious and terrifying beast. It looks like the Dragon and is bent on world
domination, gaining its power and authority from the Dragon.

Land Beast

Also called the false prophet

Speaks like the Dragon and forces all people to worship the Sea Beast and to be marked
with the Beasts name, upon threat of economic exclusion

The threesome of the Dragon, Sea Beast, and Land Beast together make up the unholy
trinity, direct rivals to the true, legitimate trinity. And all this sets the stage for the grand
unveiling of prostitute city Babylon and in its place, the bridal New Jerusalem.

Babylon vs. New Jerusalem

The book of revelation comes to a climax with an expose of two rival cities

Babylon( 14:8, 16:9, 17:1-18, 18:1-19:5)

New Jerusalem(19:7-8, 21:1-22:5, cf. 2:7, 26-28,3:5, 12, 21, 21:14-15, 17, 19)

These two constitute the climax of the book is indicated not only by their concluding position, but also by
the space and detail allocated to their description.

Doomed Babylon
Prostitute Babylon is pictured from the perspective of its imminent judgment for its
massive sins.
Three key themes emerge in the varied depictions of Babylons doom

Its lavish wealth and craving for consumption

Its arrogance

Its political oppression and economic exploitation, including its brutal military
conquests ad its destruction of the earth itself.

Babylons Lavish Wealth

The ostentatious wealth of Babylon is displayed first in the visual depiction of the
prostitute ( 17:3-6)

Babylons Arrogance

Arrogant provocation comes directly from Babylons own mouth.

Babylons Political Economy

Intoxicating all nations with the wrathful wine of its prostitution, with which earthdwellers have become drunk, because of a mixture full of dangerous corruption and

Deceiving all nations with pharmakos (a medicine, but also to a narcotic or poisonous
drug, and even sorcery).

Seduces the kings of the earth to prostitute themselves referring to political

agreements and alliances of the city to forge presumably for manual benefit.

Babylon can appropriately be identified as the great prostitute or the mother of


Babylons global traders have enriched themselves through power and its excess/luxury
and they have become the powers of the earth

New Jerusalem: City of Destiny

John pictures New Jerusalem with grand images of wealth but it presents this in terms
of the physical features of the citys walls, foundations, gates, and main street, not
by reference to the brides apparel. The physical representation of the city as the
bride is modest by comparison to the prostitute. The picture is restrained and simple,
focusing on purity and fidelity. On the other hand, the physical description of the city
is detailed and extensive: the city is immense, brilliant, glitzy, rich, and strong
rivaling the ostentatious grandeur of Babylon. It is also pictured as the one
international capital city, rivaling the status and political economy of Babylon. It is
the center of a tributary economy but it appears to be invitational and attracting. All
nations walk by the light of Gods glory and of the Lamb which radiates from the
throne of God, a metaphor of commitment to Gods ways. The gates of the city are
never shut although guarded by angels so that nothing unclean might enter.

In Revelation, the image of Babylon as a powerful empire that without mercy crushes anything
that challenges its rule comes again. As a symbolic figure Babylon refers to the dominant political
superpower at the time: the Roman Empire, represented by its emperor. It is described as the wild
beasts that demand honor and worship from all other creatures, characterized by arrogance,
deceit and blasphemous words. Rome is also portrayed as the great harlot who seduced the kings
of the earth to commit fornication and other immoralities with her. Indeed, the nations succumb to
her seductions, and all the kings of the earth unite with her in uncleanness. Even the merchants
benefit from her riches and luxury. In sum, the social, political, and economic aspects of people
and nations are put under her control. Then an angel comes down from heaven, announcing a
message of doom about Babylon. He describes the sins of Babylon that have brought her downfall.
Finally, he commands the people to come out of her so as not to take part in her sins and share
the punishment. The book of Revelation argues that God, creator of the heavens and the earth, is
still in control and that in the end God shall reign victorious over all evil. While the book
encouraged and provided hope to those who were caught in such an unfriendly world, it as well
challenged the Christians to be faithful and loyal to the God who held their past, present and


The ever provocative issue in the Philippine society today is the corruption
that the Philippines experiences. Just like the Pork Barrel Scam where the
Philippine government was defrauded of about 10 billion in the course of the
scam. Few more issues of corruption are vote buying during elections, bribery, and
false compensation. Even issues of discrimination is common here in our country,
where most people are treated unfairly and are disrespected by other people.
Nevertheless, the book of revelation gives us hope that all things evil will
eventually come to an end and encourages us Filipinos not to give up and
continue living lives. Moreover, we should be non-compliant to these issues and
use Jesus teachings to help put these issues against corruption and inequity to an

The book of Revelation seeks to engender hope for Gods struggling people,
but fear for those who persistently reject the ways of God in an alliance with
this worlds powers of evil. The book offers a very clear message and that is,
God is sovereign. TheSovereignty of Godtells us that all things, good and
evil, are under His rule and control. God puts evil things on Earth to challenge
us to be faithful and loyal to Him. Thus, we should turn away from the ways of
this worldas we part ourselves from sins and beware of our entry into the
church of God as He put all the evil things to an end. We not to stray away from
God and His will. We should not forget what He sent us here on earth for. A life
of sin is certainly not the Christian life. As Jesus is the way, the truth and the
life, we should strive to emulate Him as best as we can.

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