Recount: Nama: Ahmad Romadoni Kelas: XII IPA 1

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Nama : Ahmad Romadoni

Kelas : XII IPA 1


Camping in the mountain


Last weekend, my friends and i went camping in

the mountain ciremai. We reachedthe camping
ground as we walked for about a half hour from the
parking lot. We built the camp next to the rocks and was getting dark and cold enveloped us, so
we built a bonfire.
The next day we spent our time observing
plantation and insects while the girls were preparing
food for lunch together. In the afternoon we went to
the river and catch a fish for diner. At night, we held a
bonfire night. We sing, dance, read poetry, comedy,
having fun, playing magic tricks, and even some of
us do stand up comedy and highly entertaining us all
to laugh. On Monday, we packed our bags and got

Berkemah di gunung ciremai

Akhir pekan lalu, teman teman saya dan saya pergi
berkemah di gunung ciremai. Kami mencapai camping
ground kami berjalan sekitar selama setangah jam dari
tempat parkir. Kami membangun tenda disebelah batu
dan pohon. Semakin gelap dan dingin menyelimuti kami,
jadi kami membangun api unggun.
Hari berikutnya, kami menghabiskan waktu untuk
mengamati perkebunan dan serangga sementara anak
anak sedang menyiapkan makanan untuk makan siang
bersama. Di sore hari kami pergi ke sungai dan
memancing ikan untuk makan malam. Pada malam hari,
kami mengadakan malam api unggun, kami bernyanyi,
menari, membaca puisi, komedi, bersenang senang,
bermain trik sulap, dan bahkan sebagian dari kita ada
yang berdiri komedi dan sangat menghibur kita semua
tertawa. Pada hari senin, kami berkemas tas kami dan

1. What the text about ?

A. Descriptive
B. Invitation
C. Recount
D. News Item
E. Biography

2. Where is the

my friends and me

Camping ?

the mountain ciremai

B. The Mountain Ceringit
C. The Field
D. The Florest
E. The Hottel

3. What is The purpose of the text above?

in the mountain ciremai

B. To make someone Camping in the
mountain ciremai
C. To Join Camping in the mountain
D. To Inform someone about camping in
the mountain ciremai
E. To forbid someone to camping in the
A. to tell Camping

mountain ciremai

4. Who is go to camping in the mountain

A. my Friend and me
B. My brother and me
C. My friend and my aunt
D. My son and me
E. You and me

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