GCSE Project Guide - Year 10

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Project Name: Aftershave or perfume packaging project

Pupil Name: David Vachev

GCSE Project 1.
Students to design a net and the
package for a commercial
product (aftershave or perfume)
Develop skills and knowledge in;
Research techniques, access to
and types of source material
Industrial practices die cutter
Summarising information
Writing a specification
Sketching and colouring
Commercial printing and finishing

Situation and Brief

We have discovered a gap in the market for elderly, with
the lack of variety and choice in the market.

I have been asked to design and make an interesting,
elegant and a attractive scent, one of the key qualities is
its affordability and quality. The product will be aimed at
both male and female groups and will function well due to
attention to ergonomic and attractive aesthetics I will also
create the name for the product and the brand for the
company using Photoshop which will help the product to
appeal to the male elderly group. The design should

Task Analysis
Who? Is asking you to produce the
product and who it is aimed at. Not
just an age group think about the
products function and who would
need or want to use it.
AlphaWaves has hired me to design
a cover for a new scented perfume.
The product is aimed at our target
group of elderly men, that want a
quality perfume at an affordable
price and a elegant scent.
The target group is elederly rich men
that are looking to feel young /
What? Is the product and what will
you use to design and make it.
The product will be a perfume /
scented skin conditioner which should
have an appealing aesthetic and
design aimed towards elderly men
that can afford a high tier / quality
product. It will be marketed as this
Will make you feel 30 years
younger Like a stallion
Where? Will the product be used and
where will the target group be able to
buy it from? Where will it be
manufactured? Where will it be stored
when not being used?
High chain stores in central areas in
London, or Westfield, mall example

When: The products aim is to appeal (the packaging)

towards the certain group which will use it in either
romantic or personal situation (i.e: to feel young) Itll be
manufactured by the end of September 2016.
why: There is a lack of elderly male scented perfumes, our
product is aimed at stigmatizing elderly men to feel young
and for our company to exploit the elderly to make them3
feel young, and add competition to the market

Product Analysis
Tips for successfully analysing a product
Aesthetics: Look at and comment on the typography,
colours used and images. Use keywords where
Customer: More than just and age range here. What
else will determine who will want your product?
Identify the evidence.
Costs: Base this on how much the aftershave or
perfume would cost.
Ergonomics: How comfortable or easy the product is
to use. Include the typography in this.
Environment: What is the products impact on the
environment? THINK batteries, rethink, refuse, reduce,
reuse, recycle, life cycle.
THINK about its manufacture, general use, distribution and
final disposal when it is no longer needed.
Size and weight: Make sure the image you find
shows this information.
Safety: What safety issues are there when using the
Function: What is the products functions?
Materials: What is it made from and why?
Manufacturing: How was it made? How will you find

Product Analysis

Aesthetics: The packaging will need to fit a bottle that can hold a bottle 125ml botttle, it should have an appealing
elegant design for my target group and successfully promote the product, having a simple / minimalistic design,
Customer: the product is aimed at men that have liking towards cologne / heavy masculine aroma like cologne. Its
unconstrained by mainstream fragrances and is aimed at connoisseur in mind. Tom Ford
Costs: Its price will is 165.02 for 1.7 oz, and 225 for 3.4 oz, this gives it a varied range of cost as well as in size in
Ergonomics: Gold accents, embossing, smoked glass, heavy, bevel-edged bottle, this all shows elegance and
shows classiness as well as high end expensiveness. The bottle is 50 ml and
Environment: The plastic bottle is made out of glass this means its easily recyclable and will help reduce pollution.
Size and weight: The packaging is designed to hold a 50ml bottle
Safety: This product has a glass made bottle, posing a risk if it breaks/ is around small children, it has a labeled
bottle where it states of any allergies as well as flammability
Function: The has an elegant and stylish design, appealing to more of an older market group, thename of the
companythat made the product should be visible on the packaging
thecontentsof the product (and its packaging) should be listed
health and safetyinformation about using the product should be given. The pack should warn about any
possiblehazardsfrom the product (i.e allergies)
information about safelydisposingof the packaging or container after use should be given
abar codeshould be displayed for stock control and pricing purposes, and
instructions for recyclingthe product and/or its packaging after use should be included
Materials: The packaging looks to be made of high quality cardboard / metal embossing and plate with decor.
Manufacturing: They sturdy card to help in case/ preserve the bottle during shipping as well as storage / shelving.
Moral, social and ethical issues: The product may be seen as too expensive for its volume as well as who its
aimed at ( a niche / small market of men who are looking for this fragrance.)

Product Analysis 2
Aethstetic: The product has a bold and rogue look It has a quality
metal embossing and uses a grungy art style for its design.
Cost: A bottle of 100ml costs 12.99, this is a fairly cheap cologne especially one that
Is aimed at teens who are on the budget, also price is reduced due to its fragrance and quality, the pricing also
does reflect the relationship between the product and the buyer (cheap and affordable as well as its design)
Client: the product is designed towards teens and people who are looking to buy cheap cologne Chavs,
The products main usage will be in social grounds where a lot of teens will be located. This is seen by the
products artistic design and name, using Dirty English as a this rough sounding name and having the Uk
Lions with Victoria font in metal. Looks gritty and rebellic
The products packaging is made of plastic with a metlo embossing, it can be recycled as well as its glass
bottle with the glass cap made out of aluminium.
The bottle has curved edges as well a cushioned packaging,
The bottle has a volume of 100ml, the size of the bottle is a cuboid however it doesnt seem comfortable to
grip , however due to its appropriate proportions it should fit well enough it your hand. I think that if the
bottle was more cylindrical it would make it more comfortable to grip, allow for better volume, stocking
/stacking as well as design process. Evidence (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUhisi2FBuw)
The products fragrance is aimed for young people who want passion-inducing mix of peppered mandarin,
blue cypress, black leather, ebony wood and amber musk. The outrageously sexy, mysterious and magnetic
scent is for the man who wants to live fast, and live now. As shown by its description it looks to be aimed at
young who seek adventure and sex, It does this well due to its marketing and packaging, it could improve on
the ergonomics as well as anthropomorphic by making the bottle more cylindrical as it will reduce packaging
cost and
Materials: The packaging looks to be made of high quality cardboard / metal embossing and plate with
dcor, the bottle has a metal plate on its side and a metal cap .

Product Analysis

Aesthetics: The packaging of the bottle has a cuboid shape fitting,

it has minimalistic design as well as having this geometric pattern
on both the bottle and the packaging.
Customer: This product is aimed at men / mid age range, it has a
derk set of colours
Size and weight:
Moral, social and ethical issues:


Use Who? What? Where? When? Why?

and add a conclusion at the end.
Gender: Male / Female
Age: 13 /18
Occupation: Student
Shops at :


ow would you use the product?

hat do you expect from it?
hat problem will this help to solve?
ould you be willing to purchase it?
hat value would you put on it?
hat other products in the market place would you consider instead of this?
hat do you like about the other competing products on the market?
hat are the existing products on the market lacking?
hat would help you decide to change to your product?
ould you even consider using your product if they are already using a competitor
hat is your preffered scent ? Sweet / mnot too strong
hat is an acceptable price for a perfume for you ?
n what occassions would you intend to use the prfume
here do you go to buy cosmetics / perfumes / colognes
hat is a hurdle of purchasing perfumes ?
ow long does an avreage perfume bootle last for you ?

Questionnaire Results
Here you show clearly the results of your questionnaire.


Materials development
Specific materials for separate parts of the product. These are all the possible materials that I will use for my
product. It will state the product type, description, uses, GSM, and the part of the product that I would to use it for.

The packaging for the cologne is cuboid in shape. This means it can
be stacked easily as it is a regular shape. Multiple packages can be
tightly stacked together, reducing wasted space on the supermarket
shelf. The packages are less likely to be pushed other or the fall over,
due to their regular cuboid shape. Each package can be handled easily
by staff and potential customers. The regular cuboid shape of the
cologne packaging, means that a large number of these can be placed
in a normal brown box, for shipment and distribution. Very little space
is wasted, as a brown box will be completely filled. Brown card boxes
are normally easy to handle and distribute. A range of information is
printed on the underneath of the package. This includes; the product
name, a brief description of the contents, ingredients, weight,
company address and contact information, safety information,
recycling information and barcode.


Research Summary
The packaging for my cologne is cuboid in shape. This means it can
be stacked easily as it is a regular shape. Multiple packages can be
tightly stacked together, reducing wasted space on the supermarket
shelf. The packages are less likely to be pushed other or the fall over,
due to their regular cuboid shape. Each package can be handled
easily by staff and potential customers. The regular cuboid shape of
the cologne packaging, means that a large number of these can be
placed in a normal brown box, for shipment and distribution. Very
little space is wasted, as a brown box will be completely filled. Brown
card boxes are normally easy to handle and distribute. A range of
information is printed on the underneath of the package. This
includes; the product name, a brief description of the contents,
ingredients, weight, company address and contact information, safety
information, recycling information and barcode.



The packaging for the cologne is cuboid in shape. This means it can be stacked easily as it is a regular
shape. Multiple packages can be tightly stacked together, reducing wasted space on the supermarket shelf.
The packages are less likely to be pushed other or the fall over, due to their regular cuboid shape. Each
package can be handled easily by staff and potential customers. The regular cuboid shape of the cologne
packaging, means that a large number of these can be placed in a normal brown box, for shipment and
distribution. Very little space is wasted, as a brown box will be completely filled. Brown card boxes are
normally easy to handle and distribute. A range of information is printed on the underneath of the package.
This includes; the product name, a brief description of the contents, ingredients, weight, company address
and contact information, safety information, recycling information and barcode.

Target market: The product will be aimed at young women, preferably aged in their 20s, those who
could be busy and stressed the chocolate bar would be a way to get away from their stressful lives.




Environmental concerns:

Weight of packaging:



Moodboard - Lettering


Draw then scan these

It contains shades of blue; it has a silky look and it looks

its colourful, nice shape, should be bigger, good use of
mountain design.


Initial Ideas

Gradient is attractive, should be darker and more

colourful though.


Initial Ideas evaluation

Development of Font
My first font was an interesting choice, however the letters
looked .......................................................................
Therefore, on my second design I added ........................................to make it more exciting for
the target audience.
In the third design, I changed ........................................................... so that it is easy to see
from a long distance.
To improve my final font I could make the letters spread out to achieve the effect
of ................................ .................... which would suit the taste of my target audience.

Development of Packaging
The first activity pack packaging was aesthetically pleasing, however the background
was .............................. ..........................................
Therefore, on my second design I developed .......................................................................to
make it reflect the theme.
In the third design, I made the figure of ................ brighter and ................................. to make it
stand out from the rest.
To improve this design I would add more characters so that it becomes more eye-catching and
appeals to small children.

Tip: this should include a CAD model of
your final idea.


Third Angle Orthographic

Orthographic means drawing at right angles and it is a
2D method of drawing items or products. It is used to
show sizes and details of a design.
Third angle orthographic projection is the most common
method of producing a working drawing (a drawing a
third party could use to make the item). It will show the
Front, Plan, and end view.


This symbol identifies a

third angle projection.

Task: You will need to measure a game case, Use 2D design, Create three views
of the case based on your measurements and a given scale.

Plan of Making





Making packaging

After the final packaging design has

been created it needs to be printed
off and assembled.
I will use spray mount glue to stick
the net to a thicker piece of card.
I will then use the guillotine and
sharp scissors to cut out the net.
I will use a craft knife to cut out the
window and to score the folding
I will use modelling glue to
assemble the packaging.

Guillotine- used to
cut out straight lines.
Scissors- used to cut
out the lines which
the guillotine cannot.
Metal ruler- allows
me to score in
straight lines.
Craft knife- to score
and to cut out

Thin card- to print the net

Thick card- to mount the
thin card on.
Acetate- to make a see
through window which
allows the customers to see
Spray mount glue-to mount
to pieces of card together
UHU modelling glue- it is
clear dry and quick setting.

The strength and

durability of the
packaging must be
controlled in order
that the activity pack
is long-lasting

Making Activity book

Now that the pages and of the book

have been designed, the whole
book needs to be put together.
First the front of the book will be
covered with sticky -back plastic
Then all the pages will be folded in
Next, two staples will be stapled on
the fold line.

Stapler- to attach all

the pages together

Card for the front cover of

the activity book
Paper for the inside pages
of the activity book.
Sticky back plastic to cover
the front page.

The sticky back

plastic improves the
durability of the book
and it makes it look
more professional.
The size and
alignment of each
page must be
controlled before

Making the pencil case

After the net and design of the

pencil packaging have been
designed, the same procedure for
the main packaging must be carried

Guillotine, Scissors,
craft knife and metal

Thin card and thick card

which will be mounted
UHU modelling glue to
assemble net.
Spray mount glue to attach
the two pieces of card to
each other.

The strength of the

item will be controlled
by using two pieces
of card as well as glue
taps and strong glue.

Making the

I have designed the magnifying

glass on 2D design which is a CAD
First I must use the CAM laser
cutter to cut out the 2 magnifying
glass shapes and to engrave the
name on it.
I will then cut out a circular window
of clear acrylic using the laser

Laser cutter (CAM)

and 2D design(CAD)

Light green acrylic and clear

acrylic. Tensol cement for

The laser cutter

improves the quality
of the product as it
cuts out smooth
edges and engraves
The glue dries clear
which makes the
magnifying glass look
more professional.


Developed designs
This is one or more of your initial ideas that you will develop
into gain a high mark.
Example of development





Final Design and Model


Final Evaluation


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