Fullan Teachers Change Agents

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Why Teachers Must

Become Change Agents

Michael Fullan

Dr. Karen Burke, CSJ

Western Connecticut State University

Personal Reflection

Why did you become a


Why do you remain in


To Make A Difference in
the Lives of Students

Fullans Theme

To make teaching a noble and

effective profession teachers
must combine the mantle of
moral purpose with the skills of
change agentry.

Four Core Capacities for Building

Greater Change Capacity

Personal Vision-Building

Personal Vision-Building

Examining and re-examining

why we came into teaching.
What difference am I trying to
make personally?
Creating a vision forces us to
take a stand for a preferred
Alternative Assignment: Write
your own vision statement for
you as an educator.


The essential activity for

keeping our paradigm current is
persistent questioning.
Life-long learners
Career-long learners
Fueled by information and ideas
in the environment.


Expertise is central to
successful change.
Strong initial teacher education
Career-long staff development
Not just exposed to new ideas
but skilled in them!


There is a ceiling effect to how

much we can learn if we keep it
to ourselves.

Join forces
Team up
Work in partnership
Pool resources
Act as a team
Cooperate with each other

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