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Seguros Pepn

Charina Sosa
Asfraya Castellanos 15-0178

Bienvenido Corominas Pepn found the
company in 1964, but his son, Hctor
Corominas, whos the actual president
continues the legacy.
Seguros Pepn is the first company to introduce
the financial guarantee bond and is also the
first to launch the self-handling concept.
Is committed to vehicles insurances and
The company show support in a personalize
manner at the moment of an accident.

Its mission is to ensure the protection and
interest of its clients who are ensure by their
insurance policies, while providing excellence
to be able to offer a personalized and
advanced service and adjust to the needs of
each costumer individually.

They want to be the most preferred company
in local markets while trying to offer the best of
the best guarantees to their customers needs
to ensure their growth.

From their employees point of view: The culture
of Seguros Pepn is a tight oriented
environment where they implement their
values on to their employees.
From our point of view: We saw that they are
very cordial and attentive, as soon as we
walked in they provided us with services,
making sure we got exactly what we needed
and sending us to the right department to
speak with the right person.

Is a company that tries to sustain their growth
by providing good service not only insurance
wise, but while helping the poor and helping
the Dominican education.

Positive Attitude
Social Commitment
Mutual Respect
Pro Activity

Types of Leadership that

they practice:
Situational Approach
Team Leadership
Traits Approach

Situational: Because they provide a leader for
every situation, every department has that one
leader that is good at that one department and
the situation that they are facing.
Team: Because although every department has
one leader representing them, they are all one
big team, and at the end of the day they have
to answer to the president, which is the highest
in charge.
Traits: They have specific leaders for specific
departments in their company.

Do more advertising.
Led people know about what they offer, which
is more than what we think.
Try to rebuild their image.
Put more attention into learning.
Try to growth, not just stay in the same place.

They should continue giving courses, that gives
them more knowledge and updates so that
they can be day to day with the information
needed for their customers.
Keep rotating its personnel to continue helping
the others with a lower knowledge than them

Interviews to Clients
How long do you have with Seguros Pepn? 10
What does Seguros Pepn offer you? Just Law
Insurance, it just cover damages that you can do to
other, in a very limited amount.
Do they provide you with good customer
service? Regular service.
If you had another opportunity would you
choose it again or would you choose another
company? Why? I would change it if I can pay a
better one, because this is the most economic one.

Interviews to Employees
Do you feel there is an equal environment? If not why? Yes,
every one is treated the same. Some has higher positions than
others but that doesnt give them special treatments.
Do you think that youre providing full potential services to
your clients? Why? Yes, we involve ourselves fully with every
customer giving them the best of our potential.
What do you think your company is holding back that they
should be sharing to their clients? Nothing, when you have an
insurance we hand you a document where everything is stated that
you bought and everything your insurance provides we dont hide
anything from our clients there is always some one in between
seeing the fine print and for our company ethic is not beneficial for
us to hold anything back or sell something to our clients that isnt
true is not part of our company values we need to sell what we say,
so they can put their trust in us and what we sell is documents
stating everything you bought.

Hes (Hector Corominas Pea) a closed man
we hardly see him, but overall hes a good man
when he sees us in the hallways or in the
elevators he is cordial and always says hello
and asks how we doing. Some of us value
different things some material things and some
how we are treated, but he isnt self-centered
hes very humbled and down to earth.

Moral Purpose
To help the community.
They have a foundation thats called Consuelo
Pepn, this foundation is managed by one of the
daughters of Bienvenido Corominas Pepn, it was
created with the aim of helping the Dominican
education. This foundation was in honor of his

What can they Improve?

According to the Employees: The employees
capacity, not everyone has the same capacity
level, they dont worry about learning or advancing
they just come day to day and to do what they
have to. Another thing is that we should have more
advertising for our insurances, theres people that
only believe we serve motorcycle insurance not
knowing everything else we can offer them.
According to Clients: They can give a better
service, improving and extending its insurance.
According to Us: They should led people know
what they offer with more advertising.

Seguros Pepn has so much to offer that we
dont know about its more than just insurance
policy. They are also attentive to the needs of
the poor and the education of the Dominican
Republic which let say is not so good.

What did we learn?

That Seguros Pepn is not as bad as everybody
That they can improve if they do their part.
They can let themselves be known more and
show more of what they can offer.
That the advertising is very important for the
company to be known.

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