Amount of Substance

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Amount of Substance

Jiang Nan

Teaching Objectives
What is mole?
What is Avogadro Constant?
The relationship between mole and
number of particles.
The relationship between mole and

1. What is mole?
We often count the amount of individual things
using specific units that represent an exact
amount. For example:
Dozen = 12

Pair = 2
How would we count microscopic items (atoms, ions, molecules)
on a macroscopic scale?

1. What is mole?
Chemists use the peculiar name of


for the unit used to

count the amount of tiny particles such as atoms, molecules,

electrons or ions.
The relative atomic mass is
the weighted average mass
the relative atomic
of naturally occurring atoms
(molecular) mass
of an element on a scale of
of a substance
where an atom of carbon-12
has a mass of exactly 12

1 mole(mol) =
Avogadro constant = 6.021023

atoms,molecules ,ions and electrons

1. What is mole?
A mole is the amount of any substance
containing as many particles as there are atoms
in exactly 12 grams of the carbon-12 isotope.
A mole is a convenient standard quantity used
to count. Representative Particles.
There are 6.02 x 1023 atoms in exactly 12g of
carbon-12. This number is sometimes called the
Avogadro constant (L).
1 mol = L = 6.0221367 x 1023

2. The Avogadro constant

The Avogadro constant (L) is named
after the early nineteenth century
Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro, who
is credited (1811) with being the first to
realize that the volume of a gas is
proportional to the number of atoms or
Avogadro never attempted to measure
the constant: the numerical value was
first estimated by the Austrian physicist
Johann Josef Loschmidt in 1865

A Mole of Particles

Contains 6.02 x 1023 particles

1 mole C

= 6.02 x 1023 C atoms

1 mole H2O = 6.02 x 1023 H2O molecules

NaCl molecules
1 mole NaCl

(technically, ions are compounds not molecules

so they are called formula units)

6.02 x 1023 Na+ ions and

6.02 x 1023 Cl ions

Converting from moles to

Representative particles

total number of particles

Number of moles (mol)=

------------------------------------Avogadro constant (mol-1)

Practice 1:

How many moles of magnesium are 3.011023

atoms of Mg?
The answer:
total number of particles
Number of moles (mol)=
-------------------------------------Avogadro constant (mol )
= ------------------------------------6.02 x 1023 (mol-1)
= 0.5 mol Mg

3. Molar mass M

Molar mass is the mass of 1 mole of substance in grams.

The unit is g/mol.

The Mass of 1 mole (in grams) is Equal to the numerical

value of the average atomic mass (get from periodic
1 mole of C atoms =

12.0 g

1 mole of Mg atoms

24.3 g

1 mole of Cu atoms =

63.5 g

The molecular mass is the same numerical value as 1 mole of

molecules. Only the units are different.
1 mole of SO2 molecule

64.07 g


A really useful equation linking mass with
number of moles present

number of moles (mol)=


mass of substance in grams (g)

molar mass (g mol-1)

How many moles of sodium chloride are present in 117.0 g
of sodium chloride, NaCl ? (Ar values: Na=23.0; Cl=35.5)

molar mass of NaCl = 23.0+35.5

= 58.5 g mol-1
number of moles

= mass / molar mass

= 117.0g / 58.5 g mol -1
= 2.0 mol

Key points and difficult points

1. Mole is a counting unit standing for 6.02 X 1023 particles
2. 1 mole = 6.02 X 1023 (Avogadro Constant)
3. Molar mass is the mass in grams of 1 mole of substance. Unit:

4. Number of moles

5. Number of moles

Multiply by 6.02 X 1023

Divide by 6.02 X 1023
Multiply by molar mass
Divide by molar mass

number of particles

mass of substance(g)

Thank you!

The relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass of a

substance in grams is called of the mole of the substance.
One mole of a substance is the amount of a substance
which has the same number of specific particles (atoms,
molecules or ions) as there are atoms in exactly 12g of the
carbon-12 isotope.

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