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Teknik Menjawab

Kertas Bahasa
Inggeris 1 & 2
 You are given 1 hour to answer this paper.

There are 5 sections in paper 1:-

1. Section A – Graphics and Stimuli
 - Ten questions will be set on various text types
such as signs, advertisements, labels, posters,
short texts, dialogues, pictures and so on

1. Read and study the graphics or stimuli carefully.
2.Watch out for words like true, untrue, false or incorrect
and except
3. Cross out the wrong options
2. Section B – Grammar and Rational Cloze

- This section is to test your proficiency in

- Eight questions in a form of a text will be asked
based on various grammar items.
- The most common grammar items asked are
article, subject verb agreement, conjunctions,
pronoun and adjectives.

1. Read and understand the text.
2. Determine the tense of the text.
3. Fill in the answers that you are sure of first as you read
4. Practise! Practise! Practise!
3. Section C – Closest in Meaning

- In this section six questions based on phrasal

verbs and idiomatic expressions will be asked
in the form of dialogues or short texts.
- You will have to identify the expressions closest
in meaning to these phrasal verbs or idiomatic

1. Read the dialogue or text carefully
2. Study the underlined expressions
3. Read through the options and choose the best answer
4. Section D – Comprehension

- Two types of texts will be presented that are

non-linear text and the linear text.
- 4 questions on Non linear texts :-
advertisements, posters, graphs or charts,
notices and maps.
- 6 questions on Linear texts :- formal or informal
letters, speeches, newspaper reports,
dialogues and factual or narrative passages.
5. Section E – Poems and short stories

- Three questions will be set for any one of these

poems :- Life’s Brief Candle, The Dead Crow
or The Lake Isle of Innisfree.
- Another 3 questions are based on any one of
these short stories:- Of Bunga Telur and Bally
Shoes, The Pencil or How Dalat Got Its Name.

1. Read, read and read. When you understand the texts
and are familiar with it, any extract that is questioned
on will not be a problem.
English Paper 2
1 and ½ hour

Section A – Guided Writing

- You will be tested on your writing skills. One
questions will be set on any types of
- there are many types of composition for
example, speeches, opinions, formal letter,
informal letter, reports, processes and
procedures, charts and graphs, and
descriptive/narrative composition.
Marking criteria
A – 25-30 :- fulfilled the task, accurate language,
various sentence structures and wide
B – 19-24

C – 13-18

D – 7-12

E – 1-6 :- did not fulfilled the task, ideas not

 developed, language inaccurate and

 serious errors.
Section B - Summary
- You are given a passage of 150-180
words. It can be factual, narrative or
- You must summarise the passage to sixty
words including the ten words given.
- Summarise only a certain aspect of the
- text .


- CONTENTS = 5 – (spelling must be correct and

content points are given when written in
- Tips
1. Read the instructions carefully
2. Identify the main points/ideas in the text
3. Pick out only important information and leave out
unnecessary details.
4. Count your words.
Exercising carries with it many benefits that will help us lead
better lives. Physical activity burns calories, so the more you just get up
and move, the more calories you will burn. You even burn calories
doing things like running the vacuum cleaner or going up and down
Exercise increases your metabolic rate. Perhaps this is why
active people can eat anything and not gain weight. It also lowers the
risk of many diseases, including heart attacks.
Exercise is good for body and soul. Exercising improves mood
and due to the chemicals it releases in the brain called endorphins, it
gives you an overall feeling of well-being. This is the same chemical
that being in love or eating chocolate induces.
Exercise, particularly in the morning, may help you sleep better.

Just be sure not to exercise too close to your bedtime because it

may keep you awake. If you need to exercise within a few hours
of going to bed, make sure it's only a brisk walk. Experts say

you should allow yourself about three hours between

exercise and going to bed.
Write a summary on the benefits of
exercising. Look at the instructions.
Your summary must
* not be more than 60 words, including
the 10 words given below.
* be in continuous writing (not in note
* be written in ONE paragraph.
Use your own words as far as possible
without changing the original meaning. Remember to begin your
summary with these ten
Begin your summary as follows: words.
Regular exercising will help us stay healthy
in more ways…
Exercising carries with it many benefits that will help us lead better
lives. Physical activity burns calories so the more you just get up and move,
the more calories you will burn. You even burn calories doing things like running
the vacuum cleaner or going up and down steps.
.Exercise increases your metabolic rate. Perhaps this is why active
people can eat anything and not gain weight. It also lowers the risk of many
diseases , including heart attacks.
Exercise is good for body and soul.Exercise improves mood
and due to the chemicals it releases in the brain called endorphins, it gives you
an overall feeling of well-being. This is the same chemical that being in love or
eating chocolate induces.
Exercise, particularly in the morning, may
. help youbecause
Just be sure not to exercise too close to your bedtime sleep better.
may keep you awake. If you need to exercise within a few hours
of going to bed, make sure it's only a brisk walk. Experts say
you should allow yourself about three hours between
exercise and going to bed.

Regular exercising will help us stay healthy in

more ways than we know. Physical activity burns
calories and increases your metabolic rate. Besides
that, it helps our body and soul by releasing
chemicals in the brain called endorphins, which
improves mood. Regular exercising may also help us
sleep better, and it definitely reduces the risk of

Section C - Novels
-The literature component is based on five novels

you studied in form 2 and 3.

- A general subjective question on the aspect of
the novel will be asked such as themes,
character, setting and so on.

1. Read the novel and take note of the setting, characters,
events, themes and messages/moral values of the
2.Read the question carefully and identify what you should
write on. Remember to give evidence from the novel.
Marking Criteria
A : 9-10 – task fulfilled ( answer the question well),
ideas and details well-developed ( with evidence
from the novel), language accurate
B : 7-8

C: 5-6

D: 3-4

E: 1-2 – task hardly fulfilled (did not understand

 requirement of the question), hardly any
 ideas, language is inaccurate, factual
 errors

Section C
You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on this question.
1 Potato People - Angela Wright
2 Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
3 The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
4 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
5 The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope Hawkins

 Based on one of the novels above, write a comparison between two

characters of your choice. Write about the characters that you have
chosen, comparing their characteristics.

 Give evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Your response should be:
• in not less than 50 words
• in continuous writing (not note form)
1. Choose two characters to compare
2. Compare their personalities/traits
3. Begin with – The novel that I have chosen to
write is...(write the title of the novel and
4. State the two characters that you choose.
5. Begin with Dr. Jekyll – elderly gentleman, good
hearted, pleasant but has a dark side
6. Then Mr. Hyde – alter ego of the doctor, full of

 brutality, murderous, hated by everyone, evil

Sample answer
The novel that I have chosen to write about is Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson . The two characters that
I choose to compare are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The former is the
elderly gentleman at the center of the story who battles with his split
personality. Known to his friends as a very good hearted and
pleasant man, Dr. Jekyll actually has a dark side which manifests in
the person of Mr. Hyde.
Mr Hyde, as mentioned above, is the alter ego of Dr. Jekyll.
Unlike the kind, well mannered doctor, this is a man who is full of
brutality to the point of being murderous throughout the story.
Created when Dr. Jekyll drinks a special chemical solution, Mr. Hyde
is hated by everyone he meets, even at first glance. Although they
can’t name it, those around him sense something profoundly evil
about him. The novel revolves around Dr. Jekyll’s valiant efforts to
keep Mr. Hyde bottled up inside.

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