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Uses of Cellular

Concrete (CLC) in
Presented by,
The Su Nandar Myo


Problem statements
Research questions
Methodology (Plan of Action)
Experimental Program
Management Plan (Time Schedule)
About High Tech Concrete Co., Ltd


Cellular lightweight concrete or foamed concrete;

widely use and extreme importance in construction sites and industry,
high-performance concrete (meant a cost-effective material that satisfies demanding
performance requirements, including durability).
a type of concrete with an expanding agent (giving additional qualities - increases
the volume of the mixture such as lessened the dead weight),
is lighter than conventional concrete
Cellular lightweight
concrete or foam

has been widely spread across countries such as USA, United Kingdom and
Sweden, etc.
Many production by high tech companies in Myanmar.

Problem statements

more economical than using other materials

can improve the properties because of using fly ash
can low environmental pollution
less man power, saving in time, reduction in the dead load in the building
ultimately lead to reduce the cost of project
strength can vary with type and sources of aggregate
By using CLC, project can be effective but to be complete require enough time
for construction.


My aim is
to achieve performance and to know exactly application of CLC
Sub goals are
to produce CLC blocks widely for local construction site,
to prevent the extra wastes from construction mixing plants,
to save cost and time effectively for construction,
to perform a good building with best quality,
to save energy in industrials furnaces and
to be safe and economical in earthquake forces also.

Research questions
The goal of this study is to know specifically about CLC, how to use and why
CLC being the widely used material in construction industry in all developing
countries and developed countries. CLC can be replaced by steel or timber to
improve the quality and durability while being cost effective. We can get many
advantages for construction industry by using CLC. The following are the main
questions for CLC;

Main questions:

What is the CLC and how can be advanced for using

CLC blocks on construction industry?

What is the Cellular Lightweight Concrete?

Light weight concrete (foamed concrete)

is a versatile material which consists primarily of a
cement based mortar mixed with at least 20% of volume
is now being used with increasing number of
has a surprisingly long history
was first patented in 1923, mainly for use as an
insulation material

How can be advanced for using CLC

blocks on construction industry?
cost saving, fast completion and easy application compared to other materials
such as steel and timber
low compressive strength and high insulation against heat and sound
are used in the high rise residential building at the replacement of the
conventional burnt clay bricks because of the density less
the structure became lighter due to less dead load blocks will act on the structure,
so, reduction in the reinforcement, reduction in the size of the member ,
reduction in the concrete
no use of coarse sand for the plastering purpose
building should be constructed in a most economical way.

The following sub-questions are come out from the main questions. I will find
the answers of these sub questions by doing this research.

1. What are the applications for CLC in construction?
2. What are the mixing materials to perform stable CLC?
3. What are the famous properties of CLC?
4. What are advantages and disadvantages for using CLC?
5. What are the mixing design for production CLC?
6. How can be classified for CLC and what are the technical specification of CLC
for construction?
7. What is the difference between using of CLC and other concrete?
8. Where CLC works can be mainly use in the constructions?

What are the applications for CLC in construction?

Blocks Applications

Cast Insuit Applications


Tank Infill

Ceiling Panels

Road Construction

Pre-cast Exterior Walls

Subway Infill

Void Filling

Tunnel Infill

Roof Insulation

Mine Infill

Thermal Insulations

Water Proof Material

Sound Insulation



Low Cast Housing

Some Applications of CLC

What are the mixing materials to perform stable

Raw Material: fly ash or sand (2, 4, 6, 8 mm, depending on density and
Preference: Fly ash (min. 20% fines),Cement(Preference Portland), Water for
Foam production(Potable), Foaming Agent
Optional: Fiber (Polypropylene), Fly-ash up to 40% on total mix, Lightweight
Aggregate (e.g. expanded clay etc.)

Preferences for Foam Concrete

What are the famous properties of CLC?

Compressive strength
Compressive strength can varies with type and source of aggregate, and there is
no reliable correlation between aggregate strength and concrete strength
All aggregates have strength ceilings, that is, a maximum strength attainable
with a reasonable quantity of cement.
is usually related to the cement content at a given slump, rather than to the
water/cement ratio.
in some case, compressive strength can be increased by replacing part of the
fine lightweight aggregate with good quality natural sand.
Cellular lightweight concrete can be suitable for earthquake areas.

Customizable Physical Properties

Adding fibers to CLC is a further important benefit, increasing
bending stress substantially and most of it impact strength.
The three dimensional acting fiber (e.g. polypropylene) will further
reduce shrinkage, therefore reducing water absorption and
increasing strength (up to 25 %).
This is appreciated most when producing slender building

Fire endurance and thermal properties

structural lightweight concretes resist fire better than ordinary concretes because
of their lower thermal conductivity, lower coefficient of thermal expansion, and
the inherent fire stability of aggregates already burned to over 2000 degrees F.
for concretes exposed to the elements, structural lightweight has some
advantages over normal weight concrete.
the lower conductivity lengthens the time required for exposed members to
reach a steady state temperature, and this resistance reduces interior temperature
changes under transient conditions. Such a time lag moderates solar buildup and
nightly cooling effects.
in tall buildings, the lower coefficient of thermal expansion for exposed
lightweight columns means a reduction in volume changes and the stresses
associated with them.

Physical Properties of CLC

What are advantages and disadvantages of using


Light in Weight

High Thermal Insulation

High Fire Protection

High Sound Insulation

Lower Water Absorption

Eco Friendly


in the mixtures very sensitive with
water content
Difficult to place and finish because of
the porosity and angularity of the
aggregate. In some mixes the cement
mortar may separate the aggregate and
float towards the surface.
Mixing time is longer than conventional
concrete to assure proper mixing.

What are the mixing design for production CLC?

is the process of choosing suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their

relative quantities with the objective of producing the most economical concrete
while retaining the specified minimum properties such as strength, durability,
and consistency
selection of ingredient is normally done using data from tables and charts in the
relevant mix design standard
may be more comfortable using equations to calculate the ingredient of concrete.
The calculation of batch compositions using the mix design codes only give the
first starting point

optimum compositions may be attained by testing of concrete, re-calculations

and mix adjustment as deem necessary.

Sample mix proportion for cement,

fly ash foamed concrete

Compressi ratio
ve Strength
at 28-day

OPC 53
grade (kg)

Fly ash

Water (kg)

























What are the require equipment and

block dimension?
Required Equipment
MFG / MFG-A Foam Generator
Conventional Mixers, pan-mixer, truck-mixer
Conventional conveying system (buckets, Concrete pumps etc)
Conventional moulds, horizontal/vertical
The nominal dimensions of the CLC blocks are as follows:
Width: 100,150,200or250mm.

How can be classified for CLC?

CLC Blocks are available in 3 grade strengths:

Grade A: These are used as load bearing

units & have a brick density in the range of
1,200 kg/Cum 1,800 kg/Cum


Grade B: These are used as non-Load

bearing units & have a brick density in the
range of 700 1,000 kg/Cum.


Grade C: These are used for providing

thermal insulation & have a brick density in
the range of 400 600 kg/Cum.

What is the difference between using of CLC and

other concrete?
For example, in the manufacturing of burnt clay bricks, smoke evolved at a
great extent and also some toxic gases which can harm an environment. So as
to overcome with all these problem, Cellular lightweight concrete blocks are
used which is more economical and eco-friendly.
By comparing CLC blocks and Clay bricks and recommend a replacement
material to red bricks in construction industry. Burnt clay Brick is the
predominant construction material in the country. The CO2 emissions in the
brick manufacture process have been acknowledged as a significant factor to
global warning and also focus on the environment solution for greener
environment because red bricks require high energy to burn in kiln to produce
it. The use of fly ash in lightweight foamed concrete, can improve the
properties of CLC blocks.

Where CLC works can be mainly use in the

usage CLC in civil engineering works is very broad
in almost every parts of building from the superstructure right down to the
substructure, including wall panels and roofing.
very low density lightweight foamed concrete can be used as thermal and sound
insulation panels, filtering media and floating blocks for fishery purposes and
can also be used to cast elements for architectural purposes, pottery, void filling,
trench reinstatement, foundation raising and swimming pool.
in highway construction, lightweight foamed concrete can be applied as soil
filling for sub-base, bridge abutments and bridge embankment.

Some Lightweight Buildings

Experimental Program
At first start with the water and fly ash.
Mix for a few minutes and add cement in stages and make sure the mixing is
thorough (Mortar slurry preparation).
Preparation of pre-foamed by diluted the foam agent with water and extracted by
using foam generator and air compressor.
After that, add foam to the wet slurry and ensure foam has been completely
mixed with the mortar.
After mixing is completed check that the wet density of the foamed concrete is
close to what is required.
To continue............

After an additional mixing to get uniform consistency, the slurry form of After
an additional mixing to get uniform consistency, the slurry form of foamed
cellular concrete is pumped into assembled moulds of blocks.

The dimensions of the blocks are 600 X 200 X 150 mm. The foam imparts free
flowing characteristics to this slurry due to ball bearing effect of foam bubbles
enabling it to easily flow into all corners and compact by itself in the
moulds/forms without requiring any kind of vibration or compaction.

The blocks are then cured and this curing is done by Water for 2 to 3 weeks.
The same curing process can be steam curing also for 10 hours, which is
advantageous in terms of time.

**CLC manufacturing setup is cheap & profitable and

highly customizable.

Methodology (Plan of Action)

Firstly, I made a studying and collect datas dealing with the cellular lightweight concrete
from literature reviews, internet websites, reading books. Secondly, I will try to know the
whole manufacturing process related mix of ingredients, type of ingredients and mixing ratio
of ingredients) for CLC in high tech concrete I will need site visiting to some
industries where are the use of CLC widely. I will discover more data and information from
engineers who are the person know about the CLC exactly in the construction. From these, I
will take out of their vision and satisfaction (like workability and durability for using CLC)
on use of CLC in construction and what are the pros and cons of using CLC for construction.
To continue................

Thirdly, if possible, I will content some experimental program to understand the mechanical, physical
properties in construction site for making comparison between CLC and other similar materials. This
includes compression and tension and density tests because as we know some materials are weaker or
stronger in tension or compression.
And also I will take a references some of tend of the structural strength tests already done by literature
tests should be evaluated and compared base are finding research. The thickness of the material should also
be taken into account. There will also have to be looked at how the different weather conditions can
influence the durability of the different materials and if it would influence the structural strength of it.
Water will have an impact on CLC for example and it should be looked at and ways to treat the CLC to
be weather resistant should be applied. And then, I can know how can I classified for CLC blocks by grade
A, B, C. The cost of the different materials will be compared by doing an estimate using square meter rates.

Management Plan (Time Schedule)

If we will do anything, we need to plan for implementing everything. So thus,
we can get main goals easily within efficient time. Lightweight foamed concrete has
become more popular in recent years owing to be tremendous advantages it offers
over the conventional concrete. Modern technology and a better understanding of
the concrete have also helped much in the promotion and use of lightweight foamed
concrete. Civil engineering works is very wide as CLC can be used in almost every
parts of building. In Myanmar construction site, CLC plants are usually found in
large project and widely used in nowadays. So, if I will have made a time schedule
for investigating in CLC, I will complete my research project easily.



Literature review

Collect data


Site visiting and

Data analyzing

Presentation and

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

About High Tech Concrete Co., Ltd

As a market leader in construction materials industry, High Tech Concrete Co.,
Ltd, manufactures and supplies ready-mixed concrete as well as provides related
services to construction sites all over Myanmar.
The companys portfolio includes over 54 medium to large batching plants for both
private and public sectors in Myanmar. Market-oriented structure, effective
management and skilled personnel has placed High Tech Concrete to take strong
position and to build long-term relationship with his customers.
High Tech Concrete provides wide range of high quality concrete products such as
low heat concrete, high durable concrete, high early strength concrete, waterproofing
concrete, self-compacting concrete and retarding concrete.
Being the 1st ISO (9001:2000) certified company in ready-mixed concrete
industry in Myanmar, High Tech Concrete will adhere to the principle of continuous
evolvement to be more robust, sustainable and innovative to the emerging market.

(1) W-600mm * L-200mm * H-75mm -10Kg
(2) W-600mm * L-200mm * H-100mm -13Kg
It is a lightweight, precast building material that
simultaneously provides structure, insulation, and fire- and
mold-resistance. In addition, it improves thermal efficiency by
reducing the heating and cooling load in buildings. Its porous
structure also allows for superior fire resistance.
This resource efficiency gives reduces environmental
impact in all phases of its life cycle, from processing of raw
materials to the disposal of waste. Furthermore, it has many
advantages like its cost savings in transportation, labor and
increases the chances of survival during seismic activity.

To content for company

Head Office:
No. 1(B) , Yan Gyi Aung Road,
Thaketa Industrial Zone, Thaketa
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : +95 - 1 - 450500, 450745

Sales & Marketing Division

Tel : +95-1-553344


By using cellular lightweight concrete for building construction, it can reduce
the reinforcement in the structure and reduces the size of the member. The building
can be design in an economical way by applying CLC widely. The usage of CLC
blocks gives a prospective solution to building construction industry. By using fly
ash in foamed concrete, CLC can greatly improve its properties. CLC is excellent
for strong yet light walls, noise insulating floors and leak proof roofs. By using
cellular lightweight blocks the overall cost of construction is reducing and it will be
safe and economical in earthquake forces also.

Kamsiah.M. I (2003). Study of lightweight concrete behavior.
M.S. Shetty, concrete Technology Theory & Practice Published by S. CHAND & Company, Ram Naryar,
New Delhi.
Shobha Tiwari (Director) Krishna Ashtech CLC Pvt. Ltd. 20/6/7, Site- 4, Sahibabad Sahibabad Industrial
Area, Ghaziabad - 201010, Uttar Pradesh, India
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 4, Issue 3, May-June, 2016
Soumini A K, (Mar2015), An overview of cellular lightweight concrete, International journal of advanced
research trends in engineering and technology, volume2, special issue X
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science,, Volume
No.02, Issue No. 08, August 2014
Hjh Kamsiah Mohd, Mohamad Shazli Fathi, Norpadzlihatun bte Manaf study of lightweight concrete
behavior, Vol No: 71908
IS: 2185 (Part 4) 2008, Concrete masonry units- Specification preformed foam cellular concrete blocks,
BIS, New Delhi.

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