600-1450 World History Jeopardy

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Empires - 100
This Chinese Dynasty reunited China
for the first time since the Han, they
were known for their strict and
oppressive rule much like the Qin.
Their best known accomplishment
was the start of the Grand Canal
which connected the Yangtze and
Yellow rivers, united China through
on a North-South axis for the first

Answer 1 100
What is the Sui Dynasty?

Empires - 200
This Mesoamerican civilization was
best known for their frequent raids
on surrounding peoples. The
prisoners taken by these raids were
used in frequent bloodletting. They
also utilized floating farmland known
as chinampas.

Answer 1 200
What are the Aztec?

Empires - 300
This African Kingdom was founded by
Sundiata Keita, known as The Lion
King. Mansa Musa, who completed a
hajj to Mecca in 1324 while carrying
showed the riches found in Africa to
all the places he traveled through,
later ruled this empire.

Answer 1 300
What is the kingdom of Mali?

Empires - 400
This Islamic caliphate built their
empire by conquering Syria, Persia,
Egypt, North Africa, Spain and parts
of the Byzantine Empire in West Asia.
They set up a bureaucratic structure
that used local administrators, being
located at Damascus.

Answer 1 400
What are the Umayyad?

Empires - 500
The ruler Batu conquered and ruled
Russia, creating this state. He kept
local rulers in place to administer,
and Russian bureaucrats collected
taxes from the peasants. This empire
had its subject people convert to

Answer 1 500
What is the Golden Horde?

Religion - 100
This religion was started by
Muhammad in 622CE with his Hijrah
and grew mostly through trade
routes. Its beliefs are contained in
the Koran and the religion originated
in modern-day Saudi Arabia.

Answer 2 100
What is Islam?

Religion - 200
Used in Islamic societies, this fixture
allowed for peoples of different
faiths to practice freely, with a tax.

Answer 2 200
What is the Jizya?

Religion - 300
A 1054 event that split the Catholic
church into two parts when the
leaders of Christianity of the
Byzantine (the Emperor) and of
Western Europe (the Pope) both
excommunicated each other ; formed
Catholicism and Orthodox
Christianity (intact today).

Answer 2 300
What is the Great Schism?

Religion - 400
Used by the Byzantine, this political
strategy allowed for the emperor to
lead the state and the church, being
considered the empires patriarch

Answer 2 400
What is Caesaropapism?

Religion - 500
This native religion venerated
ancestors, but also had a host of
nature spirits and deities. It remained
a prevalent religion in its region
(Japan), despite influences of
Confucianism and Buddhism.

Answer 2 500
What is Shintoism?

Culture - 100
A Chinese practice in which girls
tightly wrap their feet in order to
appeal to marrying men. This gained
the most popularity during the Song
dynasty and continued for centuries,
especially in the higher classes.

Answer 3 100
What is foot binding?

Culture - 200
A moral code of conduct which
emphasized military might, loyalty,
and virtue for knights during the
medieval period in Europe. It later
emphasized a devotion to
Christianity as well

Answer 3 200
What is Chivalry?

Culture - 300
The language created by a blending
of Bantu and Arabic languages on
the East African coast. The citystates that formed along that coast
were later named after this syncretic

Answer 3 300
What is Swahili?

Culture - 400
These Christian battles were started
by Pope Urban II to reconquer the
holy land of Jerusalem. While the first
was a success, the later ones all
failed or were derailed. The fourth
even sacked Constantinople, leading
the Byzantine into a decline they
would never return from. These
attacks also reintroduced classical
ideas into Europe leading to the

Answer 3 400
What are the Crusades?

Culture - 500
This is a device of record keeping
used by Andean Civilizations in place
of a written language. It involves
creating a series of knots on pieces
of string and was used in taxes,
census, calendar keeping, and the

Answer 3 500
What is a Quipu?

Trade - 100
A large cargo ship used extensively
by the Song Dynasty in trading large
bulk items across the China Sea and
the Indian Ocean. It can be compared
to the Arabic Dhow.

Answer 4 100
What is a Junk?

Trade - 200
This is an animal that allowed for a
Trans-Saharan trade route due to its
ability to survive long periods of time
with little water. Islamic traders
began to create regular caravans
across the Sahara thus introducing
the kingdoms they traded with to

Answer 4 200
What is a Camel?

Trade - 300
These seasonal winds began to be
used widely by Arabic and Islamic
traders allowing for easy and
scheduled travel between the East
African coast and India.

Answer 4 300
What are Monsoon winds?

Trade - 400
The most widely traded commodity
of the Ghana empire which they
gained through its expansion efforts
into the Niger and Senegal regions.
Muslims had a great craving for this
good and would even travel for
weeks across the Sahara desert for a
chance to trade for it.

Answer 4 400
What is Gold?

Trade - 500
This group of city-states in Northern
Europe banded together to form
common trade practices and to
encourage further trading amongst
themselves by coming together to
fight off pirates and create trading
monopolies. This group helped
establish a precedent for future
European trading ventures.

Answer 4 500
What is the Hanseatic League?

Societies - 100
This allowed for the Tang Dynasty to
determine political positions based
on merit, instead of by family,
allowing for male upward mobility. It
was used by every following dynasty
with the exception of the Mongol

Answer 5 100
What are Civil Service examinations?

Societies - 200
During the Middle Ages, Europeans
adapted agricultural techniques that
substantially increased their crop
production. They perfected the threefield system, in which they rotated
crops depending on the season,
allowing a field to remain inactive
every third year.

Answer 5 200
What is the Medieval Agricultural

Societies - 300
A decentralized form of governing
utilized in Europe and Japan during
this time, having militaristic ties and
promoting patriarchal societies with
family alliances. In this form of
government the majority of the
population consisted of serfs which
were bound to a land plot and
subservient to their corresponding

Answer 5 300
What is Feudalism?

Societies - 400
A class of people in Medieval Japan
which, similar to Knights in Europe,
maintained peace throughout the
lords land in exchange for riches or

Answer 5 400
What are Samurai?

Societies - 500
An epic poem of the Malinke people,
which describes the story of the
founder of the Mali Empire in West
Africa, he was known as the Lion

Answer 5 500
What is the Epic of Sundiata?

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