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Data Validation Manager

Data Validation Manager is a Business Service which can

validate Business Component's Data base on set of rules. In
the case of any rule violation, a custom error message

In Addition you can also set a Constant value to the

fields in BC when the rule is Violated.

DVM can be used without requiring extensive Siebel

Tools configuration.
It reduces the need for custom scripts and does not
require the deployment of a new SRF.

DVM Procedure
The following steps need to be create to achieve the
requirement or to get the error validation message through
Data Validation Manager
Defining Error Messages for Data Validation
Defining Data Validation Rule Set
Associate Error messages to Rule Set to calling validation
Activate DVM
Revising DVM for modifications if required
Create Action Set for DVM at Administration Run Time Events
Create Run Time Events to calling the Action Set
Reload Run Time Events

Requirement: 1
Email Address is required field for creating Contact
To achieve the above requirement we need to be
follow the following steps or procedure.


Created Error message at Admin-Data validation--Validation

messages with message code eMail.

2- Created Rule Set (Email Validation) to call the validation message

3- Associated the eMail error message to Email Validation

Rule Set

4- Activate the DVM

5- Create Action Set for DVM at Administration Run

Time Events


Business Service Name

: Data Validation Manager
Business Service Method : Validate
Business Service Context : Rule Set Name, Email Validation

6- Create Run Time Events to call the Email Action


7- Reload Run Time Events


at Action Sets &

Result: if user trying to create contact with out

entering email it will throws an error

Requirement : 2
If User is going to close the Service Request check for all the activities
status should be Done if any records found except Done Status throw
an error Please update all the activities Status to Done
To achieve the above requirement we have 3 ways

1. Through eScript
2. Through workflows
3. Data Validation Manager
Through DVM need to follow the following steps.
Defining Error Messages for Data Validation
Defining Data Validation Rule Set
Associate Error messages to Rule Set to calling validation message
Activate DVM
Revising DVM for modifications if required
Create Action Set for DVM at Administration Run Time Events
Create Run Time Events to calling the Action Set
Reload Run Time Events

1- Defining Error Messages for Data Validation

Created Error message at Admin-Data validation--Validation

messages with message code SR ACT

2- Created Rule Set (SR Action) to call the validation message

3- Associated the SR ACT error message to SR Action Rule Set

Under rule added bus comp Action to check the Action bc

records and defined the triggering point for validation in
service request

4- Activate the DVM

After activating the DVM Status should get changed

to Active from In Progress

5- Create Action Set for DVM at Administration Run

Time Events


Business Service Name

: Data Validation Manager
Business Service Method : Validate
Business Service Context : Rule Set Name, SR Action

6- Create Run Time Events to call the Email

Action Set

7- Reload Run Time Events

Sets & Events

at Action

Result: when user trying to close the SR without

changing the activities status to Done it will throws
an error

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