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Competency 4

By Taylor Gibson

Engage In Practiceinformed Research and


11. Use practice experience and theory to inform

scientific inquiry and research.

I accomplish this behavior by doing research on

theories that apply to school social work, and the
issue of truancy with the population that I am
going to work with.
I also sat with an attendance group at Laurel
Hill, to understand how to put together an
appropriate group for this issue.

12. Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of

quantitative and qualitative research methods and
research findings.

First off, I took notes of the research that the

school social worker at Laurel Hill had compiled
of tardy students, and how the implementation
of her group affected the truancy at their school.
Also, I compared this to other studies done in
scholarly journals, so that I could properly
analyze the issue. These journals included both
quantitative and qualitative data.

13. Use and translate research evidence to inform

and improve practice, policy, and service delivery.

I designed my agency project for the purpose of

improving school intendance amongst truant
students. However, first I researched different types
of interventions revolving around truancy in
elementary schools, so that I could better serve the
population of students that I am working with.
Additionally, I read a lot of information about the
attendance policies in North Carolina & Scotland
County for my project.


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