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Adnan Murtaza
Abdul Rauf
Muhammad Nabeel
Aqeel Haider


Introduction of ohmmeter
Operation of ohmmeter
Types of ohmmeter
Problems with analog ohmmeter

An ohmmeter is an electrical instrument that
measures electrical resistance, the opposition to
an electric current.
It has a low degree of accuracy.
An ohmmeter is useful for determining the
approximate resistance of circuit components
such as heater elements or machine field coils
measuring and sorting of resistors used in
electronic circuits , checking of semiconductor

According to the construction
Shunt type ohmmeter
Series type ohmmeter

According to the display

Analog ohmmeter
Digital ohmmeter

The purpose of an ohmmeter, of course, is to measure
the resistance placed between its leads. This resistance
reading is indicated through a mechanical meter
movement which operates on electric current.
The ohmmeter must have an internal source of voltage
to create the necessary current to operate the
movement, and also have appropriate ranging resistors
to allow just the right amount of current through the
movement at any given resistance
A more accurate type of ohmmeter has an electronic
circuit that passes a constant current (I) through the
resistance, and another circuit that measures the
voltage (V) across the resistance. According to the
following equation, derived from Ohm's Law, the value of
the resistance (R) is given by R =V/I.

In this type of meters we have a battery source and an adjustable
resistor is connected in series with the source.
There is a switch by the use of which we can on or off the circuit.
The switch is opened when it is not in use. When the resistance to
be measured is zero, the terminals A and F are shorted so the
current through the meter will be zero. The zero position of the
meter denotes the resistance to be zero.

We have connected the meter in parallel to the resistance which

is to be measured.
When the resistance connected is very high, then a small current
will flow the terminal AF and hence full scale current is allowed to
flow through the meter by adjusting the series resistance
connected with the battery.

So, full scale deflection measures very high resistance. When the
resistance to be measured is connected between A and F, The
pointer shows a deflection by which we can measure the
resistance values.


It consists of basic dArsonval movement
connected in parallel with a shunting
resistor R2.
This parallel circuit is in series with
resistance R1 and a battery of emf E.
The series circuit is connected to the
terminals A and B of unknown resistor Rx.

R1 is the current limiting resistor,
R2 is the zero adjust resistor,
RX is the unknown resistor,
E is the internal battery voltage and
Rm is the internal resistance of the dArsonval
A and B are the output terminals of the ohmmeter
which an unknown resistor is connected.

Digital ohmmeter s are used to measure the
resistance accurately
It shows the exact reading of the resistance
It is mostly used to measure the

The ohmmeters that were based on a type of
meter movement known as a Analog Ohm
Analog ohmmeters are used to measure the
resistance of the circuit with respect to the
current flowing the circuit.
R= V / I
It shows the reading in the analog form so if
there is mistake by the reader in taking reader
there it will cause great difference in the


One major problem with this design is its reliance upon
a stable battery voltage for accurate resistance reading.
If the battery voltage decreases (as all chemical
batteries do with age and use), the ohmmeter scale will
lose accuracy.
With the series range resistor at a constant value and
the battery voltage decreasing, the meter will no longer
deflect full-scale to the right when the test leads are
shorted together.
There are design techniques used to compensate for
varying battery voltage, but they do not completely take
care of the problem and are to be considered
approximations at best. For this reason, and for the fact
of the nonlinear scale, this type of ohmmeter is never
considered to be a precision instrument.

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