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Rizals research studies in the

British Museum (London) and in
Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris)
enriched his historical knowledge.
His annotations to Morgas book
showed his familiarity with
He told Isabelo de los Reyes, A
historian ought to be rigorously
impartedI never assert anything
on my own authority. I cite texts
and when I do, I have them before

First Voyage Around the World
(Italian) Antonio Pigafetta
Historical works of Marsden,
Raffles, Lord Stanley, and
Wallace in English
Writings of Blumetritt, Jagor,
Virchow in German
Books of M. Jacquet, J. Mallat, &
A. Marche in French
Works of TH Pardo de Tavera &
Pedro Paterno, in Spanish

Other works of Rizal which

Qualify him to be a Real
1. Ma- yi
2. Tawalisi of Ibn Batuta
3. Filipinas Dentro de Cien Anos
4. La Politica Colonial on Filipinas
5. Historia de la Familia Rizal de
6. Los Pueblos del Archipelago Indico

The Philippines Within a

In this article, Rizal portrayed the
glorious past of the Filipino people,
described its economic stagnation
and unhappiness under the harsh
and bungling Spanish rule.
At the last paragraph, he also
peered into the future and warned
Spain of what would happen to its
colonial empire in Asia if she would
not adopt a more liberal and
enlightened policy toward

The Indolence of the Filipinos

An essay, which is an able defense of the
alleged indolence of the Filipinos.
Reasons why Filipinos did not work hard during
Spanish regime :
1. The native revolts and the other internal
disorders which followed the establishment of
American rule
2. The wars which the Filipinos fought for Spain
against the Dutch, Portuguese, English and
other enemies
3. The frightful raids of the Muslim pirates

The Indolence of the

4.The forced labor, resulting in the abandonment


industry, commerce and agriculture

5. Lack of stimulus to work harder because the people
could not enjoy the fruits of their labor
6. Government neglect and indifference to agriculture,
commerce and industry
7. The bad example shown by the Spaniards on despising
manual labor
8. The teaching of the Spanish missionaries
9. Encouragement and propagation of gambling by the
Spanish authorities
10. System of Spanish education did not promote the
economic enterprise and activity

International Association of

Aim: To study the Philippines from the scientific

and historical point of view.
The officers:
Vice Pres:

Ferdinand Blumentritt (Austrian)

Edward Plauchut (French)
Dr. Reinhold Rost (Anglo-German)
Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor (Filipino-Spanish)
Dr. Jose Rizal (Filipino)

The holding of Inaugural convention did not

materialize because the French government
discourage the holding of conferences by private
organization for the period of international

Dr. Ferdinand

Dr. Antonio Ma.


Dr. Reinhold Rost

Project for Filipino College in

Hong Kong

Aim: To train and educate men of good family and financial

means in accordance to the demands of modern times and
Mariano Cunanan promised to raise P40,000 as initial
payment of the college
oEthics- Study of Religion Natural Law Civil law
Deportment Hygiene
oMathematics Physics and Chemistry Natural History
Geography Political Economy
oUniversal History Philippine History Logic Rhetoric
oSpanish English French German Chinese Tagalog
oGymnastics Equitation Fencing Swimming Music
Drawing Dancing

Por Telefono
Rizal wrote Por Telefono in the fall of
1889 in Barcelona as reply to another
slanderer, Fr. Salvador Font who was the
mastermind of banning Noli.
This was under the authorship of Dimas
Describes in comical vein a telephone
conversation between Fr. Font who was
in Madrid and father provincial of St.
Agustin Convent in Manila.

Por Telefono
Demonstrates Rizals
prophetic insight:
o In the year 1900, Philippines
was connected to Metropolis
by means of telephone laid
out by Anglo-Catalan
company called Trans-Oceanic
Telephone Company.
o Rizal predicted much ahead of
time that people could carry

Christmas in Paris
Rizal and Jose Albert planned to have
sumptuous Christmas dinner fried chicken,
rice and vegetables.
After New Year, Rizal made a brief visit to
London due to two reasons:
o To check up his annotated edition of
Morgas Sucesos with the original copy in
British Museum
o To see Gertrude Beckett for last time
By mid January 1890, he was back in Paris
and suffered a terrible headache.

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