Fraktur Humerus English

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Often occurs in older

women who have
Trauma usually mild
which at the time fell
in the patient's arm
hold the body in
position of extension
Broken line generally
Distal fragment will
push a strong entry
into the proximal
fragment This
condition is called
impacted fracture

Clinical symptom

Impacted fracktur in older women mild symptoms, such

as pain in the shoulder, arm function is still good (stable
fracture impacted)
In young patients with fractures symptoms more clearly
a function laesa, swelling, tenderness, pain when actuated

Supporting Examination
X-rays of the impacted fracture was found broken
line transversal

At impacted fracture is not required

repositioning actions
injured arm rested enough to wear a sling (sling)
for 6 weeks patients trained to move the
shoulder joint rotates bowing mimicking the
movement of a pendulum (pendulum exercise) to
prevent the new joint stiffness
In adult patients when the dislocation abduction
do repositioning and immobilization with
spica casts, the position of the arm in abduction
If the fracture is accompanied by a shift
considered action OP


Stiffness of the shoulder joint (ankylosis)

Nerve trauma, ie n. circumflex axillary

Shoulder joint dislocation


in adults
Often due to direct
trauma which
causes transverse
fracture line or
Rarely indirect
trauma, which is
due to hand hold
the body falling.
Usually on indirect
trauma resulting in
a broken line spiral





Simple (closed) Compound (open) HUMERUS

Clinical Picture
The history is the pain in the area of fracture
Physical examination
Hematome on soft tissue so that the broken
arm looks rather large
Signs functiolaesa upper arm fractures and
Do not forget examined n. The radial and n.
brachial krn n.radialis frequently injured
can be neuropraxia, axonotmesis or

The radial nerve is very attached and

running crosswise across the middle
third of the humerus
If fractures: interchangeable fracture
occurs frakmen injured radial nerve
The radial nerve lesion DROP Hand
/ wrist drop

Upper Level
Can not Dorsoflexy in the region of Wrist

Lower Level
Extension can not thumb (Paralyzed m.
Extensor pollicis longus)


humerus fracture healing power of bone (bone healing)

conservative action
On humerus fractures with a transverse fracture line,
in case of a second dislocation fragmentnya to do
repositioning enclosed with narcotics.
When the position is quite good, immobilization with a
cast in the form of U-slap Immobilization is
maintained for 6 weeks.

Mechanical installation of gypsum were: Hanging Cast

Cast Hanging used in px to walk with the position of the distal and proximal fragment occurs
contractionum (shortening).

If the injury is accompanied n.radialis should be open reduction and internal fixation with plate-screw

If found n.radialis drop out (neurotmasis) do reconnection with microsurgical techniques.

If it is found only neuropraxia or axonotmesisi conservative enough with good will come back in a few
weeks to several months (3 months).


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