Presentation of Alice Grainger Gasser of World Heart Federation, in World Heart Day 2016 Webinar

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World Heart Day

in the SDGs!

Alice Grainger Gasser

Program Development Manager

CVD: global epidemic

# 1 cause of death globally: 17.5 million; 31% of all deaths
37% of premature NCD deaths
3/4s of CVD deaths are in low- and middle-income
World Health Organization

CVD and other NCDs hit the poor harder

Kill/disable breadwinners on whom many women and children and other family members depend
No social protection to buffer income loss
Less access to health care for prevention and control
Higher prevalence of risk factors
Die at younger age

CVD: barrier to development

NCD cost for LMICs 2011-2025: 7 trillion

WHO: From burden to best buys, reducing economic impact of


MDGs vs. Global Mortality

Lancet Commission, 2013 Global Health 2013: a world converging within a generation

Gap Between CVD Burden and Funding

UN High Level Meeting on NCDs and 25x25 Targets

National NCD plans

Sustainable Development Goals

NCD-specific target: reduce by 1/3 premature NCD mortality by 30%

How to do it: reorient health systems to deliver

NCD prevention/care
Target 3.8: Achieve universal health coverage
MOI 3.b: Support research and development
MOI 3.c: Increase health financing and the
recruitment, development, training and retention
of the health workforce
MOI 3. d: Strengthen early warning, risk
reduction, and management

Launch of the WHO Global Hearts
Hosted by the Council on Foreign
Thursday, 22 September 2016,
The Harold Pratt House, 58 East
New and
Scale up68th

- Population measures
- Management in Primary Health Care

Opening remarks
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General,
World Health Organization
Mr Michael Bloomberg, WHO Global
Ambassador for NCDs

HE Mr Maithripala Sirisena, President,
Sri Lanka
HE Dr Paulyn Rosell-Ubial, Secretary,
Department of Health, Philippines
Dr Thomas Frieden, Director, United
States Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Dr Salim Yusuf, President, World
Heart Federation

Dr Richard E. Besser, Chief Health
and Medical Editor, ABC News

Lunch to be served following programme

How to do it: develop policies

addressing risk factors

MOI 3a: Strengthen implementation of

the FCTC
Conference of the Parties: 7-12
November in India

Other relevant SDG targets: integration

HIV: common challenges in chronic care; pilots in Ethiopia and Kenya for adapting existing HIV training
materials, registers

Air Pollution: 82% of deaths caused by air pollution are from CVD
Womens Health: 1/3 of all Womens deaths are from CVD

1. CVD (and other NCDs) are a huge barrier to human and economic development,
in the past neglected by the development agenda...
2. We cannot reduce NCDs without substantially reducing CVD
3. FCTC implementation and health system strengthening are the two priorities for
reducing CVD.
4. The NCD targets and SDGs offer an unprecedented opportunity mandate for
countries to tackle CVD.


How can we get the level of press attention to the

CVD agenda that has been given to HIV?

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