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Nama :
Dedi Sastra
Egi Ahmad Sopary
Fery Hadi Saputra
Muhammad Yongki Riansyah
Muhammad Akhiruddin
Ratna Sari Dewi

( 13151091)


Definition of Meeteng Project

Kinds of Meeteng Project
Managing a Project Meeting
How To keep meeting on track

Definition of Meeting Project

Project meetings refer to an effective method to distribute

information and communicate with the team and
stakeholders. Therere many kinds and types of project
meetings, and sometimes its hard to give a comprehensive
project meeting definition that could cover all the aspects of
the event.
AProject Meetingis a regular event that involves
everyone, who shares or is interested in the project, in
communicating with other participants and stakeholders by
discussing issues, making proposals, approving or rejecting
offers, for the purpose of generating group decisions that
contribute to quicker project delivery, according to the
planned goals and expected results

Kinds of Meeting Project

Regular Team Meetingsare the most frequent meetings that can be
organized and conducted many times during the course of the
project implementation process. Regular (daily, weekly, monthly)
meetings are scheduled and itemized in the communication
management plan.
Change Control Meetingsare organized by a change control board
and intended for reviewing change requests. The board makes
decisions about approving all the changes occurred and
communicating with stakeholders for information and follow-up
Status Review Meetingsare organized on a regular basis to
exchange and analyze information on current progress of the project
and its performance. During such a meeting, the project manager
distributes performance reports among the participants to allow the
team and stakeholders to gain visibility into current performance

Managing a Project Meeting

Itis important for the team to get together

periodically to make decisions. You may facilitate
meetings that involve people who do not report to you
or who have higher positions in the company than you
do. They may want to take over the meetings.
Establish clear procedures at the beginning. Let people
know that although you will be chairing the meetings,
they will be making the decisions. Your role is to help
the group make good decisions.

How to keep meetings on track

Use technologyto facilitate your meetings.

Plan meetings in detail.Ask the team members for items or
Establish the purpose and objectives.Every meeting needs a
purpose, something to be accomplished. Objectives are specific
results that provide measures for success.
Circulate the agenda in advance.Include any information that
needs to be reviewed ahead of time for discussion and decision
making. Construct the agenda and times to achieve the desired
Stick to the agenda.Review the meeting purpose and objectives.
Follow the times you have assigned. If it looks as if an item will
require additional discussion, ask the group if they want to extend
the discussion and which agenda item should receive less time.

How to keep meetings on

Assign roles.Most meetings need someone to facilitate the
meeting, someone to document the meeting and/or write on the
flip chart, and someone to monitor time.
Start and end on time.If someone is late for a meeting, begin
without him or her. Dont punish the people who come on time.
Record brainstorming items or other important
information on a flip chartto keep ideas in front of people and
to stimulate discussion. Transcribe these notes as part of the
minutes as necessary.
Ask each person to speak in turn.This helps keep the
discussions orderly and ensures that everyones ideas are heard.
Keep the group focusedon the purpose, objectives, and

How to keep meetings on

Recap the meeting.At the end of the meeting, review the decisions,
accomplishments, and action plan to make sure every decision will be carried out by a
particular person within a particular timeframe.
Provide meeting documentationto participantsas soon as possible after the
Meeting Documentation
Taking the minutes at the meetings of the project team often falls to the administrative
professional. Meeting documentation should be brief and to the point. In most cases
there is no need to keep details of all of the discussions. Record the decisions that the
group makes and an action plan of what will be done by whom, and when and how
these activities will be measured. If the group generates a list of ideas, record them for
future reference. Circulate the document immediately. Add new tasks to the master
Meeting Dynamics
Meetings include many complex interactions. Some of them are predictable. Try to
anticipate these interactions and deal with them as they occur. These are often referred
to as team, group or meeting dynamics. Some of these are related to the task and some
to the personalities.

How to keep meetings on track

Basic Guidelines
Set ground rules.The team should establish a code of conduct at the
firstmeeting and post it at each meeting.
Model the behavior you want.Use active, assertivecommunicationto
presentyour expectations to the group.
Keep meetings focusedon the purpose, objectives, and agenda.
Encourage full participation.Establish the habit of going around the group
andasking each person for input on every question in turn. Discourage people
fromspeaking out of turn.
Focus on facts.Ask each person to back his or her opinions with facts. Keep
thegroup focused on making good, fact-based decisions.
Seek alternatives.For each agenda item, review the available information
andask each person for his or her opinion, input, ideas, interpretation, or
foralternative solutions.
Share your point of view.After the team members have shared their
opinionsand facts, share your own. Its important for people to know where you

How to keep meetings on track

Share your point of view.After the team members

have shared their opinionsand facts, share your own.
Its important for people to know where you stand.
Clarify issues.When confusion, misunderstanding, or
serious disagreementsoccur, ask everyone to clarify and
ask questions yourself for clarification.
Analyze objectively.In proposing solutions and
choosing among alternatives, askthe group to be as
objective as possible.
Discuss consequences.Ask everyone to discuss the
consequences of anypotential decisions. Focus on
people and situations. Discuss positives andnegatives
and try to weigh likely outcomes.

How to keep meetings on track

Summarize the discussion.Pull together all of the
information and ideas thathave been shared and suggest
the emerging solution.
Seek consensus.Continue the discussion until the group
agrees on the nextaction step. In consensus, they may
not like the conclusion but agree that they canlive with
it. It is very important to create a win-win environment
and avoid thewin-lose consequences of a vote.
Evaluate the meeting.At the end of the meeting,
reserve a few minutes in theagenda for the group to
evaluate what has transpired. This is not a time to rehash
thediscussions, but to share feelings and ideas about how
efficient and effective themeeting was and how it could
be improved next time.

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