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The Celts: The beginning

Iron Age/Migration of Celts

The Iron Age

Prehistory : The time before written records were kept.
BC Before the Birth of Christ

The three-age system of Prehistory:The Stone Age,The Bronze and

The Iron Age
Why do you think they were titled this way?
They were characterized by the metal/material they used most
during this time for the making of tools,weapons and cooking

Prehistory- History timeline

Sowhy do we know so much about the Celts

The Celts left no written account on how they lived or rules.
We know a good bit about their lifestyle from:
1. Archaelogical finds- Discovering objects from the Iron Age
showed us that the Celts were expert metal workers,fierce
warriors and knowledgable people
2. Greeks and Romans- Celts traded a lot and fought against the
Greeks and Romans.It is from scholars(Writers) of these
civilisations that we find out a lot of our info from

Celts description by Roman writer

The Celts were terrifying in appearance. They

are tall, with moist , white flesh, their hair is
blond. They wear amazing clothes :tunics dyed
in every colour. They are boasters and
threateners and yet are quick of mind.


Siculus (1 BC)

(Roman writer)

The Celts come to Ireland

Around 650 BC, the Celts began to control Europe.
From 500 BC onwards ,they began to migrate from central Europe all
over the Continent especially in:
The Celts were ruled by no King or Emperor.
The Celts,out of all the civilisations that settles in Ireland,it was the
Celts that had the greatest influence on us as a nation today.

Map of Celtic Migration

Although Celts did not leave written records of
how they lived,they did leave inscriptions on
standing stones,mostly to mark graves or places
of importance.
They had a basic alphabet called Ogham where
they cut a series of notches into the edge of a
standing stone


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