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Why to conserve WATER ?

Water scarcityis the lack of sufficient available water resources to meetwater needs
within a region. It affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at
least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking
Water scarcity involveswater shortage,water stressor deficits, andwater crisis.Water
shortagesmay be caused byclimate change, such as altered weather-patterns (including
droughtsorfloods), increasedpollution, and increased human demand and overuse ofwater
.The termwater crisislabels a situation where the availablepotable, unpolluted water
within a region is less than that region's demand.Two converging phenomena drive water
scarcity: growing freshwater use and depletion of usable freshwater resources
Many countries and governments aim to reduce water scarcity. TheUNrecognizes the
importance of reducing the number of people without sustainable access toclean water

Water Conservation
Water conservationencompasses the policies, strategies and
activities made to managefresh wateras a sustainable resource, to
protect the water environment, and to meet current and future human
demand. Population, household size, and growth and affluence all
affect how much water is used. Factors such asclimate changehave
increased pressures on natural water resources especially in
manufacturingand agriculturalirrigation.
The goals of water conservation efforts include:
Ensuring availability of water for future generations where the
withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem does not exceed its
natural replacement rate.
Energy conservationas water pumping, delivery and waste water
treatment facilities consume a significant amount of energy. In some

New Technologies To
Conserve Water

Roof top Rain water harvesting


Ferro-Cement Tanks


Joy Pumps


Rain Water Syringe


Water Wheel


Sprinkle Irrigation


Drip Irrigation

Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting

All of us who directly consume water are the most important

stakeholders in managing water. While many of us urbanites use or waste a lot of
water, we rarely make an effort to conserve it. Fortunately, the rooftop
rainwater harvesting method has provided a solution that can be practiced easily in
every household. It is a simple model where the roof acting as a catchment for rainfall,
which after flowing through a series of filters and pipes is stored in ground-level
containers for direct use or recharged into ground water.

Ferro-cement Tanks

This is a low cost alternative for expensive water harvesting containers

made of masonry, plastic and RCC. It has proved highly effective in high rainfall regions where large
amount of water need to stored in clean form. These tanks requiring materials like sand, cement,
mild steel bar and galvanized iron wire mesh, can be easily constructed by semi skilled labours. Its
light in weight and can be moulded into any shape required. It is believed to last for around 25 years
with little maintenance. It can be appropriate for use in Indian villages and disaster prone areas as
its fireproof and tough in build.

Joy Pumps

Ever imagined filling up an overhead tank by kids playing around? This

innovation was designed to mitigate water scarcity problems in villages with no clean surface water
source, no electricity and poor monetary capacity. Attached below a merry-go-round wheel or a seesaw, is an arrangement similar to a conventional hand pump. As children ride on these wheels,
groundwater is drawn and tank (around 8-10 meters above ground) is filled. It can also be used to
pump water from bore wells and large storage tankers. It can be installed even at far off places and
has easy maintenance. Its basically a community structure and can be set up in schools, parks,
villages and relief camps. It has been used in developing countries like India and Africa. Span pumps
pvt limited, a Pune based company is designing such pumps in India.

Water Syringe

Most of the open wells and tube wells in coastal areas contain salty water due to
seepage of sea water. Rainwater harvesting is a viable option for solving the issue of drinking water,
but construction of rainwater overhead tanks is unaffordable for marginal farmers. Antoji in Kerala
has innovated a cost effective method for harvesting rainwater in coastal areas. Rainwater is
collected from the roof tops of houses and stored in a pressure tank on the ground and with the help
of PVC pipes, water is lowered below sea level (16-24 feet). The water is retained in the underground
water column which is then harvested during summer by a simple piston pump or motor by
constructing a tube well in the vicinity. It has proved successful in diluting recharging ground water
in coastal areas of Kerela and Antoji has installed 150 tanks in different parts of Kerala.

Water Wheel

This innovation comes from a foreign visitor who was inspired by

women from villages of Rajasthan, who carried round earthen matkas on head for long
distances in hot weather. This resulted in wastage of water falling off from the matkas. This
invention has made carrying water not only an effortless but fun activity. It is a round wheel
shaped storage tanker with an attached handle on top to provide painless mobility. It has
already become popular in villages of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Designed to
reduce the drudgery and save time of working women, water wheel can store upto 10 to 50
litres of water in hygienic conditions. Its designed for lasting on rough terrains and made
from high quality plastic. Its affordable too costing around 2000 rupees.

Sprinkle irrigation

Irrigation sprinklersare sprinklers providingirrigationto

vegetation, or for recreation, as a cooling system, or for the control of airborne
dust. The sprinkler system irrigates the field and thus it is widely used in sandy
areas as it checks the wastage of water through seepage and evaporation.
Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying irrigation water which is similar to
natural rainfall. Water is distributed through a system of pipes usually by
pumping. It is then sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up
into small water drops which fall to the ground. The pump supply system,
sprinklers and operating conditions must be designed to enable a uniform

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation technology saves large amounts of water

while improving horticultural results. It places water directly on the soil, above the
feeder roots, instead of spraying it into the air or over the surface of the ground at
high pressures and volumes. Water applied by drip irrigation is less subject to wind,
runoff and evaporation. Drip irrigation can increase irrigation efficiency from 70
percent or even 50 percent to 95 percent.

Advantages of water
1. Easy to Maintain:Utilizing the water conservation techniques provides certain
advantages to the community. First of all, harvesting rainwater allows us to better utilize an
energy resource. It is important to do so since drinking water is not easily renewable and it
helps in reducing wastage.
2. Reducing Water Bills:Water collected from the water conservation techniques can be
put to use for several non-drinking functions as well. For many families and small
businesses, this leads to a large reduction in their utilities bill.
3. Suitable for Irrigation:As such, there is little requirement for building new infrastructure
for the rainwater harvesting system. Most rooftops act as a workable catchment area, which
can be linked to the harvesting system.
4. Reduces Demand on Ground Water:With increase in population, the demand for water
is also continuously increasing. The end result is that many residential colonies and
industries are extracting ground water to fulfill their daily demands.
5. Can be Used for Several Non-drinking Purposes: Water when collected can be used
for several non-drinking functions including flushing toilets, washing clothes, watering the
garden, washing cars etc.

Disadvantages of Water Conservation

Unpredictable Rainfall:Rainfall is hard to predict and sometimes little or no
rainfall can limit the supply of rainwater. It is not advisable to depend on
rainwater alone for all your water needs in areas where there is limited rainfall.
Initial High Cost:Depending on the systems size and technology level, a
rainwater harvesting system may cost anywhere between $200 to $2000 and
benefit from it cannot be derived until it is ready for use.
Regular Maintenance:These water conservation systems require regular
maintenance as they may get prone to rodents, mosquitoes, algae growth,
insects and lizards. They can become as breeding grounds for many animals if
they are not properly maintained.
Certain Roof Types may Seep Chemicals or Animal Droppings:Certain
types of roofs may seep chemicals, insects, dirt or animals droppings that can
harm plants if it is used for watering the plants.
Storage Limits:The collection and storage facilities may also impose some
kind of restrictions as to how much rainwater you can use. During the heavy

Presentation by: Pallavi

Moryani- 830


Ochani- 831


Pahuja- 832


Pamnani- 833


Panjwani- 834


Pohwani- 835


Purswani- 836


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