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Who is Google?
If you have a product that's really
gaining a lot of usage, then it's
probably a good idea.

I want to be looked back on as being

very innovative, very trusted and
ethical and ultimately making a big
difference in the world.

Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 19961

Dont be evil.

We just want to
have great people
working for us.

Title and content layout with list

Add your first bullet point here
Add your second bullet point here
Add your third bullet point here

The Company
Started by licensing its search engine to third party
sites eg. Yahoo!
In Dec. 1999, they started using the Paid Listings
Model Sponsored links that appeared either
adjacent to or interspersed with web search results
for specific keywords.
In March 2003, Google launched Contextual Paid

Company Structure
On August 10, 2015,
Google announced plans
to reorganize its various
interests as a holding
company, Alphabet Inc.,
with Google as its leading

Google: Corporate values

1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.

The interface is clear and simple.

Pages load instantly.
Placement in search results is never sold to anyone.
Advertising on the site must offer relevant content and not be a distraction.
2. It's best to do one thing really, really well.
Google does search.

Gmail, Google Desktop, and Google Maps => bring the power of search to previously
unexplored areas.

Google: Corporate values

3. Fast is better than slow.
* Google believes in instant gratification.
4. Democracy on the web works.
* PageRank evaluates all of the sites linking to a web page and assigns
them a value.
5. You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
* PDAs, wireless phones or automobiles.

Google: Corporate values

6. You can make money without doing evil.
* relevant ads
* non-manipulative ads
7. There's always more information out there.
* images, PDF files, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
* HTML for mobile phones.
8. The need for information crosses all borders.
*restrict results to pages written in more than 35 languages.
* translation feature.
* Google's interface can be customized into more than 100 languages.

Google: Corporate values

9. You can be serious without a suit.
* work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun.
* emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual accomplishments.
* ideas are traded, tested and put into practice.
* give the proper tools to a group of people who like to make a difference,
and they will.
10. Great just isn't good enough.
* innovation and iteration.
* anticipate the needs and meet them with products and services that set
new standards.

Marketing Asset Management Approach by Google

Minute Improvements in Web
Marketing program
Advertising managed like assets in a
portfolio depending on the market
Companies use real-time data
collected on their campaigns to
optimize the campaigns effectiveness
and be more responsive to the market.

Product Categories:
Desktop products (Google Earth,
Chrome, Youtube etc)
Mobile products include all Google
products available as moblie apps.
Web Products include advertsing(e.g.
AdWords, Doubleclick), communication
and publishing(e.g. Google Docs, Google
Calender), development(e.g. Android,
Google Code), mapping(e.g. Google Sky,
Google Maps), Search(e.g. Google
Dictionary), and statistics(e.g. Google
Trends. Google Analytics)

Innovation Process Any thoughts ?

The Innovation Process

Use Culture to generate as many ideas
as possible
Hire smart people of Non-traditional talent
Have a creative environment
Haven an outlet for ideas

Launch early and get user feedback to

develop further
Release 5 products and 2 of them will
really take off

Free Food!

Google Voice : A Beta Stage Product

Targeted Microsoft !!
In 2009 Google launched its firstever television commercial for
Google Chrome, an alternative to
Microsofts Internet Explorer Web

What is Google doing now ?? ...

Google's Target
To reach as many people as possible on the Web
whether by PC or by Phone.
The more user's on Web, the more advertising Google
can sell. (97% of Google's revenue through advertising)
Google aims to achieve this, by launching new
products and making Web a more personalized

"Being away from the action can be frustrating, but

from today you'll never have to miss another moment
with the launch of new cricket experiences on the
Google app."
- Sapna Chadha,Marketing Head, Google India

Now some questions regarding Google's story !

Q1.With a portfolio as diverse as Googles, what are the companys

core brand value?

Google co-founders
Larry Page and Sergey
Brin expressed
Googles core values
Dont Be Evil.

Despite criticism
Refuse to continue censoring
its Chinese search results.

Preferring to hire
PhDs and
Superstars for
throughout the

Innovation, is a
priority at Google.
All programmers,
use up to 20% of
their work time on
projects they
believe the company
would benefit from.

part of every

Q2.What is next for Google?

From space elevators, robots, to curing cancer: Google
works to make future generations brighter, healthier,
and more informed

After achieving Success from its start since last 15years.Google has been the
Undisputed King of the market beating all its competitors Yahoo which is rated
next to Google holds only 20% of the market share compared to Googles 63% in
US, which tends to increase the expectation from its users and Investors as a
result to be consistent and keep performing. Globally, Google leads with 89%
market share versus Yahoo!s 5% and MSNs 3% in 2009.

With Google Glass, you are able to view social media feeds,
text, Google Maps, as well as navigate with GPS and take
photos. You will also get the latest updates while you are on
Google Glass
the ground.

The Google driverless car is powered by artificial intelligence

that utilizes the input from the video cameras inside the car,
a sensor on the vehicles top, and some radar and position
sensors attached to different positions of the car. Sounds
like a lot of effort to mimic the human intelligence in a car,
Driverless Car
but so far the system has successfully driven 1609
kilometres without human commands!

Next Generation Project - ARA

Is it doing the right thing taking on Microsoft with the concept of cloud
computing, and Apple in the fight for Smart phones?

But is Google, only taking on Apple & Microsoft ?

NO !

Recap :
Google has become the market leader for search engines through its business focus and
constant innovation.
Googles advertising platform comprising of AdWords, Doubleclick and AdSense is the
major source of revenue for the company.
Marketing Asset Management Approach through products like Google Analytics.
Product development starts within labs ,which moves on to testing. Moves to beta status,
inviting users to test early prototypes.
Not spent a lot of money on traditional advertising.
Targeted Microsofts Cloud computing through Chrome and Apples iphone by Android.

Credits :

A Presentation by
ANMOL AGRAWAL , BIT Mesra (Ranchi)
during an intern by
Prof. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknow

Thank You !

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