Face Recoganization Report

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Face Recognition Systems


Overview: Face Biometrics

Facial recognition through the use of computer

analysis of facial structure.

Software measures a number of points of facial
characteristics such as eyes, nose, mouth, angles of
key features, and lengths of various portions.
Collected data is used to create a template through
a mathematical algorithm (Neural-Networks,
Eigenface) and the file is stored within the
File is compared to other files within the database
in search of an identity match.

Face Biometrics Continued

Face biometric systems employee the capturing of

facial pattern characteristics through the use of still

photography or video clips.
Pattern recognition software relies on:

Data collection raw data

Feature extraction eyes, nose, mouth, etc
Classification class the object is placed into (male or female,
skin tone, etc)


FAR ( False Acceptance Rating) the false

acceptance rating is the probability that the software

will incorrectly declare a successful match between
the input data against the database.
FRR (False Rejection Rating) the false rejection
rating is the probability that the software will declare
a failure to match the input data against the

Face Biometric Systems Project

The face biometric

systems project involved

the research and testing
of various facial
biometric softwares
based on criteria set by
the clients.
Two face biometric
softwares were chosen
and tested (Luxand
FaceSDK & VeriLook).

Software Comparison Table

Luxands FaceSDK 1.7

After extensive testing and researching the Face

Biometric Systems, we recommend purchasing

Luxands FaceSDK 1.7 software. It has the following

Easy to use
Ability to enroll all images
Matches work best at FAR of 50%, but produces matches at
FAR of 10%.
Works best for aging

*Free demo version used

Luxand FaceSDK Example

Enrolled into class

This 1979 image matched with 2007

2008 image with 51% similarity

Luxand FaceSDK Similarity Matrix

VeriLook 3.2
Designed for biometric system developers and

Allows for easy integration and rapid development of
biometric applications using functionality.
Can perform simultaneous multiple face detections
with the ability to process 100,000 faces per second
and it recommends the minimum image size to be
640x480 pixels .

Software works best

with high resolution
False Acceptance
Rating set for 100%
All images matched
100% against the same
image in the database.
The score of 180 is
interpreted as an exact
Free demo version

VeriLook Test Result

The results show that the

photo from 1969
matched a photo from
2008 with a similarity
score of 18 or 10%.
This result is comparable
with the FaceSDK age
identification test, where
the same image from
1969 matched the same
photo from 2008 with a
61.9% similarity rate.

VeriLook Aging Result

Software Comparison Test

Luxand FaceSDK - VeriLook

Tests were run using

both Luxand FaceSDK

1.7 and VeriLook using
the four photos seen
Similarity ratings varied
from one software to
the other.
Luxand FaceSDK
results provided more
results based on
Similarity Rating than
VeriLook .

Luxand VeriLook Comparison

VeriLook Identification and
Authentication Results

FaceSDK Identification and

Authentication Results

Luxand FaceSDK 1.7

works very well in identifying face similarity among people in a group

worked relatively well matching an image of the subject as a child

VeriLook 3.2

had more limitations than FaceSDK, it only accepted high-res images.

results for the similarity test were lower than the FaceSDK software

PDA Security

none of the software tested was suitable for PDA security use

Further Work

we recommend further work using 3-D face biometrics software and

scanners to find optimal solution for PDA security

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