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Ascenery wagon, also known as astage

wagon, is a mobileplatformthat is used to
support and transport movable, threedimensionaltheatrical sceneryon atheater
stage. In most cases, the scenery is
constructed on top of the wagon such that
the wagon, and the scenery it supports,
forms a single, integrated structure. Heavy
dutycastersare mounted to the underside
of the platform so that the entire assembly
can be quickly moved onstage or offstage,
so as to facilitate rapid scenery changes
during live productions. Scenery wagons are
built in a wide range of sizes, ranging from
less than one square foot up to the size of
the playing area of the stage.[1]

Scenery wagons comprise one of the

four methods used to move scenery
during the course of a theatre
performance, the other three being
"flying" (suspending) scenery from a
fly system, elevating or lowering
scenery on astage lift, or "running"
(manually carrying) the scenery.[2]


Aproperty, commonly shortened
toprop(plural:props), is an object used on
stage or on screen byactorsduring a
performanceorscreen production. In
practical terms, a prop is considered to be
anything movable or portable on a stage or
a set, distinct from the actors, scenery,
costumes and electrical equipment.
Consumable food items appearing in the
production are also considered properties. [1]



Stage Set piece

aset pieceis a scene or sequence of scenes whose
execution requires serious logistical planning and
considerable expenditure of money. The termset
pieceis often used more broadly to describe any
important dramatic or comedic highpoint in a film or
story, particularly those that provide some kind of
dramatic payoff, resolution, or transition. Thus the term
is often used to describe any scenes that are so
essential to a film that they cannot be edited out or
skipped in the shooting schedule without seriously
damaging the integrity of the finished product. Often,
screenplays are written around a list of such set pieces,
particularly in high-budget "event movies".

Set piece

Amaskis an object normally worn on the
face, typically for protection,disguise,
performance, orentertainment. Masks have
been used since antiquity for bothceremonial
andpracticalpurposes. They are usually
worn on the face, although they may also be
positioned for effect elsewhere on the
wearer's body. In parts ofAustralia, giant
totemmasks cover the body, whilst Inuit
women use finger masks during storytelling
and dancing.


Cosmetics, also known asmakeup, are care substances used to
enhance theappearanceorodorof
thehuman body. They are generally
mixtures ofchemical compounds,
some being derived from natural
sources (such as coconut oil) and
some being synthetics.


Costumeis the distinctive style of
dress of an individual or group that
reflects their class, gender,
profession, ethnicity, nationality,
activity or epoch.


Poster blurb
Brief advertisement or
announcement , especially a
laudatory one.

Poster blurb

Playbillis amonthlyU.S.magazinefortheatregoers.
Although there is asubscriptionissue available for
home delivery, most copies ofPlaybillare printed for
particular productions and distributed at the door. Each
issue featuresarticlesfocusing onartists, newplaysand
musicalsor specialattractions. This "wraparound" section is
the same for all Playbills at all venues each month. Within
this wraparound, thePlaybillcontains listings, photos and
biographies of thecast; biographies of authors, composers
and production staff; a list ofscenes, as songs and their
performers (for musicals); and a brief description of the
setting for the particular show. It also lists the number of
intermissions and information for the theatre housing the


Stage production
Theatrical productions or stage
production vary in many ways. They
can be anything from high school as
well as college productions,
community theatre productions to
summer stock and regional theatre
productions all the way to Broadway
and Kings Road productions. Today's
contemporary theatres produce a
variety of plays and musicals that

Stage production

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