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Kinds of Business


Name of Presenter
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Employment Letters
- are business letters that involve getting a
job or losing it. These include solicited and
unsolicited application letters, resignation
letter, termination letter, recommendation
letter, appointment letter, acceptance
letter, refusal letter, and referral letter.

Application Letter
- Written by job applicants, application letters
are solicited or unsolicited. Solicited
application letters are written in response
to classified advertisements of job
openings, whereas unsolicited application
letters are not. To write a solicited or
unsolicited application letter effectively, an
applicant must observe the ABCD of an
application letter, as follows:

A Attracting favorable attention

The first paragraph is the attention-getting
part of the body of the letter. To attract
favorable attention, the applicant writes
an introductory paragraph that has no
eyesores (grammatical, mechanical, and
other errors) and that is emphatic,
straightforward, and accurate. He informs
the employer about how he learned about
the job vacancy.

B Building interest and desire

The second paragraph is the interest-arousing
part of the body of the letter. The applicant
arouses the employees interest in him by
enumerating the characteristics that will
qualify him for the position. He refrains from
mentioning about his disqualifications
(underqualifications and overqualifications.)

C Convincing the employer

The third paragraph is the convincing part
of the body of the letter. Here, the
applicant convinces the employer by
enumerating all the other traits the former
possesses which set him apart from the
other applicants and make him win the
nod of the employer.

D Directing favorable action

The fourth paragraph is the actiondirecting part of the body of the letter.
The applicant mentions about his
availability for an oral interview and
qualifying examinations. He tells the
employer to contact him through the
telephone or the telegram

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