A Visual Dictionary Is A That Primarily Uses Pictures To Illustrate The Meaning of Words

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• A visual dictionary is a dictionary

that primarily uses pictures to illustrate
the meaning of words.

• As members of the Management Technology

Department at your local School, you will
have to solve some important issues on the
The Management Technology Department at the
school where you work has received a letter from

Task the school English Department asking for a

subscription to online visual dictionaries teachers
could use with their students.
Hold a debate with your partners discussing
different options. Finally, present your views to
your English Department Colleagues.

In Pair go through the different websites suggested in RESOURCES and think of the
dictionaries adaptability to the teachers demands.

Consider age group, English level, site navigability and design, etc.

In groups of four discuss your findings and shares each others views.

Considering that due to budget restrictions you can only pay for two subscriptions, take
a final decision

Write a REPORT to the head of the English Teaching Department assessing the different
websites and explaining your final decision.

• http://www.visuwords.com/
• http://www.urbandictionary.com/
• http://visual.merriam-webster.com/
• http://www.infovisual.info/
• http://www.visualthesaurus.com/
• http://www.pdictionary.com/
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Student provided many He/she showed some Student provided Student provided no
Contribut useful ideas for the effort trying to one to two ideas ideas and
-ions group. solve the task. for the group. showed little
Student always listened Student listened to, Sometimes the The student rarely
Working to, shared with, and shared with, and student listened listened to,
With supported the supported the to, shared with, shared with, and
Others efforts of the team. efforts of the and supported supported the
team most of the the efforts of the efforts of his/her
times team team

St. always had a St. had a neutral St. had a critical St. had a negative
Attitude positive attitude attitude about the attitude about the attitude about the
about the task. task. task. task.
Student’s report Student’s report Student’s report Student’s report did
Product completely fulfilled mostly fulfilled scarcely fulfilled not fulfill
requirements. requirements. requirements. requirements.

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development in ICT, make a comment
giving your opinion on this WEBQUEST

• How do you think the webquest could be improve ?

• Do you find the topic interesting?
• Had you ever thought of working with visual
dictionaries with your kids?
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