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Presentation on

Highway Engineering B
Title: Marshall Stability and flow Test
(ASTM D 1559)

Group Members:
Ariri Otegha Joseph
Agbainfo Yerin
Nathan Kombe
Emmanuel Esong Edet
Tina C.B Kaunda
Victoria Etim

Marshall mix design

Stability & flow Test





Calculation and graphs



Marshall Stability Test is the type of test that is used to measure the resistance to
plastic flow of cylindrical specimens of asphalt mixtures loaded on the lateral
surface using the Marshall apparatus.

Bituminous mixes (sometimes called asphalt mixes) are used in the surface layer
of road and Airfield pavements.

The design of asphalt paving mix (selecting and proportioning constituent


Hot mix asphalt (HMA) is one type of premix widely used in construction

Marshall testing device has to applied to a compression load on the circumference

of a cylindrical sample through semi-circuit heads.

Objective of mix design

To prepare a standard specimens of asphalt mix.

To identity factors which influence the asphalt mix


To determine the stability and flow of specimen using

the Marshall machine

Test Apparatus
Marshall Oven

Automatic compactor

Mold and baseplate

Testing machine

Water bath

The Marshall Stability and Flow test process is done in different stages namely;
preparation stage, mixing stage and compaction stage.
The Preparation Stage

The required samples of aggregates were washed over a 75m sieve and dried to a
constant weight at 105 C-110 C in an oven.

The aggregates were later separated into a desired coarse and fine fractions by dry
sieving with the same sieve sizes.

Approximately 1200gm of aggregates and filler were heated to a temperature of about

175 C.

The Mixing Stage

The bitumen was heated in a separate oven to a temperature not higher than the
required mixing temperature.

The mold cylinders and extension collars were heated at about 93 C-149 C.

About 0.1g mass of the binder was added to each standard aggregate blend

The hot bitumen were removed from its oven and was transferred into a mixing bowl
containing heated aggregates & the binder and were mixed thoroughly with the help of
a spatula (hand mix).

Then the mold was removed from the oven and a filter paper disk was placed in the
bottom of the mold.

All the mixed materials were transferred into the mold by spading the mixing with the
heated spatula 15 times round the perimeter and 10 times over the interior of
the mold and form the top of mixture into a dome.

Compaction Stage

Before compaction, a fitter paper was fitted at the bottom and top of the
sample in the mold before compacting.

It was then assembled in the Marshall Compaction Machine with the help of
the mold holder.

Then the machine was reset and 65 blows were applied to each side of the

Then, the collar, base and paper disk were removed and the sample was
extruded with an extruder and was allowed to cool in air as shown below.

This is the last stage of the Marshal mix design Test experiment. It is
conducted by compacting the mixture with the Marshal automatic compaction

Samples of test

% of asphalt Corrected Marshall stability




% of asphalt


Result and Discussion

Marshall Stability value is a measurement of the load which the sample totally
failed or yield.

It indicates the resistance of mix to deformation. Higher stability means mixtures

are stiffer.

Since this load applied to the sample is only around 3.10kg, 4.12kg, 4.93kg,
5.28kg and 4.64kg. It is considered that this bitumen hot mixed asphalt is not
that strong

From the graph, the flow is 3.5mm which within the volume range of 2 4, as
required, this result obtain is assume acceptable.

The high flow value is considered too plastic and have tendency to destroy easily
under traffic load.


Note that mixes with very low flow values and abnormal high Marshall Stability, it is
considered too brittle and rigid pavement.

Whereas, the low stability and high flow value is considered that the mixture tend to rut
and deform under a load.

As the result obtain have a low stability and moderate flow, it may conclude this sample in
the second category stated

The factors that influence the mix design are the compaction temperature, the moisture
content of the mixture, proportional of aggregate size and bitumen percentage, the
workmanship of asphalt mixing and the compaction method.

The required stability is 8kN and flow value is within 2 4mm. The stability and flow of
specimen are 5.3kN and 3.5mm.

This result indicate a low stability and moderate flow, therefore, it we may conclude that
this sample in the second category.

British Standard Methods of four determination of
California Bearing Ratio (CBR). BS1377: Part 4: 1990.
Paul H. Wright and Karen K. Dixon (2003). Highway
Engineering. 7th edition
John willy & sons, Inc. united states.

The End



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