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The generic structure of narrative

text below :
Social functio n :
To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in
defference way ;
Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning
point of some kind,
Which in turn finds a
Structure :
* Orientation : set the scene and introduces the
* Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate
the plight.
* Complication : a crisis
arises .
* Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better
or for worse.
* Re-orientation :
Example : A father had a family of sons who were always
fighting . He had no luck
trying to stop an arguments with
words , so he decided to teach them
He told his sons to bring him a bunch of sticks . He took the
sticks and gave them to his eldest son and asked him to break
them . The eldest son tried with all his strength , but wasn ’ t
able to do it . The other sons tried and were also
unsuccessful .
The father said , “ My sons , if you are of one mind and unite
to assist each other . You
Will be like these sticks together ; but if you are divided
among yourseves . You will be broken as easily as a single
stick .
classification :
•Introducing the topic which will be reported by
explaining it class.
•Identification of for m, part or division, habitual and
Kind of this
the way writing can be found in writing or scientific
of life
report and research.
Example : A tornado is a powerful , twisting wind storm .
It is one of the most
destructive of all the storms that we
have on earth . A tornado is also
called is waterspout . A tornado is a
long cloud which comes down
from the sky . It is shaped like a
funnel and consist of wind which
whirls around and around extremely
fast . In fact , the wind can reach
C. Explanation
Function : processes involved in the formation or workings of natural
To explain the
or siciocultural
Structure :
•General Statement to position the reader.
•A sequenced explanation of why or how something
•Closing /conclusion
Example :
English as a Global
There is no doubt that English is the most widely spoken language in
the world today.
Indeed, some commentators believed that it is established as the global
language and that is unlikely to be replaced even if the USA loses its
place as the word’s leading economic power. But how has this situation
come about ?
UK aspeople point topower
a dominant four seasons. (general statement)
The UK was the dominant colonial power in 19th century and its
conguest of many
Parts of the world has seen it leaving its mark. Many colonial
territories, in a bid to be more like their sovereign
nation,eventually adopted English as a national English.
America as a dominat
The 20th century has seen the rise of America as a dominant economic
power. Juat as
the UK spread its influence through territorial conguest, the USA did
so through its
economic and cultural influence,via the media and multinational
(Explanation sequence)
This economic influence has coincided with the revolution in
So that millions of peple can access English and communicate through
English on
internet. (connector of cause and effect)
A Flexible Language
Some people argue that English is a flexible Language and
especially difficult to learn. This has helped to spread it even
English has become the global language, then, through a combination
of political
Historical and technological reason,.However, nobody can be sure if
it will always
retain its status. (relational process as conclusion)
Social Function :
To present (at least) two points of view about an issue.
Generic Structure :
•Issue :
- Statement
- Preview
•Arguments for an againts or statement of differing points of view.
- point
- Ellaboration
* Conclusion or Recommendation

Example : The implementation of capital punishment has remained a

controversy and invited two opposing parties to comment on. Some
people support the idea and
some are against it. (Issue Argument for)
Those who agree point out that the punishment will bring
a deterring effect to the criminals .( point )

The drug dealers , for instance , will have no more changes to

do their business if they are sentenced to death after the
court officially declares them quilty . This will
Put people in a careful consideration before attempting to
commit the similar crime . (elaboration)
Function : , listeners or viewers about events of the day which
To inform readers
are considered
newsworthy or important.
• Newsworthy: events : recount the event in summary form.
• Background events : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what
• Sources : comments by participants in,
witnesses to and authorities expert
Significant Language Features : on the event.
• Short, telegraphic information abut story captured in headline.
• Use of material processes to retell the event.
• Use projecting verbal prosess in sources stage.
• Focus in circumstance

SINGAPORE : A supervisor was jailed for two months for
repeatedly striking
His Indonesian maid on the head and back with a
television remote control
news reports said on Thursday .
Muhamad Shafiq Woon Abdullah admitted in Singapore court .
He physically abused the woman on several occasions between
June and October 2002 , The Straits Time said .
The magistrate ’ s court heard that Shafiq , 31 ; began
striking Winarti , 22 , about
a month after She started working for him.
He hit her on the head with the TV set ’ s remote control
because he was unhappy with her work . On one occasion , he
punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming .

S . S Dhillon , ShafiqLawyer , said his client had become mad

when he saw his daughter ’ s Face covered as she laid in bed .
. said his client thought the maid had put the child in
: Here is the nine o ’ clock news .
Last night thieves stole a painting from neighbour ‘ s
home . The painting , a sixteenth - century is said tobe
priceless , he could hear noises in the middle of the
night , but he paid no oattention . The security guard ,
Mr . syam couldn ’ t
phone the police because he was tied hand and foot . The
thieves managed
to get in and escape without setting off the security
alarm by cutting of the
electricity supply . This is for today . Than you for
being with us .
Recount is texts used for telling experience in the past time.
The travelling of
person , the history event in the past time. SPOOF is recount text
which is ended by the funny story
• Orientation : Whomever the characters are involved, When, and
• Events : Series of events (it contains what happen
to the characters.
• Twist : It contains unpredictable funny ending
of the story.

The social purpose of this type of text is entertaining readers

using twist
(unpredictable funny ending)
Spoof is a type of story which has a twist ( funny part in the
end of the story)
It containts an unpredictable event which make the story funny. The
character of twist in a funny story should be unpredictable and
funny. It consists
of the following element.
Example :(spoof) Fixing the
Once , there were two men walking home after a
halloweenparty . They decided to take a shortcut through
the cemetery just for laughs . Right in the
middle of the cemetrery they were startled by a tap - tap -
taping noise coming from the misty shadows .
Trembling with fear , they found an old man with a hammer
and chisel , chipping
Away at one of the headstones .
“ Holy cow , Mister ,” one of them said after
catching his breath ,” You scared
Us half to death , we thought you were a ghost ! What are
you doing working
Example recount)
Here : so (late at night ? ”
“ Those fools !” the old man grumble . “ They
Once I lived
misspelled in a !”dormitory with some Australian
my name
students . There were
about twenty of us on the same floor and there were
only two fridges
available . Our neighbours were so friendly , but
problems first emerged
when my Singaporean neighbour put her chopped garlic
in the fridge .
But the Aseans complained about the smelled like a
toilet ! At least ,
we decided to wrap garlic and pasta before placing
There are two kinds of exposition, namely ; Analytical and
Hartatory exposition
Analytical Exposition
The purpose : To persuade reader in order agree with writer
by giving an argumentation and analysis.
• Thesis Statement ( The first argument of writer )
• Arguments ( Argumentation and Reason )
• Reiteration ( Reargumentation )
This writing can be found into opinion column in mass

Example :
The reason why tea is so popular as a drink is
that , unlike soft drinks
For example , it contains a drug which stimulates
the nervous system .
The plant is a kind of bush , and tea is made from
the very young leaves of this plant . Tea , used
mainly as adrink and also as a kind of
medicine , was first known to have been drunk in AD
780 in China ,
but was probably common long before that
- Hortatory
To persuade reader or viewer toward something which should be agreed
or disagree.
• Thesis Statement ( giving statement)
• Arguments ( the writer reason )
• Recommendation ( suggestion or writer attitude toward the
The kind of this writing can be found into opinion column in
mass media:.
Example The Media : A Language Teacher
Ask people what they actually of the media and
immediately you ’ ll get
negative statement about the “ siily box ” or the “ rubbish
available , however , the media , including the radio is not
all bad . Infact ,
It would be fair to say that media could also help you
learn English.
Let ’ s begin with television . Most films and soap
operas which are shown on television are in English . These
are , ofcourse , subtitled . However , by listening carefully to
a film , you can pick up new vocabulary , listen to a variety
of accent or
Reinforce what you already know.
When it comes to things like international fashion ,
music and sport , most of
Social Function : To describe a particular person , place
or thing .
Structure :
•Identification : Identify phenomenon to be described
•Description : Describe parts, qualities, characteristics

Features :
1.Focus on specific participants
2.Use of attributive and identifying processes
3.Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups
4.Use of Simple Present Tense

: Singapore is a city but it is also a state . It
is a Republic . Along with
Indonesia ., Malaysia , Thailand , the Philippines and
Brunei , it belongs
to ASEAN . The Association of South - East Asean
Nations .
Like Indonesia , Singapore , is a country of
“ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ”
Chinese , Malays , Indians , and Eurasians make up its
citizents . Other
Asians , including Indonesians , Japanese , Philippines ,
Koreans , Thais
Review text : A text which is given value or critic to the event or
artwork to reader or
Listeners / listeners, example : film, show, books and goods/things.
Here is a movie on friendship you can watch with
your friends , entitled
“ S on of Rambow”. Rambow is the story of Will ( Bill
Milner ), the eldest
Son of a fartherless Plymouth – Brethren kids , listen to
the music or
wacth TV . That is until he crosses paths with the naughty
but lovable
boy , Lee Carter ( will Poulter ). When Will ’ s active
imagination is exposed
to its bombastic action , his world is changed forever . As
Will ’ s imagination
goes into overdrive , Son of Rambow features a perfectly -
realised 80 ’ s period
setting . It presents some nostalgic product placement ,
costumes and make - up
Some memory - music and some seriously mobile phones ,
several scenes of
Interactive animations .
An ode to friendship , childhood wonderment and the
magic of movies , Son
of Rambow is a beautiful , sentimental , heart warming ,
wholly original piece
of film - making and a joy to behold .
Friendship is predicted to be the most attention
Announcement ( pengumuman ) is something which expressed, written, or
printed to
make another one to know something occurred /happened or it will be
The things which is necessary paid attention in “ writing
announcement “ :
•The title or type of an event ( judul atau jenis peristiwa )
•Date or time ( tangggal atau waktu )
•place ( tempat dimana pengumuman tersebut dimuat)
•Contact person or address ( orang atau alamat yang dapat
dihubungi )
: Announcement
Owing to the bad weather , the vollyball match
between grade X – XI ,
originally scheduled for tomorrow , 25 th february ,
is now put off until
20 th May . The competition between grade XI – XII
will be held on 27 th
May . Final match will be held on 15 th and 16 th June .

Sport Committee

“ LETTER ” ( surat ) is a message which is written or printed on paper, usually

put into envelope
and sent to someone.

Form :
•Formal Letter : Application Letter for job and Letter
for Headmaster
•Informal Letter : Letter for brother or sister ( family ),
or close friend
Part of
Letter :
•Address from a sender letter ( without name ) which is on the right/the
right above
•Date, Month, year of letter writing which is written on the right or on
the left.
•Salutation ( salam pembuka )
•Body ( isi surat )
•Complimentary close ( salam penutup )
Example :( Informal
Jl . Ahmad Yani
Letter ) 24
1 th April 2010
Dear Eva and Ani ,
Just a lot to let you that we had a wonderful holiday
in Bali . It was really a great place . The people are
friendly , the food is great , and the weather was a lot
better than at home . Can You believe it ?
Most days were pretty lazy . I swam two or three
times a day , but my brother
Fachri just spent all his time lying on the beach with
his eyesLast Saturday I got on the bus and went to the
north end of the island . It was
quiterthere than here - very beautiful , but not tourists .
The next day we went across to the east coast . We saw
some of Ithelearn
old villages.
Baliness – I still can ’ t say much , but it was
fun to try . Fachri actually spoke it quite well , but he was
afraid to open his mouth , so I was the one who talked
to people .
Love to your parents . See you
soon , I hope .
Best wishes

Example : ( Formal Letter )
* Application Letter ( Surat
Lamaran Kerja )
Jln . H . Abdul Gani 35
Utama Oil 21 Februari 2010
Jln . Pratama
Raya 15
Sir ,
I would like to apply the job .
( Open / Kalimat Pembuka )
I graduated from Budi Luhur University , Banking
Financial Department .
I have ever worked at the bank for three years as
a teller .
( Content
I hope you can receive / isi )
my application , and
contact soon to interview .
( Closing / Penutup )

Mr . Anugrah
Advertisement ( iklan) is announce or promote generally/commonly
about a product
or service ( jasa ).
Advertisement media involve / include ads board or announcement
(billboard ), radio,
Television, newspaper, magazine, phamplet, etc.
Example VACAN CY
pt media supremo , publisher of the indonesian times , an english
language daily newspaper is urgenty looking for candidate for :
Qualification and skills required are :
• University graduate
• Marketing background preferred
• Ability to communicate in English both oral and written with
TOEFL score above 500
• Good computer skills ( word . Excel , powerpoint )
• Easy going , friendly personality , broadminded
• Attractive , neat and appearance
• Maximum 27 years old

Send application letter , CV , RECENT PHOTOGRAGH and copy of valid ID

card , diploma /
Certificate , TOEFL , score , to :
HRD The Indonesian Times , PO Box 10270

Brochure is a thin paper which fill information
about thing.
The purpose of brochure is to advertise or
. character
of brochure :
• Use Headlines , which consist of short and
simple sentences .
• Use kinds and measurement of letter , easy to
read it .
• To make sure reader to do something or to buy
certain product .
To describe a good side of product .
•: To put address or someone or the person who can
be called ‘ s . Most convenient Hotel
Our ideal location makes it a top choice for business
Comprehensive facilities covering private lounge and
impeccable guest rooms will leave you with little else
to desire .
If that ’ s not enough , our blend of prompt efficiency
and personalised
service will surely win you over .
It ’ s all here to enjoy like never before - all you have
to do is ask .

To make a reservation , please contact Diamond Hotel ,

Jakarta at ( 021 ) 9874432 or visit our website at
www .
Message ( pesan ) is an oral information or written which is
sent or stayed for someone
because the person who gives message can not speak directly
with him / her.
Hi , Rany . This is Riya . I ’ m sorry I can ’ t go with you
to the book store today .
I must pick up my mother at the airport .

Your best friend


Example :

Denis , now your Mother is visiting a sick friend in

the hospital .
Please , don ’ t forget to close our house fence .
Because our environment
Isn ’ t safe place .

Your Mom
Introducing : ( ungkapan
perkenalan )
There are two forms of Introducing :
Formal and Informal
Formal Respons
Expression : :
• Allow me to introduce • Nice to meet you / Nice to
myself see you
• My name ’ s Yulia • My name ’ s ………/
• Let ’ s me introduce myself I ’ m ………………….
I ’ m ……….. • How do you do ?
• How do you do ?
Informal Respons
• What ’ s your name ? • My name ’ s
• I ’ m ……….. What ’ s …………………
yours ? • I’m
• Hi ……….. / Hello …………………………….
………… .
• Hi ……………. /
Hello …….
Example : ( formal
Expression )
Lia : Hai, Rian
Rian : Hi, Lia.
Rian : I want to introduce my old
friend , Shinta .
Lia : Shinta. What a nice name ! How do
you do
Rian : How do you do ?
Example : Informal
Fiona : What ’ s your name ?
Leo : I ’ m ……….. What ’ s yours ?
Fiona : Nice to see you.
Fiona : My name ……………………
Asking for and giving advice : ( Meminta dan
Memberi Nasehat )
Asking for Advice :
* Do you think I
should .......................
* What do you think I should
do ?
Advice :
* You should save your money in a
bank .
* He think She ought to use her
Giving style .
Advice Firmly / memberi Nasehat dengan
sungguh - sungguh
•You ’ d better …………………………..
•I think you ’ d better ……………….
Giving Advice seriously
•My father advises me to study Mandarin well
•I ’ m strongly advise the children to be more
Respons For
- Thank you
- Thank for your
- A good ideal
- Yeah , You ’ re
right . Thanks
Example :
Alisya : Oh , My math test is very bad , I
just get 5 .
I ’ m afraid my father is angry
with me .

Rosa : There is a chance for you to

change your mark .
I think you ’ d better study
hard .
There are some expressing of
Surprise :
* What a surprise
* That ’ s a surprise
* That ’ s extraordinary
* Really / What ?
* Good heavens !
* My goodness
* Are you serious ?
* You must be joking !
* I don ’ t believe it !
* Fancy that !
Surprise :
•Iam very proud of you. You are the winner of the biggest
competition of this year.
•I feel proud of my sister. She is of the candidates in physics
Example .
Sonya : Why are you late ?
Tony : Well , there was a car accident on my
way here .
I needed a few time to bring
the victim to hospital .
Sonya : So , it means you helped the victim
didn ” t you ?
Tony : Yes , Madam .
Sonya : I am proud of your willingness to help
others .
But , please don ’ t be late next time .
Tony : Sure , Ma ’ am .
Express giving and asking
Example : for opinion
e for
Examples of Phamplet , Poster and
e. I

e 2

Picture 3
The following Expression of Asking Opinion and
Giving Opinion
Expression of Satisfaction and
Expression of
Expression of
Expression of Advice and

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