Abruptio Placentae - 1 Definition and Pathogenesis

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Deomampo, John Louis

Placental abruption
Separation of placenta from
its implantation site before
Either partially or totally

Latin: Abruptio placentae

rending asunder of the placenta
Denotes a sudden accident that
is a clinical characteristic in
most cases

Placental abruption
Premature separation of the normally
implanted placenta
Most descriptive
Excludes separation of a placenta previa
implanted over the internal cervical os

Local Vascular Injury

Hemorrhage into
the decidua basalis
Separation and
Compression of the
adjacent placenta

In early stages
may be no clinical
No further separation
discovered on examination of
freshly delivered placenta
circumscribed depression on
the maternal surface, few cm in
diameter, covered by dark
clotted blood
Age of retroplacental clot cannot
be determined exactly

Total vs Partial Placental abruption

Concealed vs. External hemorrhage
Concealed hemorrhage delayed diagnosis, more fetal and
maternal hazard, greater likelihood of consumptive coagulopathy

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